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Issue 2, Summer 2011

The Sign Post

Set up road markers for yourself, make yourself signposts; consider well the highway the road by which you went (Jeremiah-31:21)

The Sign-Post is an expository news medium designed to explain, inform, describe and define topical issues and truths that are relevant to the community of believers we serve who share a common interest in using the Scriptures to unlock personal, social and global phenomena. We do not adhere to practices and modern protocol of main-stream media; neither do we limit ourselves by denominational coverings. Our hunger is for the living and active truth that set souls free. Having discovered that a relationship with God bears no resemblance with the religion built by men, we are compelled to live and love Him freely.

The New Universal Credit That Wont Work On November 11th 2010, the Coalition
Government introduced a legislation that will reform the system of welfare in Britain. In The White Paper, it is referred to as Universal Credit: welfare that works but it also goes by the name new universal credit (NUC). It is reported that its implementation will set out a new approach that will make work pay for those currently on benefits. In The White Paper it outlines: The need for change How universal credit will work How it will affect benefit recipients and Its broader impact Before we go any further we first need to remind ourselves of the meaning of credit. In financial terms, the word refers to: - an agreement between a buyer and a seller in which the buyer receives the good or service in advance and makes payment later, often over time and usually with interest. The scheme will integrate the six major existing benefits namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Income support Jobseekers allowance Employment & support allowance Housing benefits Working tax credit Child tax

While system of benefits is indeed a problem, we should bear in mind that: Welfare is a created problem It was always intended to ensnare the new universal credit is also a system of welfare with the same old side effects

The original intent of welfare is suspect to scrutiny depending on who writes our history books. However, one thing is certain and that is the evidence of many crooked people who have made the benefits system a generational career and the crooked governments that have allowed the holes to remain for the future dream of economic enslavement. Welfare has long become an idea that is sold to the native populace rather than an instrument that aims at supporting genuine needs that are obvious. That the public has bought the idea; they will now have to pay interest on it. Spheres of Global Influence Olympics, Olympians and the EU My Food, My Choice?

These six areas are divided into two categories; the first three prioritizes people with a basic minimum income when they do not have other resources. The second three provides a supplement to income that gets reduced as income increases. The New Universal credit will combine all the benefits within a common framework of regulation and rules. Those on benefits will see their allowances reduce as their income increases, and benefits increase should their income decrease. What the government does not say however, contd pg9 A Royal Wedding Behind the Veil of Mythology Soul Time

Other Articles in this issue:

From the Editor Light Shines in Darkness A Purse with Holes

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From the Editor

As Things Spring Forward
In the spring issue of the Sign Post we touched on several topics ranging from the unrest in the Middle East and its connection with Matthew 24:1-14, to the budget schemes of the Coalition Government and the introduction of the austerity measures (Comprehensive Spending Review) in the UK. In this summer issue we are going to continue rightly dividing Matthew 24 with predominant focus on verse 15 which reads So when you see standing in the Holy Place, the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel let the reader understandthen let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains The global powers of the air cannot operate without men on the ground freely giving of themselves in service to the plots, plans and schemes of the devil who strives on building systematic organizations that hoard the wealth of the nations and the talents of the people to later subdue and enslave them for global worship. Global organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union are now being looked at more closely and the holes in their systems are now becoming too big to ignore. The Bride of Christ is waking up to the reality that promises are only profitable to a life on the premise that they are fulfilled. Neither the UN Declaration the treaties of the EU, the constitution of the United States of America or the laws of the land of the United Kingdom have been immune to the Torah of the Kingdom of God. Throughout the history of humanity rival global bodies have been established to overthrow the people of God and His kingdom if it were possible. In the current age of earth our generation also have a global body in place with the same spiritual DNA of rebellion against God in favour of being gods of self-dominance through global governance. As we look into the EU and some of its founding principles maybe it will stir the reader to take a closer look at what the devil is cooking up for the world. The Sign Post is on assignment to provide a body of information that reveals spiritual realities through current affairs and global trends. As you read the articles in this summer issue please bear in mind that your response to issues raised in the articles written comes with a responsibility. Those who contribute to the content of TSP, are those whose hearts have turned to God for all things that pertains to life and Godliness. The church has picked up some bad habits from the world and these habits if not uprooted, plucked out, overthrown and destroy will be the very habits that gives us the title the flock doomed to slaughter Zechariah 11:4. No research is as powerful as a personal re-search. When we point out the signs it is your decision to follow them or detour on an alternative path. It is our hope that whatever you read here will be a sign for you to truly search out yourself first before carrying out any other research. In the event that you wish to learn more about the themes presented in this or any future articles then be encourage that you can by the power of the anointing and virtue in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have taken our research pattern from the book of Job chapter 28:9-11 which when rightly divided admonishes us on how to appropriate our probing into the Scriptures in six ways. It says: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mans hand assaults the flinty rock Lays bare the roots of the mountains He tunnels through the rock His eyes see all its treasures He searches the sources of the rivers Brings hidden things to light

Using this pattern as a research technique has rewarded our team with great revelation and practical insights into other topics relevant to the times of the bride. The times of borrowing words and passing them off as our own are over and now each individual must indeed work out his and hers salvation with God. The Bride of Christ carries the highest spiritual intelligence that surpasses the intellectual wiles of people still in the world. A spirit led search for truths in current affairs will yield many surprises along the way, be it in Scripture or information outside of it. The worldwide web can be daunting if one is not aware of the pattern they ought to be following to decipher the devils designs. The Lord is on the side of righteousness and we should be on His side. Take each article for what it truly is; a sign- and go back to Lord for greater clarity. Be of good courage and dont be discourage by what you didnt know before because God works for the good of those who love Him and if you love Him you will not fail to bear fruit even when there is a coming famine. The council of the Lord is all you need to cancel the long term plots of the devil pertaining to your life. God bless you.

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Spheres of Global Influence

In this article we will be exploring twelve identifiable spheres of cultural influence that shape and influence our lives. We will look at how the UK governments decision on policy is facilitating negative momentum affecting the immediate future of millions across the country - whilst investigating the function of the EU in dictating policies and laws that must be implemented by member states which are catalysts of the radical change in laws, policies and governance across Europe In 1975 three men were given visions to share with each other that would reclaim the seven mountains. The original idea was he who takes the seven mountains will take the harvest of nations. The seven mountains were easily identifiable through the first seven letters of the alphabet: ABCDEFGArts & Entertainment Business Church & Religion Distribution of Media Education Family Government spending time with the Lord was given a broader spectrum covering twelve spheres which ran parallel to the revelation of kingdom governance found throughout scripture; insight was based on the Lord God Almighty establishing Israel on 12 pillars the patriarchs and engrafting and establishing the church with the 12 apostles. The extended spheres of influence include; Youth, Health, Science & Technology, Food and Finance. It is these twelve identifiable spheres of cultural influence that the Sign Post will monitor and address and it is these that we are introducing to you in brief today. May the signs in life lead you to greater insight into the plans of God manifesting in the earth realm. universities. The whole system of education needs to change because there is a greater cost to attending university than the cost of tuition fees. The Lord has weighed western universities in the scale and have found them wanting. The minds of most undergraduates are being undermined by the emphasis placed on theoretical prerequisites that often does not reflect the reality of a practical society they will later graduate into and have no depth in experience or character to cope with. Gods ways are higher than our ways and likewise His thoughts. Britains descent into academic cold thinking and preconditioned mind-sets will give way when the Lord releases an academic standard in favour of the true renewal of the minds and transformation of society. fury that their policies will evoke in the nations people. The UK census, and the recent national poll (May 5th, 2011) to bring in an Alternative Vote (AV) system are all intricately woven together to create a tapestry of chaos that will see many throw in their will instead of fighting the EU and the celestial powers of darkness which motivates certain policies. Britain is only now beginning to smell the smoke before they feel the heat. That there is nothing conservative about the liberals and nothing liberal about conservatives expect the mixture of this hung parliament to tie ropes around the necks of the people and strangle their will. Through it all we must acknowledge the shaker as we gaze upon the shaking now upon the UK.

During the years that followed many subscribed to the seven mountains strategy and saw change take place. More recently in 2010 an individual applied by the government and universities allied to the schemes of their compatriots on the struggling students both home and overseas who already pay more than what is fair. Most English universities will go ahead and raise the annual tuition fees to the maximum level permitted by the state (9000) from September 2012. The students are being forced to borrow from the State at so called modest interest rates and repay when they are earning more than 21, 000. Britain like the rest of the borrowing world are not creating enough jobs for the thousands who are graduating each year; so the interest on these loans will begin to bite the more one is out of a Job. It is cheaper to do a masters than it is to do an undergraduate degree in 85% of English EU would have known about this merger from June 6th 2006. That the British populace is now aware of it four years and 11 months later, is a clear indication that its implementation is inevitable. As always the Sign Post is all about finding the source instead of depending on the media to tell the truth. If you visit their website: one will easily conclude that Britain would have had this information tucked under its political belt waiting for certain conditions before it revealed its plans to the public. 2010 saw a flurry of new things coming from the closets of government. The Coalition Government has to move fast and the speed by which they are working to implement new laws, rules and regulations are set to deliberately bypass the obvious

Education: money over mind

Tuition fees are soaring and many are

at lost as to what they can do about it. The student riots of 2010 did not abate the mounting financial pressure being

Government: tapestry of chaos

On the 2, May, 2011, it was revealed that the European Union [EU] have been planning to merge Southern England with northern France to create a new territory called Arc- Manche. One needs to understand that all the countries who are a part of the

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Food: whats that youre eating

There is a distinct difference between diversity and mixture. Diversity retains individuality but mixture seeks unidentifiable blend. In October

Supermarkets like Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and co who vowed not to sell clone meat. This is a lie because if they are selling other genetically modified dry goods and vegetables then its inevitable to sell GM meats which they have been doing for years! As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. The body of Christ will return to the garden and produce what is wholesome. God will bless what He has ordained and curse that which He has not. The lies of supermarkets, EU, UK and the media will provoke people to truly support food that is garden grown and organic. Remember, people who pray dont panic. The state illegally and politically ceased parental control over the youths of this country and it is the responsibility of parents and the church to wrestle the youths from their stronghold. The command to train the child in the way it should grow so when he grows old he will not depart from it was not given to the government; so that the government is playing this role and badly so; means that the church has disobeyed the commandment. We are losing the youths to drugs, sex and social deviance en route to a dead end. Try as they may the government will fail the youths of any nation. The youths are the future and a great threat to the powers of the air. Therefore if we juxtapose the trends of education, and art & entertainment alongside some shrewd financial especially those in the west. Only few have clocked on to the reality that our behaviour is consistently being studied to create a tailor made response to goods and services being produced not because we need them but because the powers behind the hypes of these goods and services have an insatiable desire to have a world without borders, privacy and the ability to make decisions without technological stimuli and state interference. In other words, consumers are being customized without them even knowing it. By creating an illusion that media and entertainment is all about you and making your life more manageable and flexible without limits you are fast becoming a spin puppet where your behaviour, taste and talent are woven into a web of deception for

2010, the genetically modified potatoes referred to as purple majesty hit the UK supermarkets. For the most part all hailed its nutritional value and vibrant purple colour. It was then quite ironic that when the European Commission announced that it would no longer be illegal in the UK to sell clone milk and meat without any labels or need for approval (March, 2011) there was an outcry. Many missed the subtle clue from the EU that would have us know that clone meat and milk has been around for a long time and a regular part of our diets that we were not aware of until now. More ironic is the vow of incentives to work we will see the web that is being woven to ensnare the spirit, soul and body of these youths. The Lord is releasing strategies to those whose hearts are truly drawn towards the youth culture in the UK. There is no more time to quote statistics we must move as the Holy Spirit leads if we are to counter attack the plans of the enemy that is seeking to wipe out an entire generation of youths. Parents in church with their children outside of it need to wake up, and mobilize the resources of the Spirit of God with the external resources of the land and form a coalition with the Kingdom of heaven to totally overthrow the stronghold over this generation. Change starts in your own house. The time for these youths to be saved is now! you to end up as a new world server: with the preferred outcome of you receiving the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation. Entertainers from music to Hollywood who have sold their souls for a piece of fame are in tireless pursuit for content that seeks control of the spirit, soul and body of man. The addition to fiction and the promotion of self; have also crept into the church giving believers a licence to indulge in immorality. Now, when there is a shaking in the heavens there will also be a shaking on the earth. The super-stars in the heavenly places are about to fall and their corresponding superstars on the ground will also fall in death, debt and demise. God cannot be mocked- He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.

Youths: they are the main target

With a budget cut of 3billion, the criminal Justice system will see crime soar with little restraint offered by the police force. The death tolls of youth in prisons are soaring because of suicides.

Media & Entertainment: the battle for the youniverse

The industry of media, art and entertainment would have many think that because of the vast output of information, globalization and technological options available to the masses that such phenomena reflects the insatiable appetite of consumers,

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Business: the rise of the character industry

Businesses are set to rise or fall in terms of practice, projections and prejudices be they good or evil. With new EU rules, government regulations and financial restrictions many businesses

will fall short of money, and methods to grow their vision. The Coalition Government in Britain under the directives of the EU and the banks have tightened the rope around the necks of many would be entrepreneurs. However, one of the hurting symptoms of pride is blindness. Multi-national corporations have enjoyed unequal success and have through political sway stifled with their influence businesses that by practice would expose the illegal craft employed in their business success. For the most part, the Lord has allowed these business to grow in the power of their pride because He is about to contract it. Remember that it is the Lord who gives man the ability to produce strongholds that manifests in sexual and physical abuse creating offspring in ungodly practices and social lifestyles are indicative of the spiritual breakdown of families. The adversary of the governance of God attacks everything that God has made so that men would have their minds full of self and self-depreciating practices and then blame God for the devastating results. The high rates of divorce, abortions, homosexuality, STDs, adultery which often leads to single parenthood and other sexually deviant practices coupled with the low rates of marriages, moral and spiritual irresponsibility creates an indelible blend for the destruction of families. Having violated the covenants God warned were not to be breeched we are now witnessing a global famine of showing reverence to the gods. according to Cicero, derived from relegare "go through again, read again," from re"again" + legere "read" However, popular etymology among the later ancients (and many modern writers) connects it with religare "to bind fast" via notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." Another possible origin is religiens "careful," opposite of negligens. Meaning "particular system of faith" is recorded from c.1300. Regardless of the many meanings of this word the truth of the matter is that you dont ever have to step foot in a church, mosque, temple or synagogue to be religious and this is where the problem lies in arguments for or against religion. The Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God does not adhere to the practices,

wealth. What we are now going to witness in this generation is the rise and dominion of the best and final industry humanity has ever known and that is the Character Industry. This industry will be a sign that will make multi-nationals wonder about in a daze as they witness great losses and mega fortunes transferred to those anointed and appointed for businesses designed upon the character of Christ. It is an industry that have always triumph over rival pseudo- industries that have advertise themselves as experts in the field of character management. The social change we are seeking in every community will be realized when we allow the light of truth to focus its lens on our character. healthy families. The Church family have even greater casualties than we would dare to admit. Familiarities are bound to cause contempt and as the stench of murders from [youth crime, suicides, abortion, drugs, sexual abuse, molestation, socially deviant media content like pornography which increases the growth of paedophiles and sexual mal-practice] causing those attending organized church to either ditch the faith or finally go in search of the kingdom. The family of faith carries within itself the Spirit of healing that can put back together what poor individual choices and the antics of the unseen forces have done to keep the God given institution of family broken and destitute through love, forgiveness and repentance. principles or definitions ascribed to the word religion. Have you ever asked the question: who coined the word religion anyway? Advocates for or against religion often ignore the evidence that Jesus did not come to build a system but to established His kingdom. God said He would build His church [i.e. human temple] that the gates of hell could not prevailed against. To that church [human temple] He said seek first the kingdom [kings domain] and its righteousness and everythng will be added to you. The enemy of religion and those who carry the religious spirit is a church [human temple] filled with faith in the living God and follow the tenets of His kingdom which lies within the heart. Let faith arise and every religious spirit scatter.

Family: from famine of families to families of faith

In the beginning, God created and everything that He created was good. He created family and that was very good. The struggles we see in every society today is a struggle not of social class but a struggle of family. The growing tsunami of demonic

Religion: let it die and see faith arise

The etymology of the word religion from (c.1200) denotes a meaning of a state of life that is devoted to monastic life, also a conduct that indicates a belief in a divine power. The Latin renders a meaning of respects for things most sacred and

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Page 6 a release of mystery diseases no one will be able to heal save the Spirit of God. Even the deliberate engineering of lab diseases will yield devastating results for those who crafted them. The Bible has taught us to do unto others as we would have them do to us. Authentic gifts of healing will be pursued as hospitals become overwhelmed with what their medicines cannot cure. Science will once again have to bend its knees at the altar of faith and work with Jehovah Rahpa. Media will have no choice but focus its lens on healing revivals taking place all over the world. The first word in health is heal and healing is not confined to just the body and the food we eat though our eating habits affects physical wholenessof the state and the state wishes for an oligarchy [ruler of many people by few men] and their central power is in the centralization of finance. There was a time when the paper in your bank account or pocket promised to give you back the gold that the bank was designed to keep for you and return once you showed them your promissory note. Now we have a lot of paper and the gold is nowhere to be seen. The science of money is spiritual and the sooner we wake up the better it will be for us. The banks are the foundation stones of the United Nations and the European Union and so conscience is not the motive of these global super economic houses but hording in one place the resources of people and land under a central control. Hedge funds, mortgages, loans and the not steal any glory from God but rather amplifies His genius. The devil cannot create anything- he can only manipulate by copying aspects of the original. Modern technology and scientific experiments even when used for debased human purpose deprived of Godly reasons is fast revealing that we are not alone in contending for our lives and the lives of others. The consistent outpouring of the latest gadget is stealing soul time from many creating an avatar reality where people dwell in a dreamlike state. It is not new for it is written in the Word of God that men have always from creation wanted to create an alternate reality to the one the Lord laid out for them. Though the internet, mobile devices, games and Health comprises the healing that takes place in our spirit and our souls. Modern medicine focuses on the physical body but the body is not the person and the wholesome body deprived of spiritual and intellectual wholeness as designed by God is simply a body fit for hell. Beneath the make-ups and the mask of cosmetics lies the soul that Jesus came to save. Before Jesus went around healing the people He first preached the Gospel of the kingdom repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Watch for fresh revelatory insights into the nature of true kingdom health and the healing that comes to those who return their spirit, soul and body to the healer.

Health: the message of the kingdom will be the medicine

Our father is not called the Jehovah Rapha [the Lord who heals] for nothing. The chemicals that are being used in food and on farms, the rise of genetically modified goods, clone meat and the hording of the earths resources will see a release of diseases no one

Finance: the woe is not coming, it is here.

The intricate complexities surrounding the idea of money is enough to know that something is grossly wrong with the idea that has become an ideal in our human society. The main objective of money was to turn people away from the economics of God to the economics

many complex and often foolish jargons of the financial industry will meet a common ruin. The world will awaken to the fulfilment of Habakkuk 2:6-7 woe to him who piles up stolen goods, and makes himself wealthy by extortion how long must this go on? Will not your debtors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their victim. The gold and the silver belongs to the Lord alongside the heart of the king and He will turn it whichever way He pleases. The great wealth transfer will not come to those who have not been trained by the Holy Spirit. The world will become cashless but it wont become gold-less and therein lies a mystery.

Sci- technology: where we stop God begings

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology-- Carl Sagan. Human civilization have had many significant discoveries aided by technological advances of the age most of which does

home entertainment have become the new foster parents of many western youths and sleeping partners to many adults. These inventions are not the root cause of the rise in social schizophrenia. Our problem is as it was in the beginning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the knowledge of the good of these inventions is also what masks the evil for which many of them will be used to attain demonic global order. The UK is ahead of the rest of the world in keeping its eyes on every movement one makes within its borders by perfecting its CCTV intervention surveillance schemes. But all things work for the good of those who love the Lord.

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He Who Finds a Wife Finds What Is Good and Receives Favour from the Lord
A royal wedding is not just the
pomp and pageantry of the royals, it is a deliberate orchestration by God, whose wedding will be seen in all the earth and by all the host of heaven and the celebration of it will last for a thousand years! The eyes of the world will be on this couple having tied a royal knot on the 29th of April and the church is encouraged to pray because a covenant is being established and it will be tested. The tragedy of Diana and the remarrying of Prince Charles to his long-time lover Camilla put a chink in the armour of the monarchy. However, while the death of Diana still remains a rude touch on the tender parts of those who esteemed her as the peoples princess, the joining of William and Kate may balm those wounds. We yet again have to turn to the book of truth wherein it is written that he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from the Lord Proverbs 18:22. Of all the beautiful and intelligent girls who attended St Andrews at the time when William was there, Kate Middleton was the one he found most special. For something to be found it had to either been hidden, lost or stolen. Note that God did not say she who finds a husband finds a good thing Adam awoke from sleep and found Eve at his side. He later announced his awareness that she was taken from man and named her woman symbolic of the soul being taken out of the spirit as the bride was taken out of Christ when he died. The Lord opened the eyes of the heart of William to see Kate differently from any other young lady. The difference between William and Kates marriage to Charles and Diana, is that Charles didnt find Diana, but rather that the marriage was arranged by man. When the man finds the woman it is a discovery that takes place in his spirit. for this couple and especially for Kate. Williams life has always been under spotlight but for Kate the experience will be new and we cannot become spectators watching to see what will happen or how she will handle it; we need to pray that the Lord protects her heart and her mind and teach her Himself how to handle her call for such a time as this. I believe intercessors are already in place to watch out for her in the spirit but one concentrated prayer from you could storm the plans of the enemy. Their marriage is a strategic move of God and the hordes of hell will also make a strategic move to try and block the assignment even if they dont know what the assignment really is. The world will go on as usual but the heavens are ever on the move. When we sleep he wreaks the most havoc but when we are alert he trembles with fear. Like Kate the Bride of Christ will also arise and she too will carry the mantle of the Proverbs 31 wife. Jesus found us when we were not looking and His desire for us cost His life. Such love remains a mystery and while He eagerly anticipates His own royal wedding day the longing in the heart of His bride is set on Him getting honour at the city gates of the entire universe. Marriages are precious in the sight of the Lord. Adam didnt tell God he wanted a wife but the Lord made him a partner to suit the redemptive law of unity that governs the spirit, soul and body of those made in the image and likeness of God. The revelation of marriage is that it is the shadow of the redemptive story of God uniting humanity back to Himself. Selah

Women who go around trying to find husbands will find him in flesh only but not in spirit and that marriage will not last, likewise men. Diana had multiple relationships trying to be found but it was a search that ended in tragedy. Whether we like it or not Charles found Camilla and that is why he could not honour the alliance between him and Diana and Camilla with her husband because their hearts were already in covenant with each other. Kate was hidden, like Ester was among all the women selected for preparation to become the queen of the King. Ruth was also destined to become one associated with royalty likewise the prostitute Rahab. This is not about the physical background of this young lady it is about what God is about to do with this generation of marriages and the end of the covenants of flesh in favour of the covenants made in spirit. It is written that the Lord will have compassion on who He wants to have compassion and mercy on who He wants to have mercy on. His favour have chosen Kate Middleton for such a time as this and her favour will follow William and he will do things not to please his lineage but to please his wife. Adam knew that the fruit Eve stretch her hands and gave him to eat was the fruit God had forbid him directly from eating. He ate it anyway and then said when confronted by God that it is the woman you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate Genesis 3:12. A great responsibility now rests on the shoulders of Kate and the devil is not going to rest but apply pressure through the media as they did with Diana. How effective were the prayers of the Church in Dianas day is the guess of anyone but the true Bride of Christ will pray

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The Light Shines in Darkness and the Darkness did not understand it. Of John the Baptist, John the beloved
recalls that there came a man sent from God, whose name was John, He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light, which coming into the world enlightens every man John 1:6-9. When Barack Obama became president of the United States, a deep cord was struck into the innermost being of Afro-centric communities around the world and the Caucasian masses coupled with a deeper echo in the colour themed churches. Change was the mantra chanted in the campaigns leading up to the historic occasion but as a student of Scripture I hurried to find the season and the interpretation of our times. After the excitement settled- the man, his political motives and spiritual motivation were put to the test as he took on the secret assets and liabilities associated with the White House. Those from the afrocentric communities who saw Obama as their saviour were rudely awaken as the months swiftly passed by and the hope for change turned sour in the stomach of his believers who found America rapidly becoming a harsh economic platform with much talk and little change. The elections in America were not about politics but a spiritual response from God to show that He is now going to confront the spirit of leprosy first in the Church and then in the world. It was a spiritual election and a selection that points to a more profound discourse of the things the Lord is about to display about the Light that shines in darkness that the darkness is still yet to understand. Rather than looking at Obama as a man who is mixed race we need to look with more spiritual intelligence to the prophetic picture of mixed light. There is only one Barak named in the Bible and he was chosen by God during the days of the Deborah the judge, to lead an army of 10, 000 men against the army of Jabin of Hazor, king of Canaan. The battle took place gain or benefit. Sarah Palin is a woman to watch because there is more than charisma playing out in the Tea Party Movement. Again we must pay attention to the choice of birth names. Sarah as the wife of Abraham name means to rule, reign, be princely and govern and is a name given from ancient times to royal ladies of the court. As mentioned in the prophetic forecast, from 2009 onwards marked the years of the women. There are two major things that God is doing in the office of the White House with Barak Obama as president. Firstly He is addressing the internal darkness masked by the external white while at the same time revealing the internal light masked by the external darkness. Such radical exposure will strike the world to a greater degree than it did when Obama became president. The church will go through a cleansing of both pride and prejudice. In the 13th and 14th chapter of the book of Leviticus the Lord made sure He dealt with the infection of leprosy. In chapter 13 we are told in verse two that God looks at the mark of the skin of the body to identify the infection of leprosy. Predominantly white and predominantly black churches are now positioned beneath the lens of these two chapters of Leviticus and a lack of understanding of their true spiritual significance should be a cause of concern. The law of unity advocates for diversity that corresponds to the law of love as God designed. Having churches according to the traditions of the mark of our skin is not a church that the Lord is pleased with. Those who deliberately go out of the way of the Lord to attend churches that pacifies their pride and prejudices are going to be struck with a lightening force of the wrath of God as He drives His tent peg like Jael into the temple of Sisera. Mix raced churches are not exempt from the tent peg standard of God, for God is not looking at the mixture according to the mark on the skin but rather at the light of the characters according to the mark of His Spirit in a man.

near the river Kishon [which means to lay bait]where the Canaanites were defeated [see Judges 4] and later where Elijah contended with prophets of Baal. To understand the prophetic assignment of God on the life of Barack Obama is to go to the Scripture and gleam the nuggets of revelation posited in the name. Barak means lightening and as surely as lightening comes before thunder so shall it be in our times for we shall see the Lord strike with a force the true colours of our hearts when He illuminates the darkness within us. Lightening offers a picturesque vision of nature in the physical and also carries a deadly force when it strikes. We understand from Judges 4 that Barak was not aware that his name housed his identity in God so when Deborah whose name means to speak or pronounce sent for him to go up and fight against the army of Canaan his reply was If you go with me I will go; but if you dont go with me I will not go Deborah replied very well, I will go with you. But because of the way in which you are going about this, the honour will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman Judges 4:6-9. The purposes for which Barak Obama was elected for in the natural schemes of things are not identical to the purposes for which God chose him to be president. His election is for the honour and gain of another. The woman who killed Sisera was Jael the wife of Heber the Kinite and her name means profit,

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Universal Credit, the Welfare that wont Work continued from front page
is how little ones income has to be for benefits to increase. Asking the right questions about the NUC serves as indicators to rightly divide the intention of the major bodies behind this reform. For instance; whose idea is the new universal credit? those who are quick to say it is from the Department of Works and Pensions under the leadership of Iain Duncan Smith and therefore subsequently a product of the UK would be grossly mistaken. This new universal credit scheme belongs to a highly complex network that combines the efforts of a spiritual air force that gives orders to a global elite ground force. We know that our warfare is neither carnal nor against flesh and blood but against a residential host of territorial evil occupying the heavens. Therefore to trace the source leads us all the way to the heavens and to access that realm one needs to be in the spirit. The Sign Post will just point a few signs. The Scripture tells us that a global body of governance will ensue in the earth and it will be given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation Revelation 13:7-8. This authority will put a system in place that will control the buying and selling of goods and require that those who engages in its service to have a distinct mark that will act as a passport to access the system. We are yet to find out what that mark really is but we can identify the global body that will most likely be the system that will implement it. The internet is not the mark of the beast but a tool being used to support the subsequent design of this mark. In section 4 on the 2nd page of the White Paper the government reveals how NUC will be delivered- through an online automated system. Taking away the human element from people on benefits means they will have to get connected online where there claims will be processed, profiled and their

The White Paper

Claims will be made on the basis of households rather than individuals and both members of a couple will be required to claim Universal Credit. Claims for Universal Credit will normally be made through the internet and we expect that most subsequent contact between recipients and the delivery agency will also be conducted online. People will be able to obtain all elements of Universal Credit through a single application, ending the excessive form filling of the current system, reducing scope for error and reducing administration costs. lives studied in preparation for them to receive the mark. The revolution of the New Universal Credit came out alongside the advent of the Her Majestys Revenue &Customs (HMRC) through the PAYE system that in the past have miscalculated the income taxes of millions of people becoming the place that deducts tax directly from workers pay packets before salaries reach their bank accounts. This move will make HMRC the largest payroll organization in the world. The next major economic pronouncement came from the European Union (EU) which is the centre of all these global economic shifts. Upon the orders of those who own the EU, the banks will be issuing basic bank accounts to This approach builds on existing plans to develop full online services that will deliver a more automated, informative and responsive service for recipients. These changes will enable the targeting of resources to support vulnerable people with additional needs. Claim, assessment and award calculations will usually be made automatically so will be quicker and more efficient to process, allowing staff to focus on dealing with complex cases or those where there is a risk of fraud or error. Recipients will have an online account through which they will be able to access information about their claim and Universal Credit payments, much like the options that online banking services currently offer. The financial rewards from work will also be made clearer, with recipients able to view online the positive effect of increased earnings on their household income. Recipients will report significant changes of circumstance online.

everyone over the age of 18, regardless of their credit history or income to be regulated by the authorities of the European Union. The City AM, reported on 7th of October 2010 that the European Commission claimed that without a bank account people cannot benefit from cheaper goods and services online and face difficulties with taking jobs, renting property, receiving wages and benefits, paying bills and taxes The United Kingdom is a part of the European Union with the only difference being that they have not yet adopted the Euro. With a strong emphasis on global connectivity how people work, live and think will change for good. With the

growing dominance of GRIN technologies automated machine services are being groomed to replace human intelligence. GRIN refers to (Genetics, Robotics, Internet and Nanotechnology) and it is designed to give rise to self-replicating machines with human consciousness that will give an illusion of reality. In the event that the system crashes [and it will] millions will be left without the resources that sustains life and they will be hoarded into economic captivity. GRIN is not designed to have emotions but only a consciousness and it will not pity the poor. Those on benefits are in for the ride of their lives and The White Paper says it all- if we read the blank spaces of the paper.

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The Rise of the Europa Union

The announcement of the New Universal Credit scheme, HMRC new PAYE protocol and the order issued by the European Union to the banks to give everyone a bank account regardless of their credit history all happened with a 3 month time frame: October, September and November of 2010. The EU comes from the same root system as the UN which is privately owned and is the brain child of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, the EU will eventually displace the United Nations and become the sole body of global governance. EU directives lay down certain end results that must be achieved in every Member State. National authorities have to adapt their laws to meet these goals, the question is why? Britains spiritual inheritance has attracted the interests of the gods and this interest has brought the worship of these gods to the shores of Britain under the guise of the Olympics. One can be sure that the revival that God is about to bring to the United Kingdom will dwarf all other revivals before it owing to the great darkness that is now upon this country. The European Union is on assignment to set the stage for the world to receive the anti-Christ and the false prophet. When the Pope visited the UK on the 17th of September, he came for a purpose with a deeper spiritual meaning than many were aware.

Politics have always been a spiritual display of man governing like the gods. The UN is a spiritual house and one of its major aims is to see the Roman Empire rise again. The EU describes itself in different terms depending on its audience but its spiritual lineage cannot be hidden and its intentions are more spiritual than economic. Being remotely aware of the tactics of the EU is better than being oblivious.

The abomination that causes desolation spoken of through the prophet Daniel
In the first issue of the Sign Post we put Matthew 24:1-14 into some perspective linking events like the unrest in the Middle East, Asia and Africa within the outline Jesus gave us to work with and work out. In this issue we will turn our attention to the 15th verse of Matthew 24 where the Lord said to His disciples So when you see standing in the holy place, the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel--, let the reader understand When you come across a hyphen (--) in Scripture please note that you are being asked to pause and reflect on the statement made. The abomination that causes desolation is dealt with in the book of Daniel 2 through to 7. To understand the significance of what God is saying here, we have to go to Daniel and gleam as much as we possibly can about this abomination because it speaks of the resurrection of the Roman Empire and its dominion in the earth. When we turn to the book of Daniel chapter two we meet Nebuchadnezzar, son of king Nabopolasser who had a troubling dream that Daniel was given wisdom to interpret after accurately recalling the content of the dream in Daniel 2:31-36. He gave specific description of a great image who had the following attributes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A head of fine gold Breast and arms of silver Belly and thighs of brass Legs of iron Feet part iron and part clay As the image below shows the four metals [gold, silver, brass & iron]speaks of the gentile empires starting with Babylon and ending with a renewed Rome [part iron and part clay]. These empires are symbols of past rule and pending conquest. Babylon was conquered by the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great, Persia was conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great The Greeks were conquered by Rome But Rome was not conquered by anyone. Around the 5th century A.D. the Roman Empire only disintegrated into western fragments. The European Union describes itself as a democratic family intent on working together for peace and prosperity. Their democracy however, includes a committed relationship with the so called former communist countries. It is written; peace peace they say when there is no peace for Rome was built on blood and can only sustain itself on blood making it a catalyst for desolation and a recipient of Gods wrath.

Babylon 605 BCPersia

The head of fine gold (the winged lion) marked the reign of Babylonian empire from 605-539 BC. The breast and arms of silver (the bear) marked the reign of the Medo-Persian empire from 539-331 BC The belly and thighs of brass (the leopard) marked the reign of Greece from 331- 68 BC


Rome 1

Legs of iron (4 beast) marked the reign of Rome from 68BC-?

Rome 2

Feet part iron part clay (the ten heads) or a re-organized Rome

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Western Europeans or Global Euromans?

of a response from God. The procedures of this human king would leave the masses:
1. Subverted: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots (verse 11) Subdivided: he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his ploughing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. Subjected: he will take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers Subdued: he will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants Submitted: he will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants Substituted: he will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work Subsisted: he will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourself will become his servants.



The gradual integration of once

independent countries now referred to as States of Europe serves the purpose of establishing a commonality that will absorb the unique identity of the nations into an indistinguishable blend of chaos. The European Union makes it very clear that they are after seven freedoms of movement of the nations that join their community namely: Goods Services People Capital Environmental policies Political union Fundamental rights



In the beginning God gave man dominance over all that was outside of his being while God would keep dominance of what was in man (i.e. spirit and soul). We were never made to be ruled by each other but live in mutual submission to each other while God reigned over the very things the EU have now illegally assume the role and responsibility of- and doing a poor job at. The outcries and violent response to the austerity measures of the citizens of Greece and Italy that is spreading tragically across the west as the pressure mounts is prophetically profound to say the least; for both countries carry within their spiritual history the appetite for idolatry that have long since contaminated the world with Hellenistic ideologies and reasoning that has birthed the pseudonew age movement. The book of Daniel and Revelation deals extensively with the advent of the forth beast and his antics coupled with his harlot bride [the one world religion orchestrated by the apostate church]. From the documentary holdings, international agreements, secondary and consolidated legislations and procedures posited on the websites of the European Union, the Scriptures become even more poignant and prolific in accuracy and warning. There are no alternatives to the Kingdom of God, and the Bride of Christ carries within her the spiritual DNA to bring the kingdoms of this world in complete subjection to the kingdom of God and of His Christ. The Lord promise that He will completely destroy the Anti-Christ and the antibride of the anti-Christ together with anyone who carries the mark of this cursed system. We will endeavour in issues following this seasons Sign Post to continue exposing the intricate craft that is playing out in the EU and the UN, alongside multi-national corporations and institutions both academic and religious that are allied to the dream of global governance of the earths population and resources. We have been commanded by our Lord to watch and pray. If you watch vigilantly then you will pray effectively and see results.



When Israel went to the prophet Samuel demanding that he gave them a king to judge them, in 1 Samuel 8, we read that the request was displeasing to the prophet and he prayed to the Lord for guidance. The Lord consoled him and shared that Israels request was a direct rejection of Him [the Lord] being their king. He then advised Samuel to listen to their voices and solemnly warn them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them (verse 9). Samuel then recounted seven (7) rulings that they would have to live under that would later have them cry out to God who promised that He will not answer. Now the number seven speaks of perfect completion; in this case a country under a human king will undergo seven rulings that will ultimately leave them desperate for redemption and destitute

Time doesnt allow me to break down the symbolisms posited in this profound passage of Scripture. However these are the results of a human king and his earthly kingdom. One day we will arise to the reality of having a world president for that is what Scripture tells us of the fourth and final beast system. A one world government is what the European Union is after and individuality is not an option as you become conditioned to talk and think in terms of the common us united under one collective conscience. Anyone who steps outside of this so call union will be seen as a threat to the global security. Regardless of where you are originally from your country will become a state partitioned for what natural resources it may have from forest to human capital. All aspects of the economy of nations will be hedge in treaties after treaties until all political, national and personal freedoms are under one head. It will not be scary until you are living in the harsh reality.

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The 12 Stars Prepare for Comeback

On July 6

2005, London again won

the bid to host the 2012 Olympic s for the third time having hosted it before in 1908 and 1948. Eleven months after the excitement dwindled and the country began its preparation, Helena Smith from The Guardian (May 5, 2006) wrote an article titled- Greek gods, prepare for comeback. In it she said:
Athens, Greece - It has taken almost 2,000 years, but those who worship the 12 gods of ancient Greece have finally triumphed. An Athens court has ordered that the adulation of Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Athena and co is to be unbanned, paving the way for a comeback of pagans on Mount Olympus.

She then went on to quote the sentiments of those who were behind this very strategic move saying: The followers, who say they "defend the
genuine traditions, religion and ethos" of the ancients by adhering to a preChristian polytheistic culture, are poised to take their battle to the temples of Greece. "What we want, now, is for the government to fully recognise our religion," Vasillis Tsantilas told the Guardian. "We will petition the Greek parliament, and the EU if that fails, for access to worship in places like the Acropolis, for permission to have our own cemeteries and, where necessary, to re-bury the [ancient] bones of the dead.

a covenant that will change Britain forever. The Olympics is worship to the gods that have had their abode in mount Olympus. On the surface we see the world coming to Britain, and friendly competition thrilling the hearts of diverse sports fans. The business opportunities, jobs that will be created and for the church, the opportunity of share the gospel paints a rosy picture for this country. It is not the preparation for the games, or the advantages for Britains gain that we are interested in but more so the aftermath. Some may read this and say that we are alarmists but so was it in the days of Noah when God told him to build a boat for a phenomenon that has never occurred before. The government will still be working and laws are going to be passed that will change life for the British populace while they are mesmerised with the games. After August 12, 2012, a spiritual severity will hit the UK, and the sleeping Church, while the Bride of Christ will arise and shine in His glory because she kept watch while the clueless masses are hoarded like sheep to a slaughter. Revival does not only come through repentance it also comes when people find themselves between a rock and a hard place with no alternative but God. The book of Judges tells us of 12 strategic revivals that occurred in Israel and all 12 were symbolic of 12 specific sins committed by Israel. The 10 plagues of Egypt was Gods wrath against the 10 Egyptian gods. Likewise 12 plagues

will hit Britain and the 12 stars in the European Union. The number 12 is symbolic of apostolic governance. The people at the top of the decision making of the EU are called High Representatives not for any economic reasons but for a sinister spiritual one. Their assignment is therefore more spiritual than economic but they need gold to pave the way for their glory and worship to be esteemed as gods.

It was very necessary for this to happen because the new Rome would be incomplete without its gods. Bringing the games to the UK will bind the UK in

Again we reiterate the point that ignorance is not simply a lack of knowledge it is also what we choose to ignore. Likewise there are no isolated incidences in the world but rather that everything in the natural corresponds to something in the spirit. The Sign Post have been mapping the patterns of the UN and the EU and have found a spiritual network undergirding their economic frame work and having been commissioned to watch we have been given grace to see that the things which are not seen are more real than the things which are seen.

Behind the Veil of Mythology

The free dictionary defines a myth as: A traditional, typically ancient story, dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the world view of people The word mythology derives from the Greek word m thologi story-telling: with m thos meaning, story + -logi , logy.] A myth is not a lie nor is it a story about a lie- if it were the Scriptures about a talking donkey, giants, flying scrolls, fallen angels, and the resurrection from the dead to name a few would all be myths. The church has removed itself so far away from sound doctrine that reports such as these seem like the mere fancy of the imagination. However, God is about to again open the eyes of the world to see the hidden life of the lesser gods occupying the heavens. The Scripture is replete with mentions of demonic entities living among men taking various forms of disguise from objects to the full possessions of men. Though the UN and the EU are amazingly complex to penetrate they nonetheless have not been very covert in showing their affiliation to spiritual things hence their tireless efforts to have a one world religion bringing together all the gods of the world.

Mythology is defined as: A body or collection of myths [i.e. stories] belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors and heroes

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E. Coli Outbreak in Europe

From late spring to early summer reports of a deadly strain of the bacteria E.Coli (Escherichia Coli) started to rise through media outlets. It was reported that people were being admitted into hospital with kidney failure, blood peculiarities and central nervous system failure resulting in death. Originally E. Coli has been known to cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea. According to popular website it is the number one cause of bloody diarrhoea and children together with older people are its main victims. It is often reported that people experience nausea, fever and vomiting, whilst causing a weakened state. Humans can be infected in a variety of ways; - Contaminated Water - Undercooked Meat - Drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk - Working with cattle - In ground meat (after slaughter) - Person to person (dirty hands) The main complications that occur are haemolytic uremic syndrome which results in low red blood cell count, thrombocytopenia (which is a low platelet count) and renal failure (which is kidney damage). Treatment is through continually replacing fluids with copious amounts of water and in some cases an intravenous drip. So what is so different about the E.Coli reportedly spread throughout the European continent? Originally the outbreak was thought to have started in Spain on a cucumber farm; this caused Russia to temporarily impose a ban on imported fruit and vegetables from the rest of Europe. Further investigation led to a common link between patients who had recently travelled to Germany. As each week passes there is a new theory but no real hard evidence for any of the news reported thus far. We have seen cucumbers, tomatoes, beansprouts This document was released in November 2010 and five months later we see such a reality coming to pass. We as a people (Christians) must realise the privileged position we have with our God. In biblical times God chose certain individuals and gave them insight into the plans of the enemy, his strategy or the sin of a person or nation. This would either avert disaster in battle, save lives or turn people back to God. We are privileged to still have that access through relationship with Jesus Christ today. If we would heed the warnings, encourage people to act - through thoroughly washing their food and cooking meat ensuring there are no pink portions, we have done well. Whether this is a sinister scheme to cause doubt and fear about organic farming to enable the facilitation of the GMO agricultural giants to monopolise and privatise all farming, or a judgement of God in regards to our greed, consumptions and waste of the natural resources and provision that God has made for man, we have been warned. Most of what the Lord reveals to His Sons or Daughters is for our greatest good, if we would but humble ourselves under His mighty hand and receive his instruction, protection and guidance rather than assuming that we know best. Our lives are supposed to be the testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of prophecy. What if we become the change agents in our land because we were given a heads up of things to come and through our very action and lifestyles people start to ask how did you know? Surely we would progress to the natural question what must I do to be saved? The times we are living in requires a fresh look at our lifestyles and attitudes because changing the simplest of things could be the difference between life and death. Our current concern is food where does it come from? Who owns the farms? What is in our pre-packaged foods? Chemical sugars, preservatives and flavourings that do not grow or occur naturally; Is this Gods best for my life?

and most recently fenugreek seeds from Egypt blamed for such an outbreak. As of June 30th 2011 the death toll had reportedly reached 50 people. So we see the most common known causes of E. Coli are not being traced the continual reports are being aimed at organic farms and not those rearing animals but of fruit and vegetable. Investigators at BGI-Shenzhen have had access to the strain and recently reported they have just completed the sequence and carried out a preliminary analysis that shows the current infection is caused by an entirely new super-toxic E. coli strain. They discovered that this deadly bacterium carries several antibiotic resistance genes, including resistance to aminoglycoside, macrolides and Betalactam antibiotics: all of which makes antibiotic treatment extremely difficult. Most scientist with any credibility would tell you that for a microorganism to be resistant to several types of antibiotics they would have to have been exposed to each antibiotic and allowed to reproduce through several generations before being resistant to over eight types of antibiotics that would usually kill it. Where this bacterium has come from is yet to be discovered, but it is safe to say that there are clearly conflicting reports being promulgated throughout media streams. In a document titled The Prophetic Forecast for 2010/2011, the author wrote that we should expect in the year and years to come the plague of the stomach.

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GM Food: For us or Profit?

It is promulgated that the earth is
over 4.5 billion years old. It has been in a perpetual state of evolution and has billions of life forms above and beneath its surface. It truly is a delight and to most who take a step back, a type of paradise. With intricate ecosystems and biomes (e.g. rainforest, tundra, Sahara desert) that have survived in different forms with specially adapted microorganisms, flora and fauna we can but wonder at the intelligent design within creation. The earth has been providing for those who inhabit it for billions of years, and yet now we, the human race have decided that the earth needs help. With the development of civilisations, the onslaught of capitalist doctrine and the technology to pursue and secure ones own interests, it would appear through what we read that much has changed. Those that pursued the aggressive consumption of wood in rain forest biomes for western furniture, and to graze cattle for our fast food outlets, have decided that not only do they have the right, the money and the clout to go to another country and displace its indigenous population, tear into their ecosystems to drill for oil and leave the toxic waste behind to infect and kill both human and animal, they have now decided that they themselves can create the food that we eat. In 1983 a breakthrough occurred in California for the tobacco industry whereby the plant was made resistant to antibiotics, concern was raised to the wider implications of evolving resistant organisms that could resist the main line of defence for humans antibiotics. Almost ten years later in 1994 genetic manipulation saw the successful introduction of a tomato (FlavrSavr) by the company Calegne which produced a species that took longer to rot after being picked. Sometime later (1997) they withdrew this magnificent breakthrough in food technology why? Because they were losing money! Its longer shelf life meant produce would not be reordered as frequently as the conventional produce supplied by local farmers. In 1998 there was a voice coming from certain quarters of the scientific community that questioned the safety of such products. In conducting experiments of his own, Arpad Pusztai, a Hungarian biochemist and nutritionist revealed that he had discovered harmful effects in the lining of the stomach and immune system of rats that were fed genetically modified potatoes. What we see is a divine design that ensures reproduction and multiplication. If we buy seedless grapes and oranges, the question we have to ask ourselves is, if the tree from which this fruit came, is destroyed, how will we be able to grow more fruit? There is no seed of life in the fruit we have that can establish another generation of trees. Again we read in Leviticus 19:19 You shall not let your cattle mate with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed Why would such detail be contained in a Holy Book? It is explicit in clarity, do not mix two kinds of seeds, and fruit baring trees should have seed in them. Nowhere does it say that a vegetable should have fish, animal, fungal or human DNA in them, and vice versa, no human, or animal should have another organisms DNA inserted by man. If we are to believe the current trend of voices which have facilitated the agricultural revolution in our generation through genetically modified products we would be greatly deceived. Yes advances have been made, yet on-going concern of genetically modified products and their effects are continually being made known. Those scientists who conduct experiments of their own to verify safety claims have in fact found serious detrimental effects of consuming GM products over a period of time. However these notable and once credible scientists have been vilified, lost tenure at Universities, and become unemployable against a corporate machine intent on its high yield in yen, dollar or pound sterling. The question I put to you dear reader is this: If we have divine guidance already laid out for our best end, who do you trust? A God who understands the very structure He created or men who play God in breaking down and mingling the very structures He created?

Debates raged, yet in the background unseen to the masses, genetic manipulation continued and pushed forward an agenda that we now see on our very doorsteps. Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, animal and plant DNA are being introduced to each other to produce new varieties of edible products, not to mention the newly termed novel foods which encompasses cloned life forms such as sheep and cows. Now we have eggs, chickens, sheep and cows, as well as our cereals, rice, beans, fruit and vegetables being placed on our shelves, in pre-packaged food stuff, snacks and drinks without our knowledge or consent. This time biotech is not withdrawing its products, because it has carved out a place for itself that keeps demand regulated and this time profitability is secured. But what does the ancient texts of scripture say about such things? Is it possible that there is One who foresaw, One who designed, and One who gave explicit instruction regarding such a matter? Let us take a look in Genesis 1:11. We read: And God said, Let the earth sprout vegetation: seed bearing plants, fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it. (JPS)

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Family and Life: Budgeting to survive

In a small one bedroom/studio the average cost of electric consumption is 8 to 10 per week, and gas 5 to 8 per week. As an example living in a one bedroom apartment a gas bill totalled 70 in less than three weeks on a budget gas card meter in Spring. Did the occupants have it on 24 hours a day, no! However they learnt quickly to persevere in cold weather with extra blankets, keep the radiator heaters at the lowest levels and only use the hot water for showers and essential cooking. They had to adapt and shop together, cook together and on occasion huddle up and keep warm together. Yes this is modern Britain and this is but a snippet of things to come. With hard choices presently facing us, our outlook, lifestyle and relationships need closer scrutiny if we are to be able to persevere through such times of trial, overcome the tests and remain standing with peace in our heart. When a single mother has to choose between fresh and tinned food, expensive organic produce or the cheaper and increasingly only alternative genetically modified produce and pre-package frozen food, or put on another layer of clothes on the children today so she can use the gas money towards a school trip tomorrow, we have a problem. Its not just single parents but those families with two parents, three children and a car who once had two incomes but due to companies going into administration they now survive on one income whilst paying the mortgage, meeting the monthly bills, just meeting the minimum payment on credit cards and providing the needs of both partner and children. What can we do? People in Britain have been leading increasing isolated lifestyles, estranged from family and childhood friends, compounded by anti-social sentiment, most cannot tell you the name of their next door neighbour! But that is about to change. There has been no time like this present age - in peacetime Britain in which we need each other. If there were anything positive to come out of such catastrophic governing of a land, it would be that old wounds need to be healed, families must be reunited, and friendships with neighbours re-established. UK it is time that we became united once again. Where division has been created because of religious or racial tension, it must be put aside, communities must become cohesive, supportive, and empowered to be able to know and meet the needs of those in the local neighbourhood. In London, East Enders were once known for their great hospitality; now with the amazing culture mix, we have for example; Nigerians and those from the Middle East who are famous for their welcome and provision of food for guests, we have the Irish known for their social and kind hearted nature, quick wit and endurance in time of hardship, and Jamaicans famous for their ability to weather storms with a smile, show concern for their neighbours and of course their good music and soul food. Could families, cousins, aunts and uncles come together and arrange to buy in bulk things they have in common, such as large sacks of onions, potatoes, fish, meat, rice etc? Could a neighbour with a car help a single parent with three children go shopping on the same day and carry the groceries back, whilst also sharing cost of bulk food they would usually buy separately? Could a young adult not able to find work still check on the old man along the landing of his apartment complex to see if he needs help with shopping or heating, or just a friendly chat to lift his spirits in such difficult times? The gas companies, supermarkets and petrol stations will still make their profits regardless of the life choices and lifestyles we are now facing. Financial institutions and banks will still get their interest, fees and charges, and the football players, entertainers and pop idols will still get paid. Prices will continue to rise and we will continue to feel the squeeze on our pockets - it will be a test of our character in how we walk through such times. It is not the mark of a man to note his achievements in life, but a mark of a man in the choices he made to get them. We have a great opportunity as a Christian nation to demonstrate the core values inherent to our faith, to love our neighbour as ourselves. Matthew 25:35-40 says; for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to MeAssuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did it to the lease of these My brethren, you did it to Me. (NKJV) These are the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Proverbs 3:27 records what I think is one of the most powerful statements that can ever be assimilated by any individual with a propensity to help and with very little resource, it reads; Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hands to do so(NKJV). Can we find common ground amongst us, overlook the hurt from times past, covering it in love and reconnect for the benefit of all concerned? My question to you dear reader is this - At this time, what is in the power of your hands to do?

As the effects of the financial crash and subsequent bailout of 700bn from 2008 are felt in the UK (and around the world), no more is this being felt than in the pocket of everyday residents of a nation once termed Great. With little or no idea of the financial institutions strategies for repackaging and selling assets known as toxic amongst themselves, money disappearing from the value of mortgages, defaults on loans and big bonuses paid whilst peoples pensions and savings disappeared from view, the faithful subject of the realm has been made to carry a burden it did not create and as yet, has no power to change. With the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) making inroads into our everyday lives through programmes, policy and law, today in the United Kingdom of Great Britain the effects of corporate greed, trickery and political agenda are keenly felt. With the implementation of the 2011 budget, a rise in the VAT from 17.5% to 20% on everyday objects bought, and inflation literally inflated prices, those with modest to low incomes are now living on what can only be termed as a shoestring. Single parent families, pensioners, part time and low wage earners are now facing very difficult decisions on a daily basis. Here in the UK over the last few years, we have had budget gas card and electric meters replace the traditional models which work on a pay-as-you-go type basis. These were originally developed and marketed to those who needed to work to a weekly budget or those in arrears with quarterly bills. However the cost of running such meters is far higher than the traditional meter that is charge through paper billing.

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Finance: A Purse with Holes

With glorious sunshine and warmth
combined with a long Easter Bank Holiday weekend, thousands took to the local parks to engage in the spring weather. Families frolicked on the well maintain grass, children played on the swings and older couples strolled along the path bordered with plants and blossoming spring flowers. Out came the dedicate Gymsters who with perseverance attended their local fitness gymnasium during the cold winter months, to now stretch, walk, run and take advantage of the beautiful blue sky and soak up the vitamin D producing sunrays whilst breathing our (still free) fresh air. Some, who are still fortunate enough to be able to afford a private instructor also emerged, I am sure, at the insistence of their well-paid professional fitness coach. Yet amongst those visiting the local public space, just out of view, hid a uniformed patrolled officer taking note of what could be suspicious activities. Those with camcorders and digital cameras were approached and asked if they had a permit for filming, or were told they could not take photos of their own children enjoying a day in the sun. Others were monitored as the uniformed patrol officer assessed whether monetary exchange and services rendered were in operation. No, this was not an effort to curb prostitution, but another more sinister schemePersonal training! In the light of central government reducing local council budgets by 7%, the need for creative revenue measures through fresh interpretation and implementation of rules, regulations and bye-laws are now essential. Where local residents across the nation have already felt the effects of an increase in the application of the letter of the law without restraint in regards to parking tickets, fines, clamping and car removal, residents and small selfemployed business will further feel the pinch. Now, it appears that not only do we have to pay our monthly council tax charges for public spaces to be maintained and services to be rendered, some local councils are zealous to maximise income through every feasible route. Where once joggers and fitness coaches would arrange a session in the great outdoors, now a permit must be purchased for the privilege. area in London forcing both residents to buy permits and visitors to pay for the privilege of visiting family and friends, whilst limited by time restrictions imposed. Together with car clamping and removal, once free public car parks are now charging for the same service, whilst public parks insist that permits must now be bought where any type of service is being carried out. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 13:22 that a good man leaves an inheritance to his childrens children, yet our current climate makes it nigh impossible to achieve this end. With new charges being levied for access to playgrounds in some London Boroughs we can say that we are indeed being hard pressed on every side. The words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth says this, Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. Matthew 22:21 NKJV. However it seems wherever the central or local government can find a niche gap where taxes or charges are not being implemented then new laws, rules and regulations are put in place that make it compulsory to do so. With a government outwardly encouraging enterprise and saving in its most recent budget the policies on the ground demonstrate a complete opposition to upward social mobility and enterprise. One who is determined to work diligently, live frugally and save responsibly has several deterrents to continue in this vein. One must question whether the excess of our monthly salaries is simply safer outside of the banking system, easily accessible and tax free. Generations before us survived this way; it is only a mind-set that we have been progressively indoctrinated into so as to believe that the banks are the only place where one can store our excess hard earned cash. We have already given to Caesar what is due, yet for every possible spare pound sterling another tax seems to be created to take it away. How then are we to give to God what is due to God in the midst of such aggressive pursuit of every spare penny we have. For surely even tithing to our local church will become taxable, as ithe government will see it as expendable cash, money we are in excess of and that can be better utilise for government pursuits of increased income. I leave you with this quote from Jesus Christ of Nazareth to ponder: For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light. Luke 16:8 (NKJV)

Where bye-laws were written to protect the integrity of use of public spaces and limit traders without licenses selling directly to the public, it appears now anyone who may utilise public space as part of a service arrange privately, can no longer do so. It is reported that fitness trainers have been approached and asked to desist in their training regime until they have bought a license to allow such activities to take place. Please see story link at: ticle-1380485/Fitness-trainersnannies-teachers-hit-350-councilfees-run-park.html) Section 27 of Hammersmith and Fulhams Bye-law (July 2000) states that; No person shall in the ground, without the consent of the council, sell or offer or expose for sale, or let to hire, or offer or expose for letting to hire, any commodity or article, or provide or offer to provide any service for which a charge is made. It is clear that the spirit of the letter has not been upheld, which is to address the direct approach and sale of goods or service within the park itself. Yet with a dwindling budget, those who have what some would term as creative intelligence are being employed to re-address policy implementation with the aid of spin. Money must be raised, and again it is the average person who is being hit in the pocket to achieve this end. Residents and visitors alike have become accustomed through the gradual increase and zealous pursuit of revenue wherever it can be found. Policies that where original purported to support local residents in fact turned into deliberately structured revenue streams, where councils utilised parking charges and penalty fees as workable cash flow, pursued aggressive action to maintain alternative income. Parking spaces became regulated, meters placed in almost every residential

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They Tracked Our Steps

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain
today we have a recorded four million surveillance cameras installed thats one for every 15 people. It is purported that a person can have their image caught on camera up to 300 times in one day, especially within the capital London. Since the mid 1990s we saw cameras arrive on our streets, in our parks and every other conceivable place you or I would not think a sensible person would consider. We entered the millennium and growth of cameras that track your vehicles movement in and out of areas were released together with hi tech 360o viewing and HD recording. We had speed cameras, tall boys, speed guns, average distance monitoring cameras, traffic congestion cameras, cameras hidden in street lamps, overt and covert monitoring. The pressure and constriction that one feels moving about London is especially noticeable by drivers, it creates anxiety and tension in a person normally placid in nature and compliant to the rule of law. But with the ever enclosing net of surveillance on the people of this land, it is not only seen it is keenly felt! As a citizen of the realm I can safely say that freedom and liberty in this nation is in word alone. The politicians declare that we are a great nation of tolerance, liberty and freedom of speech however the reality is quite different. I once stayed with a friend for a few months on and off and somehow it was reported to the powers that be that one was living in the house. Obviously on getting such a report the local authorities had to make sure that charges for another We are also seeing that our emails and internet usage is being monitored with the EU pressing for nation states to enforce changes of law to ensure these scheme come to pass. Facebook is already a commodity of the United States government and retains all information, photos and videos uploaded. So our faces, friends, acquaintances, conversations, opinions, ideologies, theological and political choice have all been logged to create a comprehensive profile of our person. Nothing we do is private, therefore what right do we have to complain when we through our actions agreed to our rights to be infringed? It is interesting to ponder the flurry of movies that have come out in the last two decades which run parallel to the introduction of all this surveillance technology. V for Vendetta 2006 tells the story of the UK as a Police state terrorising its citizens with biological weapons to facilitate deals with multi-national drug companies, controlling media, imposing curfews and requiring blind submission to the state, anyone who resisted was incriminated or disposed of. Other films I would recommend as food for thought are: The Net (95), Eagle Eye (08) and Echelon Conspiracy (09). It would also be an interesting experience for one to look with fresh eyes at the scifi series Star Trek or one of its off shoots Enterprise, Voyager, or Deep Space Nine. With the United Federation of Planets and its pioneering universal credit system for purchasing products and services it makes for interesting musings considering the current trends we are seeing in western society. With banks pushing for plastic cards to replace cash, they track our purchases, habits, hobbies and savings, nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits. Cash is the last of anonymity and freedom in our nation, once that is removed so is the last of our liberty. Dear reader, are you concerned yet?

adult staying in a friends home were paid no this is not the fabled story of Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham, this is my country, England, yes, the UK. I could not stay at a friends house which was privately owned for any length of time without it being recorded. What troubled me in such a scenario as mine was that should we ever be in a position in the future to help someone in need, it does not seem that the state allows that private independent decision to be made. There was no rent being paid and no additional income given to the homeowner, I was a frequent guest and this was made to look like illegal activity. What does it say of our government that calls other national leaders dictators when in our own country one UK resident cannot stay with another for any length of time without it being recorded, reported and investigated as suspicious activity?

They tracked our steps so that we could not walk in our streets. Our end was near; Our days were over, for our end had come. Lam 4:18 NKJV
Ive also succumbed to the pressure of utilising the new plastic Oyster Cards for travel which also track every journey an individual makes. We are asked at present to voluntarily register our name and address for future needs such as if we lose our cards so that reimbursement can take place, yet our name, address and movements across the travel network is recorded. So we see we are tracked through road, rail, bus and underground. More recently the EU has placed pressure on telecommunications companies to log usage of mobile phones beyond the need for billing and statistics.

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The Global Soul Movement of Music Part 1

When we no longer pay attention to
our soul that is when it is most vulnerable in being taken away from us. As the Sign Post follows the trends in modern popular music ranging from pop to Gospel there are a myriad of themes playing out before our eyes, all of which magnifies ancient symbolism that have been hidden in the archives of history waiting for such a time as this to be unveiled to a generation that pays little or no attention to the attractions of their soul. As this is an introduction to deeper truths of modern music, I will not yet embark on the messages in some of the music, but for the time being will deal with the spiritual undertones that are now being deployed in the stage craft of the industry. Let us begin by taking a look into the phenomena of soul music and excavate the undertones that we often miss though it lies in plain view. By subtracting the history of race, gender and genre as features that determine whether a piece of music falls into the category of soul, we are left to take responsibility for our own personal participation in the captivity of our soul by the preference we have for certain types of music. It is imperative to understand that soul music is not simply music made for the, but more specifically the musings that attract the intellectual will that we regularly referred to as self but more accurately is the soul. Neither does the power of music lie alone in our responses to the percussions of sounds, but rather it lies in the relationship shared between the entertainer and us the entertained causing a spiritual transfer from one soul to another which later creates a mutual soul tie [that isthe power of once separate wills coming together to form one]. Unbeknown to many fans is the marriage between their souls and those they esteem so highly in the music industry. The only difference between the company of the worshipful fans to the so-called super-stars is that the super -stars are very aware of having negotiated with their souls for the fame they enjoy and that fame will only last as long as they are idolized by those who follow their music. Made in the image of God our humanity is constructed in divine order allowing us to understand that we are spirit beings uniquely fitted with an intellectual will power [soul] housed in a body made to receive and transmit sensory perception. In this order of spirit, soul and body, we have a capability that allows us to access the varying levels of creativity that aids and abet the desires of our entire being. Often for the instant gratification of the lowest part of our humanity [i.e. body/flesh] we either choose to forget, neglect or rebel against the warnings that comes alongside the temporary pleasures we intellectually allow our bodies to indulge in. As you listen to certain types of music by repetition it worms its message into your soul and you become a carrier of the piece of the soul of the one who created the music and all the influences behind its creation. When you hear the terms such as slow jam, hard metal hard rock, new age, pop or gospel what comes to mind? Automatically to give an answer you have to switch off how you feel physically when you hear these types of music to now produce an intellectual understanding of why they are categorised as such. Now to a person answering for gospel may say that gospel music is all about God or the good news of God but while the term gospel renders the meaning good news which pertains to the life and acts of Jesus not all music with a theme attributed to God is sanctified by God. The genre is gospel, and as a genre it is seen in the music industry as a market and as a market it targets a particular type of person; normally the church goer. Again we have to allow room in our thought process to comprehend the fact that music about God does not mean that the person is for God, or from God so as to have been inspired by God as it is regular to discover that the voice that sings the music was not the one who wrote it. This leaves us with a sobering thought of all the souls that worked together to craft that which will captivate your own soul. Failure to see how the music industry connects to the economies of trade, the policies of government down to

the very food we eat is what makes those behind the scenes the most powerful soul captivators in the world. We understand by Scriptural evidence that words create. The excuse of liking the beat but not taking in the message is a crafted excuse. The lore of sounds is just the first point of entry that pry open the doorway for the soul. Once the percussions of sound gets a hook in, the message in the song also gets in and it settles to create a reality in your subconscious and you become a host that spreads the soul desire of another. That means that every time you sing the song out loud you strengthen it in the ear-waves of another on also on the air-waves of the society in which you live. Though you may not know that you are being acted upon, you act out the movements, emotions and passions of someone elses reality and that is very sad. Music is a message crafted to influence the soul. None of this influence takes place however, without our permissive will. In the next issue of The Sign Post we will delve into some of the themed messages that are being globally dispersed along with the music vocabulary that is being promulgated into the ideals of society. To walk worthy of our calling is going to take us paying attention to the signs and the messages that are permeating the world. It is evident that the soul has an appetite but how organic is your soul food? Simple questions like this may be all you need to change your music diet.

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Soul Time
In our journeys in life many questions
arise from the encounters we have, the situations we end up in, the people we meet and the relationships that transpire. Often we judge others and the world whilst looking out of the eyes of a hurting soul that taints the true colour and clarity of that which we behold, not realising that it is us and not them that need to change. We have relinquished thought about our own actions and inaction and instead have learnt with pinpoint accuracy to point the finger at others, and with sharp edged tongues, we have mastered the art of dissecting those in front of us and those whom we have heard about. Living with the television facing us every day and the internet on which to play, we have developed opinions through our entertainment; the focus is on engaging in an observational world, where opinions must be formed and conversation consume our time, therefore creating a world of entertainment that is led by others that ultimately leads our soul into an unknown land. Filled with movies, pictures, art and music, we have closed the door to our thoughts and allowed entertainment to take their place. Therefore what we have dwelt upon in the majority of our soul time is an outward reality based on someone elses imagination. With the advent in the west of twentyfour hour television and radio, portable stereos, mp3 players and mobile technology, we have succumbed to media mothering and soul shaping. No longer do we think independently, but rehash phrases and thoughts of others that have been repeatedly broadcasted by various media that now become our thoughts and ideas. Engaged in such a lifestyle, so far from the family unit of yesteryear, we have lost our-selves in the oblivion of information, our soul crushed whilst our physical senses are stimulated through the passionate pursuit of activities that fill our time and numb our mind so that thought and reason are buried under the weight of self-gratification. So much time has been put into developing such a lifestyle that when the friends fade, the exams fail, and the music stops, an enormous chasm is left; this is the emaciated soul. Sadness can result in trembling, tears, lethargy and loss of appetite. Within the season of the first dimension being developed and taking dominance, we find ourselves more apt to respond without thought, usually caused by a heart response to something we have seen, heard or been a part of in some way through our senses. During this prominent season in our lives, we wear our emotions on our sleeve in a state of vulnerability just like that of a child seeking the affection and reassurance of a loving parent through touch, hugs and verbally through comforting words. When we do not receive this, our security and identity is shaken, causing a response that we cannot articulate with our intellect, only show through the outward manifestation of the inward dimension of the soul. Obviously there are specific times in our lives where this dimension takes precedence, especially in times of new or sudden changes in our life, in particular when we receive good or bad news, and at significant crossroads or markers in our lives, such as birthdays, weddings, promotions, layoffs, or meeting someone new. It is when we have longer than usual extended periods of specific emotions that we can say that we are being ruled by the first dimension of the soul. In recognising this we can conclude that at present our soul is out of balance, and it is here in this season that the first dimension then dictates how the other two dimensions function within this heightened season of emotions. When the 1st dimension takes control, it overrules the second dimension of intellect and subdues the third dimension of our spirit. It is like a childhood playground toy, the sea-saw. There has to be almost equal weight at each end for the sea-saw to move up and down, but also there must be a pivot in the middle, a place of balance to bring equilibrium to both sides. Without the pivot, the sea-saw would lie flat on the ground, likewise if one area or dimension of the soul is inactive, immature or under-developed; it causes a reduced capacity for growth in the other two dimensions of the soul.

Here is where we engage in the journey through the dimensions of the soul. In looking at the soul, we are not going to intellectualise others thoughts, assumptions, presumptions or conclusions of mass theory and debate. Here together we agree to look at the soul in a three dimensional state for the purpose of understanding the seasons of the soul and the journey through which we can, have and will travel. With a closer look, through quietness of mind, three distinct areas become apparent. These are the; 1st dimension of the soul = emotional 2nd dimension of the soul = intellectual 3rd dimension of the soul = spiritual. We will explore these dimensions individually to see their characteristics, how they relate to and influence each dimension of the soul, and we will see how each dimension has a season of dominance over the others and henceforth affects our lives and how we engage with people and the society we live in. The 1st Dimension of the soul is the emotional dimension. This is a unique part of who we are, and is present in some capacity in all mankind. What is especially noteworthy is that the emotional dimension does not have a physical aspect within our body yet is influenced by our intellectual dimension that analysiss what we have seen, heard or have been engaged with in some capacity often causing a physical response. Some of the most recognized emotions and our responses will give an indication of the stark reality of a non physical dimension having a physical influence and effect that is pronounced and noticeable . Happiness can result in laughter, smiling, crying and higher than usual energy.

This is an excerpt from upcoming book Soul Time, exploring the dimensions of the soul.

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