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Nonlinear polarization-modedispersion in optical fibers with randomly varying birefringence

linear coefficient

l? K. A. Wai, W. L. Kath: C. R. Menyuk, D. Marmse, Department of Computer Science f and Electtical Engineering, University o Maryland- Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398 Random fluctuations in birefringence along an optical fiber result in polarization-mode dispersion, which degrades the transmission rate in both NRZ and soliton systems. Recently, we proposed two physical models to study the polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) when the axes of birefringence rotate randomly.I2 In the first model, we allow the birefringence orientation to vary randomly but keep the strength fixed; in t e second h model, we assume that the birefringence orientation and strength have a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution. We show that the coupled nonlinear Schrcldinger equation, which describes wave evolution over long lengths along a communication fiber, can be reduced to the Manakov equation with corrections due to linear and nonlinear PMD, i.e.,

Elimination of four-wave mixing in dispersion-shifted optical fibers by using midway optical phase conjugation in a semiconductor optical amplifier

nonlinear coefficients

h b r 43 Re

CMG4 Fig. 1 The variances of the averaged random Coefficients of the linear and nonlinear polarization-mode dispersion to the Manakov equation versus &-LE at large distance. The solid curve gives var[(l/z) $0 dz(S1 (SI))], the long-dashed curve gives var[(l/z) $0 dz(S: - 1/3)], and the dotted curve gives var[(l/z) fl dzRe(S3S6)]. variances are The normalized by the distance Z and the beat length L B .



where t = (U, V) is the electric field, b is the strength of randomly varying birefringence,

and N = (Nl, NJ where

N = S$(Zlq I

- lqZ)U- S&(ZlUr - 1q)V - &S6UZV* S p V W , (3a)

NZ= S,@lW - I q ) V + s3s6(zlq

- lW)U

+ s&vZu* s:uv*, +

The notation (U) represents the ensemble average o U and (N) f represents replacing the coefficients S,S, in N by their ensemble averages. The Coefficients (SI, S2, S3) and (S,, S5, s6) are Stokes parameters with different initial conditions. When the right-hand side equals zero, Eq. (1) is known as the Manakov equation. The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1)corresponds to the usual linear PMD that has been considered extensively by Poole and co-workers, by Curti and coworkers, and others3while the second term will lead to a nonlinear PMD, which to our knowledge, has not been previously discussed. The coefficients on the right-hand side of Eq. (1)have zero mean when averaged over the Poincad sphere and they change sign on a length scale given by the filer autocorrelation length h-, which is much shorter than the dispersion length scale. Physically, the pulse envelope only responds to the

cumulative effects of these rapidly varying coeffiaents. The relative strength o f the linear and nonlinear PMD depends on the strength of the birefringence b and the variances of the averaged random coefficients that appear in Eq. (2) (Sl and S,) and in Eq. (3) (Si, Sass, S&, Si, and Sf). In Fig. 1, we plot the variance of the averaged random coefficients versus & h r / L B at large distance. The solid curve gives varI(l/z) $0 dz(S1 - (SJ)l, the long-dashed curve gives var[(l/z) f i d z ( S : - 1/3)], and the dotted curve gives var[(l/z) fi dzRe(S,S6)]. The variance of (l/z) $0 dzS4(z) is also given by the solid line in Fig. 1, while the variances of the averaged nonlinear coefficients closely resemble those shown in Fig. 1. In a new type of communication fiber, linear polarization-mode dispersion is reduced by twisting the fibers during the drawing process. The twisting of the fibers decreases hnb, and hence linear PMD decreases. However, when h , e< LE,the contribution of nonlinear PMD, which is proportional to the nonlinear coefficients in Fig. 1 become more important. There is an optimal twist length at which the combined effect of linear and nonlinear polarization-mode dispersion is minimal. This work was supported by NSF and DOE. Numerical work was carried out at N E W and SDSC. EngineeringScience and Applied f Mathematics, McCormick School o Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208 1. C. R. Menyuk, P. K. A. Wai, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 11, 1288 (1994). 2. P. K. A. Wai, C. R. Menyuk, Opt. Lett. 119, 1517 (1994). 3. See C. D. Poole, J.H. Winters, J. A. Nagel, Opt. Lett. 16, 372 (1991);F . Curti, B. Daino, G. De Marchis, E Matera, J. Lightwave Technol. 8, 1.162( 9 0 ,and the references 19) therein.

Kikuchi, Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, BunkyeKu, Tokyo 113, Japan In the long-distance wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) optical communication system, the cruss t l generated from ak four-wave mixing (PWM) in optical fibers lmt the performance of the system, iis when channel wavelengths are set near the zero-dispersion wavelength of optical fibers. To cope with this problem, it was pointed out that midway optical phase conjugation could cancel such cross talk induced by FWM. the proposed sysIn tem,the FWM sidebands grown by Kerr nonlinearity of the first half of the fiber l n bring back their power to the origiik n l signal through Kerr nonlinearity of a the latter half of the fiber link. This process is possible owing to the time reversal nature of optical phase conjugation. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate that a midway optical phase conjugator using a semiconductor optical amplifier actually eliminates FWM sidebands from a dual-channel signal transmitted thmugh dispersion-shifted optical fibers. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. Two c signal lights, whose wavew lengths are A1 = 1555.1nm and Az = 1554.9 nm, are amplified by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), and are launched into the first half of the fiber link. We use a 20-km-long dispersion-shifted (DS) optical fiber, whose zero-dispersion wavelength is 1555 nm. The total transmitted power is 10 dBm. The FWM process significantly occurs in the 20-km DS fiber, because the phase-matching condition for FWM is satisfied near the zero-dispersion wavelength? The signal lights are then led to the optical phase conjugator (OPC). A semiconductor optical amplifier is used as third-order nonlinear (x) medium. The pump wavelength A,, is 1552.8 nm and the pump power injected to the amplifier is 3 dBm. The saturated amplifier gain is 7 dB in this case. The phase-conjugated replica is filtered out by a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of AA = 0.7 nm, and is amplified by adjustable EDFA gain G. The amplified signal travels the latter half of the fiber l n which is a IO-kmik long DS fiber having the zero-dispersion wavelength of 1553 nm. Figure 2 shows the optical spectrum just after optical phase conjugation. We find that the signal transmitted through the first half of the fiber link has two sidebands caused by PWM, and that the phase-conjugated replica is efficiently generated from the original signal. Figures 3(a) and (b)show optical spectra of the output from the latter half of the fiber l n . Figure 3(a) is measured ik when the EDFA gain G i small enough. s The phase-conjugated replica passes through the latter half without changing


DS Fiber 20 km




I/'?v............. :............. ..............

earity in the latter half of the fiber l n ik cancels the FWM sidebands in cooperation with the effect of the O X . In conclusion, we have experimentally shown that FWM sidebands can be eliminated by midway OPC. This scheme seems very attractive for the future dense WDM system, because it has potential for canceling the cross talk due to the crossphase modulation and the stimulated Raman scattering in addition to the FWM cross talk desaibed here. C. Lorattamsane, K. Kikuchi, in Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, Vol. 15,1995 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1995), paper CTuN3. K. Kikuchi, C. Lorattanasane, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 6, 992-994 (1994).
CMC6 11:45 am


..................... ..................... f OPC


DS Fiber

CMC5 Fig. 1 Experimental setup of the midway optical phase conjugation scheme

for eliminathg four-wave mixing sidebands.

WDM transmission system with four 2.5 Gbit/s channels spaced 2 nm apart. The amplifiers are spaced at 50-km intervals and compensate exactly for the fiber attenuation (0.25 dB/km) between them. SRSinduced power transfer between channels is numerically calculated using rate equations,' assuming typical S W gains in fiber! Our simulation includes the walk-off in the data timing between channels caused by first-order dispersion (16 ps/nm/km). Nonlinear effects other than SRS are neglected. Data consisting of NRZ 2' - 1 psuedorandom sequences (delayed between channels) are propagated through the system, and the Raman penalty is determined from the closure of the received eye-pattem for the most severely affected channel. MSSI is implemented in the simulation by simply

Wavelength [nm]

Fig. 2 Optical spectrum just after optical phase conjugation.

Reduction of Raman penalty in multiwavelength transmission using midspan spectral inversion

Wavelength [nm]

CMCS Fig. 3


Wavelength [nm]
Optical spectra of the output signal measured when the EDFA gain G is small enough (a), and G is optimized (b).Note that the FWM sidebands almost perfectly disappear in

its spectrum, and the FWM sidebands

still remain. This is because the Kerr ef-

fect in the 10-km fiber is negligible. On the other hand, when the EDFA gain G is adjusted at an optimum value, we can observe the spectrum shown in Fig. 3) where the FWM sidebands dis@, appear almost perfectly. The Kerr nonlin-

G. J. Pendock, J. R R Lacey, Photonics Research Laboratory, Australian Photonics Cooperative Research Center, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VlC. 3052, Australia Midspan spectral inversion (MSSI) has been used to compensate for first-order chromatic dispersion in optical fiier transmission systems.' MSSI, unlike other dispersion compensation schemes such as compensating fiber or Bragg gratings, can also reduce the effects of fiber nonlinearities.2 This is significant because nonlinearities may ultimately limit transmission capacity. MSSI has been shown experimentally to reduce self-phase modulation in single-wavelength transmission: and to reduce four-wave mixing in multiwavelength (WDM) transmission.' MSSI has also been shown numerically to reduce the effects of stimulated Raman scattering (SE) in single-wavelength soliton transmission: and has been proposed for reducing SRS in multiwavelength transmission systems! A reduction in Raman penalty would enable the potential transmission capacity of WDM systems to be increased by allowing higher powers to be transmitted! Here we numerically simulate Raman penalties in a WDM transmission system and confirm that MSSI can reduce these penalties. We consider an optically amplified


l D




Fig. 1 Eye-patterns (a) at the ik input to the transmission l n ,and after 2OOO-km transmission in l n s (b) ik without MSSI and (c) with MSSI.

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Fig.2 Ramanpenaltyasa function of transmission distance for transmission systems with and without MSSI .

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