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Chestnut Manor

Amelia Abigail Louise


My lady, you can come out know, your family are wondering where youve been said Lola, maid at arms. I cant Lola, I just cant sighed Abigail. Why ever not My Lady. She tried to kill me, Im not mad, I mean she tried to kill me. Look at my neck. Abigail turns away from the window and faces Lola. Lola gasps as she faces Abigail who has a red raw neck, looks as if someone tried to strangle her. Whatever happened My Lady, as she rushes towards Abigail to have a closer look. Like I said Lola, she tried to kill me; I dont know why, she just griped me so hard around the throat. She was in such fury. You should have seen her eyes, they were wild with madness. Who was it My Lady, Lola asked while attending to Abigails throat, taking a deep breath she looks out towards the window, It was mother, turning back to look at Lola who had shock all over her face. Your mother, she whispers. Why would your mother do such a thing. Abigail shakes her head and looks down at her feet. I dont know Lola, I just dont know.

Chapter one

Staring out over the vegetable garden, Abigail wonders what shes done to upset her mother so. Hearing footfalls approach she looks in the direction of the noise. Approaching, Sir Campbell, Lord of Chestnut Manor a handsome rogue. Handsome alright with his devilish features, warm brown eyes that seem to know everything your feeling, his dark brown hair that dangles waverly to his muscular shoulders. A body like that would attract any woman, all fine and toned. Standing just in time to curtsy for the lord, Abigail says her greetings. Good afternoon Lord Campbell. Good afternoon Abigail, please call me Jamie. Taking Abigails hand to his lips, he presses a kiss to her palm. Whats troubling you so Abigail. Taking a seat on the oak bench Abigail looks back at Jamie Why would you think somethings wrong My Lord. Jamie, whilst I was approaching I saw you frowning, thinking too hard. Is there anything I could be some help off. Turning her gaze away from his warm eyes, Abigail looks down at her lap. Theres nothing you can do My Lord, just pondering over something silly. Taking a seat next to Abigail on the oak bench he brings her gaze back to his. It cant be something silly if its making you upset. Please dont worry about me Im sure you have more important things to think about. How come youre at Lyth castle My Lord. Before Jamie could respond they were interrupted by Lady of Lyth castle. Lord Campbell is here to talk business with your father. Gasping a breath of shock from her mothers interruption she turns to meet her mothers gaze, which is full of fury. Feeling slightly panicked Abigail stands up and courtesy for her mother, Mother I didnt hear you approach. I bet you didnt replied her mother full of distaste. Lady of Lyth castle turns her gaze onto Jamie. I can see the question in your eyes Lord Campbell. We keep it very formal in our family, thats why Abigail curtsy for me you see. Now if you wouldnt mind meeting my husband in the study when youre ready, turning back her evil gaze on Abigail she walks away. I feel like I should apologies My Lord for my mothers behavior. She doesnt usually act that way towards me. Theres no need to apologies, I feel its your mother who should be. Do you mind walking me to your fathers study; I cant quite remember where it is. Of course My Lord but hes not my father. Abigail starts on walking towards Lyth castle. Jamie jogs to catch Abigail back up; looking at her with such confusion asks I dont understand, how is he not your father. Feeling utterly shocked Abigail stops in her tracks and turns to stare at Jamie. You dont know. Know what Abigail. Turning her gaze away from his, she sighs and begins to tell Jamie. My father died a few years ago. Im not quite sure how it happened as no one ever told me, taking a deep breath, The man youre

about to see is my stepfather, looking into his gaze she asks, if you dont mind me asking how come you didnt know this. Im sorry for your loss Abigail and please call me Jamie. I heard about your mother remarrying but I just assumed you where his child. Im sorry. Please dont apologies, it wasnt your fault, looking down at the floor, I do miss him terribly, sighing deeply we must walk to the study. Following her lead Jamie feels her pain as if it where his own, seeing Abigail look so sad made his heart ache, he knew what it felt like to lose a loved one as his own mother passed away a few years back when he was just a boy. Catching up with Abigail they both walked to the study door in silence. Turning to face Jamie, Abigail curtsy then says her goodbyes and walks off back into the bailey. Watching Abigail disappear from sight Jamie sighed. He so badly want to see her smile and make her happy. Bringing up enough courage he turns to face the rather large oak door. ***** Opening the study door, to Lord of Lyth Castle, Jamie walks in and is met by Lady and Lord of Lyth Castle and a man that looks familiar. Bowing for the Lord and Lady he says his greetings, Good afternoon. A deep rusty voice replies back Good afternoon Lord Campbell. Did you have a pleasant conversation with my daughter, as my wife tells me you two seem to be caught up in conversation that you didnt hear her approach. Yes it would seem so, Lord. Ah, shes got you wrapped around her finger already has she. Not liking the way this conversation was going Jamie sharply says, I thought you wanted to see me about business Lord. I assure you Lord Campbell he does and is, Says a calm voice which belongs to Lady of Lyth castle. Well why are we talking about Abigail, frowned Lord Campbell feeling confused. Ill leave you to it my darling. I have a couple of places to visit, come Matthew lets leave these gentlemen be. Walking out of the study with her arm linked through Matthews arm, the stable boy. Turning back to face Lord of Lyth castle, he sees the man pondering through a cigar box, would you care to have one. No thank you, lord. I mustn't be staying long. Ah very well, lets keep this short. Lightening his cigar, I want you to marry my daughter. Seeing the look of shock on Jamies face he holds up his hands and rushes on to speak. Im willing to pay, I know shes not much of a looker and I can understand if you say no, but my dearest wife wants her gone. She says you are a man who can put a woman straight. So will you take my daughter as your betrothal. Taking a seat in his leather chair he looks up at Jamie. Staring at Lord of Lyth Castle, Jamie is utterly shocked. Being invited to Lyth Castle to talk business sounded intriguing, thinking Lord wanted to be allies or the like, but marry his daughter wasnt what he was expecting. Abigail wasnt as full figure as most women hed been with but she had her own

beauty, her long glossy blonde hair that waves down to her midriff, eyes as wide as the sea full of green, with a shape that wasnt either to thin or to fat. She wasnt fulsome like ladies in his past but she had a figure that drew his gaze. Abigail had an intriguing appeal. He was thinking of asking for her hand in marriage himself but he wasnt sure until he saw her in the garden earlier. She looked so sad he wanted to make her simile; he wanted her to be his. Knowing he was being offered he knew he should ask how much they were offering. As you can see Lord Im utterly shocked, why me, isnt there someone else. Well no Lord Campbell. Weve asked but no one feels inclined especially for the price they ask. Feeling slightly sick with the way they are dealing Abigail, Jamie changes his tactics. Ill take her Lord for free; have her packed as soon as possible. Ill be waiting in the bailey. Turning around to leave, Lord of Lyth Castle grabs him by his arm. Hang on a minute Lord Campbell. Are you sure you dont want anything for her, she isnt exactly your type. Feeling the need to punch Lord of Lyth castle in the face for his words, instead Jamie shrugs out of his grip and through clench teeth, Yes I said Ill take Abigail for free. Now Ill be waiting in the bailey for my betrothal. Im afraid Lord Campbell, Abigail wont be leaving today. Why ever not, you want her gone. My wife does. Shes not ready to go yet. You cant say that, youre asking me to marry Abigail and now your saying she cant come with me. I assure you Lord Campbell, Abigail is yours and I just need time to tell her first. Come back in a few days to pick her up. Dragging a hand through his hair Jamie sighs, Fine Lord, Ill see you in a few days, walking as fast as he can before Lord of Lyth Castle wanted to say anything more. Reaching the bailey he stops in his tracks when he sees Abigail approaching. Seeing her simile, made him want to rush over and take her with him, but instead he rushes over to the stables and saddles his horse, and as quickly as possible spurs his mount into a gallop, heading for his keep.

Chapter 2

Looking around her chambers Abigail sighs. Seeing the way Jamie left in such a rush the other day had her worrying. Why did he look at me like that, what had happened in the study, were some of the thoughts that where playing around in her mind. She couldnt understand his behaviour. It wasnt only his she was worrying about; Matthew had kept very distant lately, it was as if he was keeping something from her but what. And mother. Abigail sighed again; her mother had been acting more strange lately. Whenever she saw her she would look at her as if she were a bad smell. Abigail hardly spoke to her mother anyway but lately if her mother wanted to say something she would get one of the maids to ask. Being pulled from her thoughts, her chamber doors were being opened. In came her mother, which was odd considering she never had or been in this room. As her mothers wondering gaze locks on Abigail with such anger, feeling slightly panicked Abigail stands up. Good morning, mother curtseying Abigail looks back at her mothers gaze. Her mother didnt say a response just walked over, keeping her eyes on Abigail all the way. Feeling inclined to say something Abigail asks, What is it mother. Shut up shouted her mother. Abigails eyes flew wide open with shock when her mother just grasped her around the neck and started shaking her. Grasping franticly at her mothers hands to try and loosen the grip as Abigail couldnt breathe, her mother murmured words at her which she couldnt hear over the pounding of her heart. When her mother started yelling she could make out a few words why does he want you for free something of the like. As her mother suddenly let go, Abigail falls to the floor. Looking at mother to see why she had stopped, a maid had entered who was soon being shouted at and slapped across the face to never repeat or mention on what she saw. Before the darkness of consciousness took Abigail, she heard her chambers door being shut loudly. ****** Waking with a headache Abigail reaches for her head, but when she takes a deep intake of breathe her hand changes course and goes to her neck and rubs in a soothing gesture. Feeling how sore and tight her throat is Abigail stands up and walks over to her mirror. Gasping at her reflection Abigail recalls why she is in such a state, mother. Why was her mother acting so strange, what had she done to cause a reaction like that. Walking over to the window Abigail slouches down by the wall and slowly rocks herself. Why did mother hate me so, weeping Abigail holds herself tighter wishing for a miracle. She wished her dad was here, he would know what to do. She missed him terribly, feeling her heart break with remembrance, of being told shell never see him again, she hugs herself tighter whilst crying silently. Knowing the hours where passing by she wasnt surprised to hear someone entre her chamber. Wiping her eyes she stands up to great the visitor. **** My Lady, you can come out know, your family are wondering where youve been, said Lola.

I cant Lola, I just cant sighed Abigail. Why ever not, My Lady. She tried to kill me, Im not mad, I mean she tried to kill me. Look at my face. Abigail turns away from the window and faces Lola. Lola gasps as she faces Abigail who has a red raw neck, looks as if someone strangled her. Whatever happened My Lady, rushing towards Abigail to have a closer look. Like I said Lola, she tried to kill me, I dont know why. She just grasped me so hard around the neck, she was in such a fury, and you should have seen her eyes. Who was it My Lady Lola asked whilst attending to Abigails throat. Taking a deep sigh and looking out towards the window, it was mother. Abigail turns back to face Lola who had shock written over her face. Your mother she whispers Why would she do such a thing. Abigail shakes her head and looks down at her feet, I dont know Lola, I just dont know. What do you mean you dont know, youve got to of done something. Not that I wish anyone to hurt someone so, but you dont go around hurting people for no reason, especially your own daughter. I know that Lola but I cant think of anything I did to upset her so, telling Lola the full story of what just happened. Still looking partly shocked Lola reaches out to Abigail in a sign of comfort. Did you see which maid it was, she can back you up when you tell My Lord. No I didnt and she was struck to keep quiet. Theres no way Im telling My Lord. Why ever not, he will help you. Hes my mothers husband; hell believe her over me. Youve got marks over you My Lady. I know but she could say that someone else did it. Sighing Lola went over to the side table and poured Abigail a drink into her tankan. I see, but you cant stay up here, you must tell someone. No that would just make matters worse; I wont leave my chambers until the marks have gone down. Handing Abigail her drink, But that could be at least a week, four day at the most. Then so it will be. Can you please promise me you wont say a word. I promise My Lady. I best go and get your meal. Thank you Lola. ****** After spending five days in her chambers Abigail needed to get out. It was driving her crazy. Her neck was just a faded bruise that was hardly noticeable, unless you looked really closely. Stepping into the great hall, she was greeted by a couple of men at arm who bowed and she nodded in reply. Sitting down at the wooden table, Abigail helped herself to the hearty food to break her fast. Good morning Abigail.

Turning to face the voice she recognized to be Matthew. She replied to his greeting, Good morning Matthew, how are you on this fine day. Taking a seat next to Abigail, Matthew started to fill his plate, Im fine thank you, yourself? I havent seen you at the evening meals lately. Cringing as she knew she had to tell a lie, Yes well I have been suffering from a cold and didnt want anyone to catch it, so Ive been staying in my chambers. I see, as long as youre alright. Seeing him about to take a drink she reaches for a slice of bread. Hearing Matthew clear his throat she glances towards him, father wants to see you this evening. Stopping her progress in eating her bread, Abigail turns to look at Matthew. Why would My Lord want to see me. Noticing her eyes go wide slightly with worry, he peers at her with a frown, Im not sure why but its nothing to worry about. I assure you on that, Standing up Matthew bows to Abigail now I must be off as father wants some messages delivered. But youve hardly ate anything without replying Matthew walks off. No longer feeling her appetite Abigail stands up and heads towards the gardens.

Chapter 3

Kneeling thick deep in mud Abigail decides the garden has had enough weed picking. Standing up she brushes her green gown down as best as she can. Thinking it would be best to change before speaking to My Lord, Abigail starts walking back to the keep. Once reached her chambers, Abigail changes from her green gown into her rich blue gown. Taking a seat by the mirror, Abigail decides to braid her hair. Just finishing tying a blue bow to her hair, the chamber door opens, in comes Lady of Lyth castle, not having seen her since she last attacked her. Abigail stands and grasps her hands to stop fidgeting with panic, Mother. Abigail, walking towards her, she notices Abigail hesitates, smiling Whats the matter Abigail. Theres nothing wrong My Lady, griping her hands harder to try and clam herself down, Can I help you My Lady. No my dear, I just came to have a chat. A chat, squeaks Abigail, taking a few breathes, What about my Lady. It seems some of the maids are telling a few lies. What about my Lady. About me hurting you the other day, which I didnt, did I narrowing her gaze at Abigail. But you did My Lady, mumbled Abigail. No I think you miss understood Abigail, we had a disagreement. You tried to kill me, yelled Abigail. Advancing on her she grips her by the wrist, No, thats not true. Now when you see your father do not mention this. Shaking Abigails wrist, Do you understand or next time I wont let go. Staring at her mother, with shock as she realizes she has just been threatened. Abigail quickly shakes free of her mothers grip and tries to make a run for it. Where do you think youre going, shouts her mother. Grabbing Abigail by the shoulder, so that she faces her. Taking a panicked breathe Abigail takes a step back from her mothers gaze, I wont let you blackmail me. Laughing Lady of Lyth castle replies, What you going to do. Taking a deep breath realizing this isnt going anywhere, as well as getting slightly frustrated Lady of Lyth castle sighs, Why are you like this Abigail.

Chapter 4

Shouts, an argument going on in the next room draws Matthew attention. He walks towards the door to hear whats going on. Why are you like this Abigail. Lady of Lyth voice, why ever would she say such a thing, Matthew thought. I dont understand mother, whatever have I done says Abigail, the sound of panic is heard in her voice. Why ever would Abigail feel panicked in lady of Lyth presence thought Matthew, inching closer to the door just in case he is need. As the conversation gets more heated and then suddenly theres a bang. Matthew marches into the room, hes met with a brief shock then clouded with fear; he rushes to Abigails aid. As Abigail is backing towards the window away from mothers wild gaze of anger. Abigail strays a quick glance towards Matthew when she feels the edge of the long tall window ledge, her mother draws closer pushing Abigail over the edge she grabs frantically for the ledge but her fingers slip out of reach. She starts to close her eyes as she knows she has reached her end. Feeling a sharp tug on her right arm, her eyes open in shock she meets Matthews gaze, which is filled with fear for her. Im slipping Matthew shouts Abigail. As she dangles from Matthewss grip and starts to feel a sudden urge to weep. Tightening his grip, Ive got you My Lady. I wont let you go. ************ As Jamie draws near to Lyth castle he hears shouts, but thats not what draws his attention, its the hint of fear and panic in the shouts. When he looks out of his carriage hes met with shock as he sees a lady dangling by a mans arms. As he gets a better look at the lady he realizes thats his betrothal. Jamie shouts a command to his driver to stop. As he rushes out of the carriage and towards his betrothal, hes overcome by a strong emotion of fear for Abigail. The few times when he met Abigail she seemed pleasantly nice and shy but there seemed to be more about her which drew his attention. She wasnt his usual type of woman he would pick but whenever he saw Abigail he had a sudden urge of need and want. As he drew his thoughts back to the present, he looks up at his dangling betrothal. He moves to stand beneath her swaying body and shouts towards the man holding her. Drop her, I ve got her A shout below draws Abigails attention. She sees a man standing beneath her, then looks back at Matthew. Dont, he may not catch me. She shouts at Matthew. She grips harder as she can see hes made his choice.Please dont. She weeps. Matthew looks dead on into Abigails gaze Everythings going to be okay, now let go. Matthew lets go of Abigails arm, screeching as she falls. Then thump shes in strong warm arms, with a deep voice soothing her with reassurances.

As she through her arms around the man who caught her she bursts into tears due to shock and fear. As she calms down and realizes Matthew was standing by, she gets up and hugs him tight, Thank you, murmurs Abigail. Hearing a throat being cleared Abigail looks over her shoulder to see whos making the noise. Seeing it be Lord Campbell; she breaks away from Matthew and wipes her eyes. Forgive me, My Lord. I didnt realize it was you, whispering as she curtseys for the lord looking back into his gaze. Please Abigail theres nothing to forgive, call me Jamie. He holds out his hand and brings hers to his lips and presses a kiss. Seeing him look at Matthew with a strict expression, Why was Abigail hanging from you arms. Hearing the accusation, Abigail was about to intervene but Matthew replied too quickly. I was saving her. Seeing Lord Campbell frown Save her. Taking a pause as he starts to realize, You mean someone pushed her. Turning his gaze to Abigail, Who did this to you. Looking at his gaze she began to feel nervous, turning to look at Matthew who nods encouragement, she takes a deep breath, It was mother. Watching his eyes go wide with shock he looks at Matthew, Is this true. Yes My Lord. I came just in time. Noticing fury cross his brow, Where is she. I dont know My Lord, she must of ran off whilst I was helping Abigail. Seeing Lord Campbell about to go off in search of her mother she steps into his path of vision. Please dont do anything, My Lor- Jamie, blushing as she stammered over his name, she looks down at her feet. As a warm hand presses against the side of her cheek she looks up and meets Jamies gaze. As she feels an over powering emotion to lean into the caress she backs away from Jamie and looks at Matthew. What am I ever to do. Where am I supposed to go. Before Matthew could respond Jamie interrupts with such seriousness, theres no good arguing. You come with me. My Lord I cant do that. Why ever would you insist such a thing. Because My Lady you are my betrothal and Im here to marry you. An intake of breath Abigail whispers, Betrothal. Yes your to marry me, and by the looks of things as soon as possible, youre not safe her. Come lets find a priest. Tugging on his hand, A priest, are you mad, yelled Abigail. Stopping in his tracks he frowns down at her, Mad, what makes you think this is mad. You just come here, yes you saved me which Im grateful, but you cant demand a priest. Why not, youre my betrothal Sighed Jamie. Betrothal, since when, I didnt know anything about it Yelled Abigail, turning her wild gaze to Matthew, who looked awfully guilty, You knew. Yes my Lady I was going to say something but I thought mother would tell you.

She just tried to kill me. What makes you think shell tell me anything. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down she looks back at Matthew. Im sorry, its not your fault, I just dont understand. Feeling her hand being held she looks at the person who holds it. Every think is going to be alright Abigail. Im not going to hurt you, please come with me. Just staring at Jamie and knowing he meant those words, she could forget everything that just happened. She knew she had no other offers and that Sir Jamie is a very bonnie lad. He was also right about her not being safe anymore. Taking a deep breath and looking into his warm brown eyes, sighing Okay, Saying it more firmly to herself than Lord Campbell, Okay. Shocked by the sudden change Jamie stares blindingly at Abigail, What did you just say he whispers. I said okay. Feeling like he should ask if shes sure he decides not to. Instead he grips her hand and starts to lead her over to his carriage. What you doing realizing where they were walking to. Going to get married. Yes I know that but were walking to your carriage. Turning to face Abigail, Well yes Im taking you home. Seeing her slightly panic he cups her face in his hands We will be, youre not safe her, you know that. Without realizing he leans in and presses a kiss to her forehead and continues onto his carriage. Stumbling over her feet, she follows Jamie to the carriage. The kiss, even though it wasnt really a kiss it felt good, it meant Jamie cared for her. Abigail had never had a man to be such a gentleman towards her, and never expecting Jamie to be after all those rumours. Rumours of him lifting any womans shirt within reach, sometimes with force, maybe I shouldnt be going with Jamie. Realizing its too late to change her mind, as she was already in the carriage and about to set off. What about my things, blurted Abigail. Dont worry about your things My Lady, Ill bring them over in a few days, replied Matthew with much reassurance. Looking at Matthew, she sees his facial expression turn into a frown. Knowing he had read her worry over Jamie she quickly replies Very well, Ill see you in a couple of days. Nodding her farewell the carriage starts to move along. When Lyth Castle was finally out of view she turns to face Jamie. Sir Jamie you dont have to do this. Do what Abigail. Sighing Abigail looks into Jamies eyes and see hes slightly amused by the ways of this conversation. You dont have to marry me; I could go and live with my kinsmen. All sighs of amusement gone, Jamie replies sharply, Your kinsmen just tried to kill you. That was my mother. I have other kinsmen, theres my aunt who is married to Sir Compton. Thinking the name sounds familiar, Jamie recalls the man. Im to marry you, not he. What makes you think I dont want to marry you.

Little flustered by his words Abigail leans back in her seat and sighs, I dont know. Deciding to change the subject he asks, Why would your mother want to kill you, Regretting it admittedly as Abigails face pales with remembrance. Im not sure My Lord, whispering so, Jamie had to strain his ears to hear. There has got to be a reason. Does she gain anything if you die, or the like. Looking at Jamie with realization and paling even more, She does, doesnt she. Yes My Lord, it would seem so. I didnt realize until you mentioned. My father left me land and a cottage that is held on Lyth Castle, frowning in thought but I cant see why she would kill me for that. Thinking the same, Jamie murmurs his agreement, Mayhap theres more. Shaking her head, No My Lord, there isnt, not that I know of. Feeling inclined to ask, When do you get the land your father gave you. Darting her eyes away from Jamie, It was said to be given when I marry. Ahh, I see, sighed Jamie. Looking up at his response with curiosity, See what. When did your mother start acting differently towards you Abigail. Taking a deep breath she looks out the window, Shes always has been like that, My Lord. Shocked he yells What. Seeing Abigail jump with the sudden loudness he asks again in more soothing tones. What, shes always tried to kill you. Briefly shaking her head, No My Lord, shes always been different towards me, distant, Speaking in lower tones, She tried to strangle me the other day. Moving to sit next to Abigail, he reaches for her neck, to see for himself. When was this. Looking down at Jamie, worried gaze, she feels comforted by the soothing stroke of his hand. Remembering he asked her a question she looks back and sees him staring at her, blushing slightly, Almost three weeks My Lord, day after you had left. Briefly shocked as it had been that long, he knew he should have come sooner but messages received by Lord of Lyth castle asking him for a few more days had stopped him. Now he knew why. Removing his hand he hears Abigail moans a sigh of disappointment. Looking at her he sees the faint blush upon her face, wanting to hear her moan again, but knowing he shouldnt asks Did Lord of Lyth Castle know about this. Looking to face Jamie, No, My Lord. Why, do you think he played some part in this. Im afraid so, feeling the need to explain I was meant to come sooner but Lord of Lyth Castle asked me to hold on as he hadnt told you yet. Raising her eyebrows, looking away from Jamie, thats what was discussed that day, me marrying you. Recalling the way Jamie left that day, now understanding why, he didnt want to marry her. Hearing the last comment said in a brief disappointment, recalling her words he realizes she must think he didnt want to marry her. Just about to reply to her words he sees they have reached a perfect spot to stop for the night. Shouting a command to the driver Jamie yells Pull over; we'll be staying here for the night." Looking around Abigail sees nothing but trees, "Why are we stopping My Lord," feeling slightly panicked. "To stop for the night." "Yes I heard that," snapping slightly, taking a calm breath "but why" looking to face Jamie she sees Im looking at her strangely. With narrowed eyes he asks, "You've

never left the castle have you." Even though it wasnt a question more of a statement Abigail nods her head. "We have to stop as its more than one day journey to my keep. If we set off before sunrise we should be there by midday." Not knowing what to say Abigail looks back towards the window. Stepping out off the carriage she watches Jamie and his driver start to make a fire. A few minutes later she saw Jamie lay out two blankets by the fire, "No tents," realizing what she had said she blushes and glances to the floor. Feeling Jamie looking at her she sees him grinning. "No Im afraid not. Come sit by the fire," holding out his hand Abigail takes it and joins him by the fire. Seeing Abigail smoother a yawn he silently requests her to sleep. Laying next to her he feels her tense, realizing why, "I'm not going to try anything; I'm simply laying here for more warmth and your safety." Seeing her relax he sighs a breath of relief. **** Being woken by kicking and screaming he looks to see the attacker, seeing it be Abigail Jamie holds her arms down to stop her palm from nearly punching him in the face. Shaking her lightly to try and wake her up. When her eyes opened partly he started to murmur reassurances. Holding her in his arms, moving his hand up and down her back, he decided he didnt like to see her have a nightmare it terrified him. Holding her a little tighter, "You had a nightmare," feeling her nod he continues "What was it about," looking down at her, he sees her pale "You don't have to answer." Guessing it to be her mother of yesterdays event had come back to haunt her. "I was dreaming of falling," feeling her shiver he holds her tighter. "About yesterday" feeling silly for asking but he had to know. "Yes" murmuring some more reassurances he tells her shes safe and to get some more rest. Feeling her body relax with sleep he breathed a sigh of relief. *** When sunrise started to break through the trees Jamie felt reluctant to wake Abigail up, but wanting to make it to his keep by midday he starts to arouse her. "Abigail we must be leaving" seeing her blink her eyes open, stretching awake made him smile, she looked adorable. "Jamie", hearing her murmur his name he finds her looking at him, "Good morning Abigail." "Good morning Jamie," pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes "We must be leaving." Standing up he offers his hand. Nearly being midday Jamie looks out the window, they were a good half an hour away from his keep. Looking back at Abigail who had been quiet since they left camp he decided not to worry, she must be just exhausted from waking up in the night, was looking out of the window. "We should be at the keep within half an hour, seeing her nod he went back to look out his window. Abigail wasnt sure how to take Jamies helpfulness. She was unsure on whether she could trust the man to keep her safe but she knew he was willing to try otherwise he wouldnt be marrying her. It felt wrong to be marrying a man like Jamie for safety. Sighing she turns to look out of the window, she couldnt continue on in those thoughts as she knew it wouldnt get her anywhere.

Chapter 5

Finally reaching his keep he helps Abigail out of the carriage, he shouts commands to the maids nearby. Who came to greet his return, to have a hot bath made for Abigail in the chambers next to his. Seeing Abigail about to follow the maids he pulls her back to his side and whispers in her ear. I think you would find its me marrying you, which was discussed, pushing Abigail lightly to follow the maids he watched her go. Laying in the steaming hot bath Abigail starts to forget her worries over Jamies words, losing herself to some relaxation she starts to drift off. Hearing the door being opened Abigail is quickly woken. Realizing she must of fallen asleep while bathing, she turns to see who has entered. Feeling briefly shocked, mostly clouded by embarrassment, flushing a deep red she quickly gets out of the tub and wraps a towel around her. Whispering, My Lord.

When entering his chambers Jamie hadnt been expecting to see Abigail in his tub. Nor her bare behind when she leapt out to cover her modesty. Reining in his desire, need to push her down on the bed and make love to her, he balls his hands into fists. What are you doing here Abigail. Shocked by his words and still embarrassed by being seen naked, she looks around the chamber. Having a bath My Lord. I can see that, but what are you doing in my chambers. Raising her eyebrows Abigail looks at Jamie. Your chambers, I thought this was supposed to be mine. No your room is next door. Seeing Lord Campbells hands tight into fists she feels the need to leave, Im sorry My Lord, walking past Jamie to reach the connecting door, shes abruptly grasped by the waist. He knew he shouldnt off grabbed her but feeling her so close and that smell coming of her body, he wanted to kiss her. Looking into Abigails questioning gaze he draws her face to his and presses a kiss. Only intended to be a peck but feeling how good she tasted he pressed firmer. Feeling Jamie kissing her, felt shocked, knowing she should push him away she moves to place a hand on his chest. Instead of pushing him away she warps her arms around his neck, whilst letting him glide his tongue inside her mouth. Moaning her pleasure and feeling bold she moves her tongue against his. Jamie knew he should stop, but liking her boldness, he starts to move her towards the bed. Hearing a knock Jamie mutters curses. Whispering in Abigails ear you should go. Bringing her lips to kiss for one last time; he gives her a gentle nudge towards her door. Smiling as he sees it takes Abigail a moment to recover herself, he walks towards his door.


Opening the door he receives a message that a priest is in the village. Smiling more broadly Jamie walks down to the great hall. **** Feeling utterly dazed by what had just happened; Abigail flops down on her bed. Touching her lips she recalls his kiss, it was passionate, just thinking about it had her wanting another. Feeling the need to distract herself she suddenly remembers her dress state; she gets up to search for some clothes. Looking through the chests at the bottom of the bed Abigail sighs, no women clothes that would fit. Finding a mans outfit Abigail starts to put it on. Just finishing lacing up the shirt, a knock on the door draws her attention, in comes Jamie. Seeing Abigail dressed as a lad has him mildly shocked, Why are dressed as a lad. Blushing, putting in all her concentration into tying the last lace on the shirt There are no clothes that would fit me. Ill go and find you a gown, seeing Jamie turn to leave, Abigail quickly walks up to him and placing a hand on his arm to stop him moving any further. Seeing him look at her so, Abigail changes her mind from about to kiss him to backing away. What is it Abigail. Thinking its best to say nothing, then recalling he came to see her, blushing You came to see me Jamie. Smiling as he likes the way she says his name, holding her gaze with his eyes Yes I did, just to say the evening meal will be ready shortly. Seeing the look of panic on Abigails face he takes a step closer, taking her hand in his why look so worried Abigail. Looking down Abigail fumbles for words, blurting out what if they dont like me. Placing his warm hand onto the side of her face of course they will. Still seeing worry in her eyes, everything will be alright, you have me. In fact well walk down together. Noticing her eyes brighten a little Youll do that. Of course, youre soon to be my wife. I have nothing to wear seeing her hand fumble with the lace on her shirt; taking a step back Ill go and get someone to fetch you a dress. When youre ready Ill be waiting. Watching him leave Abigail sits down and waits on the bed. Walking down the hall for the evening meal was nerve racking. Abigail kept on tripping over her own gown, well borrowed gown, Jamie took hold of her arm to steady her. When they entered the hall it went dead quiet, she could hear her own breath. Looking around now you wouldnt think so. These men where loud and boisterous nothing like Lyth Castle, everyone seemed happy. The hall was beautifully laid out, food filling the table with a massive feast. Everyone diving into their food with a few rumbles of laughter. To her left was a huge window that looked out onto the green land Jamie owned, to her right were a few tapestries over the wall. Noticing Jamie looking at her she turns to her left. Everything alright. Yes I was just looking around.

Seeing the way he was looking at her and then to her plate she follows his eyes. Youve hardly ate anything. She could of laughed, the plate was stacked full when he gave it to her, now it was half that. She felt like she ate a horse, I assure you Im full, putting her hand on her belly to emphasizes her point. Very well. Would you like me to take you back to your room. Nodding her head she starts to stand up. Just approaching her chamber doors, she starts to entre when Jamie lightly holds her hand. Looking at him with a questioned in her eyes. Theres something I forgot to tell you. Rising her eyes in curiosity What is it Jamie. Were to be married on the morrow. On the morrow, shocked by the short notice Abigail starts to panic. Noticing her panic he steps closer, You still want to get married, watching her steadily for her reply. I do, its just I have nothing to wear, hearing her worries over dress wear he signs a deep relief, watching her continue her list of worries, and the feast needs to be made. Placing Abigails face between his hands he presses a kiss to her lips, You look beautiful in anything and the rest; Ill see to it. Now get some rest, we have a big day on the morrow, winking Jamie turns around to leave. Watching him leave, Abigail blushes, as she realizes what he meant. Feeling slightly panicked Abigail thinks of the wedding night to come. Not knowing a lot about the process as never really told, she thinks back to what her friends had said. Pondering on the matter wasnt going to help. Deciding to take her friend Janets advice, Just go with the flow. Sighing she walks over to the bed, thinking sleep would do her some good.


Chapter 6 Being woken, a hand shaking her shoulder, had Abigail alert, What is it. Looking around, still slightly dazed by sleep she sees a petite woman staring at her. My Lady its time to get up, youre to be married within an hour. Shocked by the announcement, Abigail looks out the window and sees the sun shining, realizing its midday, murmuring I must have over slept. Theres a bath ready for you, My Lady. Hearing those words she sees a steaming hot bath in the centre of the room, hopping out of bed Abigail starts to undress. **** Where could she be, muttered Jamie, glancing at the clock once again, Shes ten minutes late. Just then the doors to the great hall are opened, gasping at what he sees it takes his breath away. Looking over his soon to be wife he murmurs, Beautiful and completely forgets about her lateness. Seeing Jamie place his hand over his heart, she begins to feel at ease. Wearing an emerald green gown had her worrying as she wasnt keen on the colour. Then there was her hair, lightly hanging over her shoulder swaying with every movement, as she wasnt used to having it down made her feel uncomfortable. Smoothing her hands over her gown she looks up at Jamie smiling nervously. Watching him bring her hand to his lips she blushes, turning a deeper red when he leans in and whispers you look lovely. Feeling flustered by the compliment and not used to them she turns her attention to the priest. Being tugged by her hand she follows Jamies movements, kneeling by the priest she quickly glances one more look at Jamie. Seeing Abigail looking at him out the corner of her eye, he smiles. He was so nervous himself he had to pull all his concentration into hearing her say her vows. Hearing her say those words of commitment with no hesitation made him more determined to keep her safe and to do right by Abigail, making sure shes safe, he says his vows. Hearing his people cheer their congratulations he leans in and presses a soft kiss to Abigails lips. Pulling away, seeing her eyes clouded with passion made him want to kiss her again, interrupted by people congratulating them had them soon parted from one another. Feeling out of place Abigail looks around for her husband, spotting Matthew in the crowd she walks up to him. Greeting him with a hug, Matthew what are you doing here, seeing him looking mildly amused Its your wedding day, I wouldnt miss that, looking more seriously besides youre like a sister to me, and I brought your things. Smiling she hugs him again and youre like a brother to me, if it wasnt for you the other day, trailing of as she remembers when Matthew saved her. Looking back at his face she asks Did you find her. Lets not discuss this on your wedding day, seeing him look around you should be enjoying yourself seeing his eyes light with humour, here comes your husband. Looking in the direction of Matthews gaze she sees her husband frowning, Why is he frowning so. Looking back at Matthews grin It would seem your husband is jealous,

Why ever would he be jealous, looking mildly shocked by Matthewss statement she looks back to where Jamie was standing. It would seem your husband didnt like the way you hugged me. Seeing her husband coming closer she couldnt respond to Matthews comment. Seeing the way his wife was hugging a man who he couldnt recall made him feel funny. Pulling his wife by the waist to his side he looked at the man. Hearing his wife introduce him as Matthew made him release her slightly. You remember Matthew he was there the day you caught me. Yes I remember, Nodding at the grinning Matthew. Come wife lets dance. Stammering over a reversal she follows her husband, looking back she sees Matthew laughing. As more people started to dance Abigail decided she had enough as her feet hurt. Feeling her husband hand tighten on hers she looks at him Where are you going, not wanting to complain she murmurs her need of refreshments. Theres some in our bed chambers, come lets go upstairs. Tugging his wife by the hand, he leads her upstairs. Entering their chamber he reach for his tankan and pours his wife a drink, seeing Abigail looking nervous, he puts the drink down. Walking to his wife cupping her face in his hands he leans in and presses a kiss that soon leaves them both breathless. Trailing kisses down her neck, he moves her over to the edge of the bed and starts to remove her gown. Revealing Abigail in her shift, he shivers with anticipation, pressing kisses down her arms he lightly pushes her to sit. Bending down Jamie starts to remove her stocking, when her left leg was revealed her placed light kisses and a few lick here and there, Soon doing the same with the right. Moaning her pleasure Abigail leans down for another kiss, wanting to feel Jamies body, she pulls his shirt over his shoulders. Watching her hands explore his fine muscular body, feeling a warm heated hand at her cheek, looking up into Jamies gaze she sees him smile, leaning in for another passionate kiss. Feeling Jamie loosen her shift, once bare to all that can see, Jamie pushes her down on the bed. Seeing Abigail about to cover herself with her hands, he holds them by her sides and starts to straddle her. Looking her over, he murmurs his appreciation. Leaning down to kiss her already swollen lips, feeling her soften to his touch he moves his hands over her breasts, lightly kneading them. Feeling her nipples harder he bends down and takes one in his mouth. Moaning her delight over the caress, Abigail arches up to his touch as well as digging her hand in his hair. Moaning her disappointment when he leaves to press kisses to her belly, but soon starts to tense when she feels his mouth lower over her womanhood. Utterly shocked when he moves his mouth and tongue over her womanhood, Abigail tries to pull him by his hair. As her attempts fail due to the feel of her passion growing she moans her pleasure. Arching to his caress and feeling her stomach start to knot she moans Jamies name. Shivering with delight and anticipation when Jamie enters a finger, she pleads for him to join. Finally feeling Abigail was ready; Jamie leans back and starts to remove his braces. Watching Abigail, he notices some of her passion disappears due to fear. Looking down at himself and looking back he presses a kiss to her mouth and starts trailing kisses down to her neck, then breasts. Moaning her pleasure Abigail forgot about her fear. Moving her hands up and down Jamies back and lightly squeezing his buttocks, she pleads him for more. Feeling her womanhood part slightly she

tenses. Relax, sooths Jamie, taking her mouth for a passionate kiss. Feeling a brief sting, as her maiden was breached; she opens her eyes and sees Jamie looking at her intently. As he wasnt moving, just looking at her, she decided to ask if that was it. Laughing Jamie replies No theres plenty more my darling. Shocked by how good it feels, that soon turned into passionate moans, Abigail starts to move with Jamie. As the paste gets faster, Abigail begins to lose herself over to her passion. Feeling Abigail shudder had Jamie shouting out her name. Rolling out of bed he quickly washed them both up, pulling her into his arms and pressing a kiss to her forehead. He couldnt believe how passionate Abigail was and just thinking about it had him wanting her again.


Chapter 7

Reaching for her husband she feels an empty space, opening her eyes she sees he is nowhere to be seen. Day after their wedding where could he be. Getting up Abigail starts to dress whilst wondering where he would be. Thinking he must be doing one of his chores. Walking into the bailey Abigail sees Jamie and Matthew in deep conversation. So deep they didnt hear her approach. Repeating Matthews last words Tell me what. Turning to face Abigail, Jamie takes hold of her hand, Come inside we must talk. Looking to Matthew who has already started walking she follows. Thinking the worst she squeezes Jamies hand tighter, out of the corner of her eye she sees him looking at her, murmuring Im scared. I swear its not that bad. Looking at him she decides she believes him. Walking more confidentially they finally reach the hall. Taking a seat at the table, sitting between Jamie and Matthew she asks So what is it you have to tell me. Watching the two exchange a glance with each other then remain silent, which starts to drive Abigail crazy, Just tell me, it cant be --- Im your brother, looking at Matthew with confusion. What did you just say. Im your brother. How can that be, taking a steady breath, I already considered you as a brother but I think you miss understood. No Abigail hes not miss understood, looking at Jamie but how, shaking her head I mean, we dont have the same mother. Looking at Matthew then back at Jamie then back again, smiling slightly do we Seeing Matthew look at her strangely and narrowing his eyes at her Yes we do. Smiling hugely Thats wonderful, throwing her arms around Matthew. Hearing Jamie sigh a huge breath of relief. Parting from Matthew You dont mind. Why would I. I already consider you a brother. Thank god. I was so worried how you would take this, I was expecting the worst. Hugging Matthew again she asks But how do you know shes your mother. Seeing him divert his gaze from her, feeling a hand on hers, she starts to feel slightly panicked Tell me. Watching him take a deep breath I saw mother the other day. What, nearly yelling her reply she pulls back from the table. Feeling Matthew grab her hand she pulls away, How could you, she tried to kill me. Come on Abigail, listen to what he has to say. Looking at Jamie with an acquiescing eye and then at Matthew. She came to me Abigail. I know she tried to kill you thats why I didnt go with her. Feeling confused What do you mean go with her.

She asked me to help her, to side with her. I told her no and what she did to you was unforgiveable. I was trying to take her to father but then she blurted out that I was her son, sighing deeply he looked Abigail with such failure in his eyes She caught me off guard. I didnt know whether to believe her. So I went to father, he told me everything. Feeling utterly lost, upset and mainly confused, so much to take in. Im sorry Abigail; I shouldnt of let her go. In a wooden voice, No you shouldnt off. Standing up slowly, I-- I have to go.

Watching Abigail leave and seeing Matthew about to call after her No she needs time to progress. Seeing Matthew nod he stands up I best be off. You only just got here. She needs time. Ill give her space. Placing his hand on Matthews shoulder Shell forgive you, trying to brighten the mood At least she was glad youre her brother. Yea, that was before she knew. Shell come around. After seeing Matthew leave, Jamie went in search of his wife. Finding her in the garden he went to sit next to her. Sitting in silence for a while Abigail finally breaks the silence, He let her go. Hey, turning her chin towards him, so she was looking at him Everything is going to be okay. Is it. Come on, youre safe here. Holding her closer, I wont let anything happen to you. Feeling her snuggles closer At least you have a brother. Hes sorry you know. I already counted him as a brother. Sighing deeply Can we just not talk about it for now, please. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, they watched the sun fall for the night. ***** Finding his wife by the window he walks up behind her, putting his arms around her he presses a kiss to the top of her head. Are you alright, feeling her nod he turns her around to look into her eyes, seeing sadness in her eyes and about to say he didnt believe her, Abigail leans up and presses a soft passionate kiss to his lips. Shocked by the outburst of passion, it takes him a few minutes to react. What was that all about. Snuggling closer I just wanted a distraction. I can give you a better distraction. Pulling her closer he presses a feverish kiss, which leads to an outburst of feverish love making.


Soft warm hand sliding up and down Abigails back wakes her up. As she follows the hand she soon meets a passion heated gaze that longs to Jamie. Abigail moans when his hand glides over her breast. She reaches for a kiss and in reply she receives a kiss that leaves her breathless but wanting more. Arching into the caress that Jamie is giving, he murmurs his encouragement. Moaning her pleasure when Jamie takes her breast in his mouth and sucks until Abigail screams with pleasure. Moaning her disappointment when he leaves her breast to trail kisses over her stomach, soon enough shes over taken by a brief shock, when she feels a warm mouth over her womanhood, that soon turns into clouded passion. When she feels a finger gliding over her clit she screams with wonder. The tingling sensation it brings has her reaching on the end. She pleads Jamie to join their bodies together but he continues with tormenting her. Abigails taken over by a need to be filled by him she pushes Jamie onto his back, which leaves him briefly shocked by her strength. Soon enough hes over taken by pleasure when he feels Abigails womanhood closing around his manhood. Oh that feels so good. Abigail sighs her pleasure. As she straddles Jamie she moves to a paste they both enjoy. Feeling Abigails womanhood tighten around him, he knows shes about to brake. Reaching for her breast, with his mouth, he feels her shudder her release. He shouts her name as he releases as well. Pulling Abigail into his arms he presses a kiss to her hair. As Abigail cuddles closer to Jamie she feels his erection, blushing, looks into his gaze D- didnt you ... feeling uncomfortable about finishing her sentence she looks away. Warm hand under her chin brings her gaze back to his Yes I did. I want you again Abigail. Feeling heated by his words she reaches for a kiss that soon leads into another heated moment. Finally making love three times, they fall asleep in each others arms.


Chapter 8

"Husband where are we going." "You'll see." After spending far too long on horseback than she cared, Abigail began to feel impatient. After a few more miles Abigail stopped her horse and looked on speechless. "Wife, why have you stopped," turning to face his wife he sees her expression, smiling "It's beautiful, isnt." Looking at her husband "Its more than beautiful," seeing the trees swaying above, with the wind whistling by, she looks down at the breath taking view. Green trees arched to surround the lake with a massive waterfall flowing down grey, crumbling mountain, splashing into the deep rich blue lake. Excitement she asks, "Are we going swimming." Seeing her husbands cheeky grin she takes that as a yes. Watching his wife strip with such speed and then splash into the water, turned him on, he knew he should have brought her sooner. Watching his wife, she looked god dam sexy, wet. Seeing her blush "It's a little late to be blushing dont you think." Seeing her cheeks flame with heat he just smiles. "Im sorry I shouldnt have done that with more modesty." "Dont ever apologies, I like it," looking her husband over and feeling bold "I can see that," smiling with a cheeky grin "Are you going to join or just watch me." "I would love to watch but Im afraid I wont be able to have enough strain." Striping his clothes with a few rips, jumps into the lake. Hearing his wife laugh he floats to the top with a grin. Swimming towards her, he grasps her legs and wraps them around his waist. "You're beautiful." Laughing, "I was just about to say the same." Pressing a kiss to her lips he wraps his strong arms around her body. *** Lying in Jamies warm arms she looks up at the sky, watching the sun go down. "It's soon sunset, shouldnt we be heading back." Holding her tighter "Aye we must," pulling her back he presses a kiss to her mouth, parting he starts to dress. Helping Abigail collect herself they start to trot back to the keep. "Thank you Jamie." "Whatever for," grinning. "For today, it was lovely." Reaching the keep Abigail saddles down and strokes her mare, "I never noticed how beautiful my mare and yours are." Looking over her mare she notices it have a few flecks of black fur merged into its light brown coat. Two front white legs that looked like white booties make her smile.


Holding his wifes hand Jamie does the same. His mare was tall as he with his broad neck, strong muscular legs all black expects his nose which is white. "Me neither wife, they are two very fine creatures." Pulling her away, they both head into the keep for their evening meal, which waits for them.


Chapter 9

Walking to the bailey for some fresh air Abigail thinks over her days at Chestnut Manor. The keep runs smoothly, everyone loved their Lord, no one complained. It would seem the rumours werent true. Jamie was lovely all ways flattering her with poems, the odd kiss of affection here and there. Abigail really liked Chestnut Manor. Hearing loud rumbles of laughter she steps into the great hall and stops, her smile disappearing and a surge of jealousness came rallying over her. Seeing a very fulsome, brunette woman shoving her breast in front of her husband and seeing him laugh to her or not, Abigail didnt like what she saw. Jamie glanced at her, continuing to walk and take a seat, she pretended not to notice. Noticing his wife entre the hall he tries to push his past lover, Sophie off his lap. He didnt like to see his wife miserable. He tried so hard over the past couple of days to make Abigail feel at home. This morning Miss Sophie Graham came to the keep looking for an adventurous night, he tried not to let her in but he didnt want to seem rude. Ignoring her flatteries he introduced her to his wife, who took a seat next to him. Seeing the way Miss Graham reacted to that news, he thought he recognized that expression, looking to his wife he sees it. Realizing Abigail was jealous, he smiles to himself. Seeing Abigail jealous, he wanted to see how far she would go before she couldnt take anymore. Seeing Jamie smiling wildly and paying far too much attention to Miss Graham, she turns her attention to plating amounts of food to her plate. Losing her appetite as she hears the many ways Miss Sophie has planned to play with Jamie later made her abruptly stand up. Glaring at her husband she picks up her tankun and splashes it over Miss Grahams bosom. Before walking away Im sure youll help our uninvited guest clear up. Eyes widened as he understood her meaning he looks at Miss Graham who was cursing viciously. Looking towards a maid who entered, Can you see to Miss Graham and then make sure shes on her way by nightfall. Screeching voice reaches his ears You cant do that, you said I could stay. You clearly upset my wife. Leaning into his chest and rubbing herself against him We could still be together. Seeing the way Jamie looked at her, like a distasteful whore, she backs off. Turning away he goes to find his wife. *** Finding his wife sitting by the fire, in their chambers, he walks up behind and presses a kiss to the side of her cheek Im sorry. I should off sent her on her way when she first arrived. I didnt realize she would behave this way. Who is she, confused by the questioned, as she already knew her name but then realizing she meant who she was to him. Running a hand through his hair She was an ex lover. Fulsome, curves... seeing where she was going he kneels in front of her and places his hands on her waist Your gorgeous, beautiful, with hips like these, my hands curve around, moving his hands to cover her breasts these are two beauties that fit perfectly in my palms. I like the way you respond to my every touch, cupping her face in his hands he presses a passionate kiss to her lips. Those lips

are full of deliciousness, so tasty all I want to do is kiss them again, pushing her down on the sheepskin, laid by the fire, Youre my wife, and I married you. Placing a finger over her lips to silence her interruption yes she was an ex lover but not anymore. Looking at her, all I see is a whore, looking for attention and shes not getting any from me. I take my vows seriously, I stick by them, and youre my wife. Pressing a fierce passionate kiss, that leaves them breathless, he starts to undress her. Let me show you how much you mean to me please. Looking up into Jamies passionate gaze that makes Abigail feel hungrier with desire. Gliding his hands up and down around Abigails breasts, watching her breath harder makes his manhood spring to life. Hearing her panting and pleading Jamie takes her breast into his mouth, nipping on her nipples has she screams out his name. Grabbing Jamies hair, pushing him firmer to her breasts, she arches to meet his caress.


Chapter 10 Wincing as she watches Jamie take another blow from his training partner, having decided to come down and watch her husband train, his men at arms, after their night of love making she started to think that was a mistake as she didnt like to see her husband struggle in combat. Just about to get up and see if the maids need any help, Jamie calls for a break. Watching him run over she stands to greet his kiss. Are you alright husband, Looking him over to make sure. Im perfectly fine wife. You took some pretty bad blows though. Seeing she had wounded his pride she was about to apologies but Jamie replied to quickly which left her feeling slightly wounded herself. You were distracting me. How so, before he could reply, hearing a whooshing noise as if a strong wind just blown, next she was on the floor covered by her husband. What are you doing, feeling slightly panicked when she heard him moan in agony. Shouting for help as people gathered around and hearing gasps didnt make her panic ease at all, something wasnt right. A man at arms kneeling by her side asks, Are you alright my lady. Whats happened. Why is my husband not moving. Seeing him glance over at Jamie, Hes been hit. Taken back by that comment, then hearing Jamie whispered her name in agony, Abigail starts to shout orders. What are you waiting for, help him. Fetch the healer, send him into our chambers, raising her voice with annoyance Come on, move. Watching the men start to gather their senses, then being hurled to her feet when Jamie was moved off, to be carried upstairs. Following her husband she watches the men settle him down on the bed. Seeing one of the men about to pull out the rather large arrow out of Jamies shoulder she rushes over and places her hand on his. What do you think youre doing, looking at him squarely in the eyes. Im removing the arrow. So you can add more damage, I dont think so. Seeing him look at her with confusion, You have to push the arrow through. Then you chop the head off and then you can pull it out. Seeing him look at her as if she was mad she rushes on, Its so you dont do any more damage inside. Shes right, hearing that, Abigail turns her gaze to an old plum lady. You must be the healer. Yes I am child. Know we must attend to the lord. Watching the healer instruct commands, she watches with a pained expression as they start to see to Jamie.

Weeping silently as Jamie roared out in pain when they were attending to his shoulder. Realizing Abigail cared deeply for him, maybe even loved him she knew she couldnt lose him. She couldnt live without him. Ill leave you two alone. Ill be back to check on him later, child. Nodding her head to the healer Abigail slowly walks over to Jamies bedside mumbling stupid fool. Why did you have to do that for. Wiping her tears she leans in and presses a kiss to Jamies clammy forehead. Dont you go and die on me Jamie. Do you hear me. Holding his hand Abigail sits beside him for a couple of hours, which turn into a heart full of pain. Having watched Jamie toss and turn, not being able to get comfy, mumbling his pain, sitting here not being able to do anything. Abigail decides to go off and find her mother, once and for all. After finding a maid to look over Jamie, Abigail walks out of the bailey and carries on for the trees. She loved Jamie and she couldnt lose another loved one. She has a feeling this was all down to her mother, those thoughts were confirmed when Abigail took a better a look at the arrow. Which looked awfully familiar, as it was the same design as her fathers, he loved the colour blue. When her father passed away his belonging went to her mother, it was the only explanation, it had to be her mothers doing. Abigail wasnt sure of where she was going but she knew she had to confront her mother. Abigail was fed up of living in fear and waiting for her next action. Disappearing into the trees Abigail started heading for Lyth castle.


Chapter 11 Arousing from a feverish ordeal Jamie blinks his eyes open, shutting them closed as a bright ray of sunlight beams into his eyes. Moving his hand to shield his eyes he hears a gasp, thinking it to be his wife he croaks Abigail. No my lord. She isnt here. Opening his eyes as that announcement he sees the curtains have been drawn, following the voice he sees Mandy the healer. Where is my wife. She isnt here my lord. She has gone. Struggling to sit up he stammers Gone. Yes My Lord, gone. She left a good hour ago. Feeling his heart tighten with regret, why wasnt she here, didnt she care at all that he saved her from being hit. Starting to feel angry for not being cared for, he glears at Mandy. Where she gone to. I dont know My Lord, she just left looking awfully angry. Angry, barking the reply, what does she have to be angry about. She left him. She didnt even stay to see if he would recover. Pulling himself to his feet he barks demands, Hand me my clothes, and fetch my men. My lord you should be resting. Laughing without humor, Resting, Im going to fetch my wife back. She doesnt just leave when she wishes. Tumbling towards Mandy, Pass me my clothes, and fetch my men. Yes My Lord. After finally struggling into his clothes his men arrive, not looking too pleased. Andy the leader of the men steps forward. My Lord, I dont think you should be up. Anger fuming he replies with harshness, Dont tell me what I should be doing. I wouldnt have to be up if my wife wasnt gone. What happened to keeping her safe. We didnt know she was gone. Looking appalled thats even worse, whos on guard. Is anyone. Fed up of wasting time he walks to the door in a haste, whish nearly leaves him breathless. Get two men to accompany me and saddle the horses Andy turning around to face him Oh and when I get back, I want the men doing their job. If I find anyone slacking they will be killed. Seeing him pale and nod his agreement, Jamie starts to descend the stairs. Grinding his teeth from pain, which shoots up with every step he decides to focus on his petite wife who left him. Out on the field Jamie finally sees small foot prints which could only be Abigails. Sending one of his men ahead he follows in a rash pace. Weaving in and out of the trees Jamie slows down thinking they maybe following a wrong trail. At one point he thought Abigail was heading for Lyth Castle but now, she seemed to be going the completely other direction.

Suddenly hearing muffled struggles Jamies heart squeezes with dread. Kicking his horse into a furious speed, those muffled noise defiantly sounded like his wife. If anything happened to her he would kill the person responsible. Seeing his wife being held from behind by a low thug of a thieve, whilst another slams his fist into her face. Jamie roars with anger, riding with is sword drawn he heads for the low life thug holding her. Striking his opponent in the back which becomes a deadly kill, he hops of his horse. Blocking Abigail from the remainder thug he faces him with his outrage. Nearly being taken down by the thug as Jamie beings to feel weak from his wound and his new ones, he stumbles back. Luckily one of his men rides over and sweeps the thugs head of his shoulders, as if he was just buttering some bread. Murmuring his thanks Jamie sinks to his knees. Jamie. Hearing his concerned wife stepping forward, he stands up and looks at her with a deadly gaze. You left, what were you thinking, seeing Abigails eyes glaze with furry. I was looking for my mother. Laughing humorlessly, Your mother, the person who has tried to kill you more than once, raking his hand through his hair, Jamie thinks of a dark thought. Dont tell me. This was your plan all along wasnt it. You two just wanted to be evil. Watching Abigails mouth drop open with shock. Then suddenly being pounded in the chest by her small fists with her anger leaves him wincing in pain. Taking hold of her wrists to stop her pounding, she looks at him with a hurt expression he has never seen before. Which makes his heart tighten with apologies. How dare you think that. I would never kill anyone, raising her voice in frustration, Why would I want to hurt you, when all you have done is care for me. Rushing her words, Im nothing like her and how dare you think that. Im fed up of the people I care about dying. I wasnt giving up on you, I would never do that, you are my husband. I was going to ask mother to stop causing all of this pain. Seeing her look down at her feet he draws her gaze back to his. I know how that sounds Jamie, but I dont want to lose you. I dont want to lose you either. My men will find her. The men who didnt even notice me leave. Grunting his reply, he starts to lead her over to his horse. Besides what do you think you were doing. Youre injured you should be resting. Looking down at his wife, I was out saving you. Placing his hand over the slightly swallow cheek, By the looks of things I was just in time. It doesnt hurt that bad. Grunting again he lifts her onto his horse. Grinding his teeth in pain he hisses to his men to ride ahead. Sitting behind Abigail he brings her closer to his chest, Where did you think you were going to find your mother. Remembering of the twisted root she took. I was heading to Lyth Castle.

Well you were going completely the wrong way. Was I. I thought I was a bit lost. Laughing he tugs Abigail closer, picks up the speed heading for the keep.


Chapter 12

Sighing deeply Jamie goes to find his wife. Having nearly spent a week to recover from his arrow wound as well as a few grazes from saving Abigail from thieves, he was practically bursting at the seams to have his wife. Seeing her lush body every night and not being able to have her was a pure torment. Groaning at Abigails behind shaking in front of him, he walks up behind her. Huskily, What are you doing wife, hearing her gasp from surprise. Husband, I didnt hear you. Not having the patience to wait he pulls her to her feet and starts walking into the keep. Where are we going Jamie. We are going to bed. But its daylight. Even better, looking at her with a smirk which makes her cheeks flame with heat. Entering their chambers Jamie locks the door and saunters over to Abigail. Pulling her gown away from her body he hears her gasp. You just ripped my gown. Cupping her face he locks his gaze with hers, Im sorry wife, but Im in dire need to have you. Seeing her eyes spark with passion he leans in to press a breathless kiss, which has is wife moaning for more. Feeling her small hands start to grope him he groans. Taking hold of her hands he pushes her down on the bed. Looking at his wifes beauty, huskily Im going to ravish you. ***** Waking up after there well spent bodies, Abigail snuggles closer to Jamie. A knock at the door they both groan. Who is it, says Jamie. Its me, Matthew. May I come in. Shouting at the same time No. Its important. Not liking that, Abigail starts to dress. Well meet you in the hall. What do you think this is about Jamie, looking at Jamie with worried eyes. Dont worry, leaning in he presses a kiss Come on lets go and see what he has to say.

Taking Jamies hand they walk down to the hall. Entering the hall to find Matthew pacing up and down wasnt good. Matthew we are here. Take a seat please. Actually I just wanted to speak to you Jamie. What you have to say, can be said in front of Abigail. Noticing his panicked expression she turns to Jamie, Maybe I should go. No we dont keep secrets. Sitting down Matthew joins them. What is this about Matthew. I came as soon as I could. They have had sighting on mother. What, are you sure, her hand being squeezed, she clams her racing heart down. She was last seen about ten miles north from here. Thats not far at all. Has someone managed to get hold of her. Seeing Matthew look down, Im sorry, no. Is that it. You brought us information with false hope, anger fuming, Abigail starts to stand up. Wife, sit down. It may be false hope but at least we know where about she is. Actually I have other news. Taking her seat Abigail looks on at Matthew, What about. Noticing him looking at her with a pained expression, Tell me Matthew. Im sorry Abigail, but youre not going to like this. Feeling full of dread she grips onto the table. Its about your father. My father, speaking softly Abigail begins to build up false hope, thinking she was about to be told he was actually alive. You know you said you were never told of how he passed. Well I took the time to find out on your behalf. Having her hand held by Jamie as if he sensed the same dread she did. I dont know how to tell you this Abigail. He was murdered. Leaning back from that announcement, she had a feeling that happened. Who killed him, looking to Jamie who had spoken then back to Matthew to see him looking at them both uncomfortably. Abigail knew she wasnt going to like the answer but she had to know. It was mother, Matthew was looking at her with a pained, sympathy expression Im sorry Abigail. Taking in his words Abigail replies on a choked sobbed, No, that cant be. Im afraid so. She poisoned him Abigail.

Thats enough Matthew, a stern command from Jamie. Seeing Jamie about to cuddle her, Abigail jumped to her feet. She couldnt deal with all this sympathy. Watching Abigail run out crying made Jamies heart squeeze. Hearing about her mother being responsible for her own fathers death, sent a chill down his spine. He was afraid for Abigails safety; he had no clue what her mother was capable off. He shuddered with the thought of her mother finally catching Abigail. Shaking his head, there was no way he was letting his wife out of sight. Standing, he says his excuses to Matthew as well as thank him for the information. Entering their chambers he hears her crying, before spotting her in the far corner huddled rocking from side to side. It pained him to see her crying, falling apart. Not wanting her to be on her own he walks over and pulls Abigail onto his lap. Sshh Abigail, holding her close as he felt her shake with tears. Catching her choked comment, How could she Jamie. I dont know Abigail. Pressing a kiss to her head he wraps his arms around her. He was a good man. We use to spend time together, wiping her tears he listens to a time when her father taught Abigail to ride for the first time. I miss him so much. I know you do. You would off liked him. Im sure I would off.


Chapter 13

Bending over the garden in Chestnut Manor, Abigail hears a noise; turning to see whos there she sees nothing. Shaking her head for feeling slightly panicked. She turns back to do her work, seeing two large womanly feet she glances up about to shriek, she feels a thud that blanks out all she sees . Arousing to the noise of someones muttering she lifts her head, seeing her mother, she recalls what happened earlier. Trying to stand, feeling ropes tied around her wrist and waist Abigail turns around to get a better look. Tied to a tree theres no escape thought Abigail, "Youre awake," hearing her mother speak and not very nicely she turns around slowly. Seeing her mother was watching her, Abigails heart starts to pound with fright. I have to keep her busy she thought, someone has to know Im missing by now. "What am I doing here," realizing how dry her throat is she winces. Laughing "Well isnt that oblivious, Im going to kill you," even though she knew that was going to happen, it didnt make it sound any nicer hearing it out loud. Breathlessly but why." "Well you have something I want, that man for one," shocked as shes referring to Jamie "Secondly I want the lands your father gave you, which should have been mine." "Why, they hold no value," Laughing "Yes they do, you see you werent told of how much land you gain, Lyth castle is yours." Interrupting "Mine how can it be, its your husbands." Snickering "that fool isnt my husband just pretending to be. Its yours, as I didnt give your father a son. He didnt want one when he found out I had an affair," seeing Abigails eyes widen "yes thats right, I lifted my skirt for another man. I had a son." Matthew. So it is true then. Yes Matthew is my son. I take it he told you then. Nodding, Why do you want Jamie.


Jamie is the son of the man who sold me out to your father. "So you want revenge," "What a clever girl you are." "So youre going to kill me for some lands, over your own daughter." Looking at her with cold eyes "Im afraid youre not my daughter." Stammering over such bluntness "Wh-what." "Ive never loved you. Yes I born and bred you, but your nothing to me," getting louder All you bring me is pain, taking everything thats meant to be mine." Trying to hold in the hurt and tears Abigail looks away, You took someone away from me, turning to face her But you dont see me reacting. Thats because you are weak, not strong like me. Stepping forward, staring at Abigail, Your father never loved you. Choking on a sob, Yes he did. Shaking her head No he didnt. He pitied you. Tears welling up Abigail casted her gaze away from her mothers hateful gaze. Spotting Jamie hiding behind a tree lightened her mood a little, as she knew she would be soon rescued. "Thats why you will no longer be a problem."

****** Hearing talks of a conversation going on from his left, Jamie holds up his hand to silent his men at arms. Creeping up, hiding behind a tree, he signals for his men to spread around to encircle his wife and Lady of Lyth castle. Waiting to give signal for his men to move from their posts. He listens to the conversation being said, feeling sympathy and anger for the way Lady of Lyth was shunning his wife, her own daughter. He leans around the tree, seeing Abigail tearful gaze made his heart ache.


Recalling earlier of being told she hadnt been seen all day, got him worried, not understanding the feelings he was having made him more anxious to find her. Knowing what Lady of Lyth was capable of, didnt help ease his pain. Searching for her out in the garden he found a trail, readying his men he left straight away. Back to the present he saw Lady of Lyth castle about to kill his wife, he launched from his hiding place, at the same time signaling his men to come closer. "Game over Lady of Lyth." standing in front of Abigail "Your encircled, theres no way out. Its over." It wont be over, until she is dead. Guessing her next move, deadly strike to Abigail, Jamie blocks her attack with his own. This leads to a deadly aim to her heart, killing her instantly. Hearing a gasp of pure surprise he turns to face Abigail. Seeing her eyes glisten with tears, which where dripping off her cheeks, he walks slowly up to her. Grouching in front of his wife he starts to untie her bonds. Im sorry Abigail, but she didnt leave me much choice, looking up into her still teary eyes Im so sor --Being silenced by a kiss, he took it as forgiveness. Pulling away he wipes her tears, Lets go home. After finding his wife too weak to walk, emotional exhaustion, he had carried her all the way back to their chamber. Laying her down he starts to undress them both, getting under the covers he pulls her into his arms. He so badly wanted to make love to her, to help her forget but knowing she was too exhausted he held her instead. Feeling her looking up at him, he meets her gaze "Make me forget Jamie, please." wanting too, he leaned in and pressed a kiss "I love you Abigail" her grip tightens, he continues "When you were missing I thought I would never see you again. You're my world; you mean so much to me, I couldnt live without you, I wouldnt want too." Pressing another fearful kiss, he pulls back and looks into her eyes. That was full of passion. "I love you Abigail." "I love you too." "You do." "Yes I do. I love you Jamie, and I love you more than you'll ever know."


"Is that a competition to see who loves each other the most." Receiving a passionate kiss, he takes that as a silent demand to a challenge"


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