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Act I. INT. The Garden The garden is a large square, with the only features being an old shed that looks as if the wind could blow it over, a tree to the right of that and a deckchair in the centre with a side table to the right of the deck chair when facing out of the house. ESTABLISHING SHOT full body of a man holding a glass and taking a sip of his drink. CUT SHOT to the mans faces as he yelps and gets angry. CUT SHOT full body of the man as he kicks the table. He jumps up and down server times before going down onto one knee to hold his now injured leg. CUT SHOT close up of the mans face as he looks up at the table. CUT SHOT close up of the pliers on the table. CROSS DISSOLVE to the mans face as he gets an idea. Act II. ESTABLISHING SHOT mid shot of the man putting his tolls on the table. CUT SHOT close up of the mans hand as he picks between his dentist tools and the pliers. CUT SHOT fully body shot of him using the tool to try and pull his tooth out. As he attempts this, he heaves to much and hits his head on the table and falls over. FADE - full body shot of him sitting on the deck chair. He has a big sigh of distress. CUT SHOT close up of the mans face as he has another idea. FADE full body of the man tying string that is attached to his tooth, to the door. As he slams the door the string brakes. CUT SHOT full body of the side of the man as he stairs helplessly at the door. He turns towards the camera as he holds his head in a rage. CUT SHOT full body of the man as he turns and walks away from the shed. He trips and falls. CUT SHOT full body of him falling from the side and hits his head on the deckchair.

CUT SHOT mid shot of the mans upper half of his body as he holds his mouth. CUT SHOT- close up of the mans hand. A tooth is sat in the middle of his palm. CUT SHOT mid shot of the man as he celebrates that his tooth is out. He then yelps in pain. It was the wrong tooth. Act III. INT. Dentist Studio A small and bear studio with the chair in the middle of the room. FADE full body shot of him sitting in the chair.

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