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She's like, the cutest girl I've ever seen. I'm so nervous I've got butterflies in my stomach.

I'll post pics in a minute I just gotta get some good ones.
From: Omnislasher | #008 oh god no No what? From: dabuek | #013 We CE'ers need to band together to help our fellow brethen with the ladies I'm not sure I even NEED help. I'm on top of the world about this.

Well, I asked her. She laughed then said no. When I got home, she wasn't my friend on Facebook anymore. I feel like crying. ;_;
From: circio01 | #018 Pictures please Well obviously I can't get them now, can I? From: finalchoro | #022 Her loss. Only the worthy one will say yes, my friend. So speaks the wisdom of Courage Wolf. Internet memes can only make you feel so good...not good enough. :( From: R3dfield | #024 planned to invoke sympathy/10 Yeah cause you're being really sympathetic. From: neonick | #029 I wish I wasn't so damn shy so I could ask out the girl I like. It seriously sucks being nervous when you try to ask a woman out. It sucks more when you go from feeling like you could take on the universe to feeling like trash in the gutter. From: Biofighter55 | #036 what happen exactly, how did you ask her? thats what he means -_If you must know, I had this whole speech planned out. I don't want to type the whole thing out, but the gist of it was that I think I loved her and that I could honestly see us getting married someday. Then I asked if she'd have dinner with me tonight. By the look on her face, I thought she was taking it all in and that she'd at least feel similarly, but then she ****ing LAUGHED and said "Oh my god you're joking right? Noooo!" Then she went back to her friends and I just stood there for a second and then walked away. Then I heard her group of friends burst into laughter. I didn't even go to my last class, I just went home. From: RandomTask81 | #049 How long have you known her?

I've had english with her all semester. My school uses a weird system where they exchange kids between classes every semester, but the classes are the same, you just work with different people. I was lucky enough to be put in hers this semester. From: RandomTask81 | #055 So what is your relationship with her? You just have the same class together?! WOW! And I thought I was bad... Well it's not like I didn't have any rapport. I'd always sit at her table, and in the middle of class I would stare off at nothing, and she'd always ask me what I was looking at. And we'd talk and do assignments together and stuff, and I was really good at making her laugh. I don't even know what I'm gonna do on Monday. It's going to be the most awkward day of my life. I'm considering faking sick, but I know that I'm going to have to confront this sooner or later. From: gurunexx | #056 GiraffeKid07 Posted 4/29/2010 I'm not sure I even NEED help. I'm on top of the world about this. GiraffeKid07 Posted 4/30/2010 Well, I asked her. She laughed then said no. When I got home, she wasn't my friend on Facebook anymore. I feel like crying. ;_;

ROFL! Thanks that made me feel really good. From: KaOs_storm | #061 This is either a joke topic, or you have a joke life; either way, I'm taking a swing at it: [quoted text] Be a man, grow a pair, and deal with it. You took a swing and missed, big effing deal, happens all the time, and if you're going to go cry in a corner everytime you get a no, you're not going to get far on this. This wasn't just a no though. I think by taking me off facebook she wants me out of her life. I feel like ****. From: Arcanine2009 | #065 She probably just feels uber awkard. Just do your best to move on.. Seriously. And don't ever talk/look at her again. I probably won't. I going to just do my work in class from now on, and not look up except to address the teacher. I feel like if I get caught looking at her in class it'll just make things worse for me. :\

From: crazygamer21 | #067 that I think I loved her and that I could honestly see us getting married someday. hahahahahaha oh wow wtf. Creepy stuff bro. What's the point of this? Do you get off on making other people feel like **** or something? If for some reason you think you're helping, you're not. From: crazygamer21 | #072 What's the point of this? To laugh at you. I thought that much was obvious. Do you get off on making other people feel like **** or something? If for some reason you think you're helping, you're not. Helping? lol no, not at all. Anyway thanks for the laugh bro, funny stuff. Maybe next time you shouldn't be such a creeper. Welp at last now I know exactly what kind of person you are and now know to hold no weight in anything you say.

I tried adding her on Facebook again. I checked her page later, Add to Friends button was back. ;_; This has been making me feel like **** all weekend. I'm about to message some of her friends and ask if there's anything I can do to fix this. Wow. So our final project for the year is going to be a group project. Each group is four people. GUESS WHO ONE OF THE FOUR PEOPLE ASSIGNED TO ME GROUP IS?!
From: ThePizzaDude | #088 Has she talked to you at all since the incident? Has she even looked at you or anything? Well when we were handed the assignment sheets I had to give one to her so I looked at her then but she was just sorta there. Whenever someone gave out an idea for what we should do I just sorta nodded. I think I was really red, so people probably noticed I was acting weird, and I'm guessing at least she knows why. She probably told everyone. I wish I could transfer out of that class. From: TheNextUser | #095 Can people really be this socially incompetent? Telling a girl you LOVE her, and that you could see yourself getting MARRIED to her? Did you ever stop to think about how poorly that would end? When you're in love, you do stupid things. I did something stupid. I regret it.

Listen, I dunno if I was in love, or in lust, or just desperate. All I know is I felt something, and she promptly crushed it. I know I'm not gonna get over this one for awhile. I have NEVER been as emotionally invested with someone as I was with her.

Okay, so the other topic sort of got my blood pumping. Give me tips so that I can build up my rapport with this girl so next time I ask her out I don't screw it up.
From: ComputerLegacy | #111 Pics of you? Why? From: hi_polymer | #124 Also, where are the promised pics of this girl? -_Again, I can't get them. Because. She. Deleted. Me. Off. Facebook. From: Artemis_Fei | #126 Eh, I'm leaning towards this being a joke topic now. The deletion of Facebook is too convenient. Especially since in the OP, you said you would post pics in the following minutes. Then the next day passed. It really pisses me off when people say this is a joke. I went through a lot of **** in the last few days, so it's definitely not funny to me. From: jdissinger | #131 this looks like a clone of that topic yesterday where the guy said he told this girl he loved her over facebook, and it ended up a trolling topic. god i hope this is another one. if not, lmao at you kids who do this to yourselves I started this Friday. From: GiraffeKid07 | #132 I started this Friday. I asked her Friday* : ( Topic is older. From: Alonzo_Mosely | #136 you probably shouldn't talk to this girl any more unless you want to cause yourself more anguish. Considering I'm now in a group project with her, that's pretty much unavoidable. I think we'll all have to exchange numbers sooner or later... x_x That'll be awkward.

Okay so...we had a group meeting today during class. We exchanged numbers. She wrote hers down on slips of paper and passed them to us. She said that we shouldn't even need to call each other unless we're really having trouble with something. The number on the paper she gave me was different than the number on the slip she gave to the person next to me. Now I'm not sad, I'm just pissed. Who the **** does she think she is? I almost feel like confronting her and making her the bad guy. This has gone way too far.

From: frogreturns | #142 how old are you tc 17 From: Nubcake13 | #144 well TC it is your fault, and she probably thinks your a major creeper now, would you give a creeper your phone number Well I could've at least used the assignment as an excuse to call her. From: godogod | #149 The number on the paper she gave me was different than the number on the slip she gave to the person next to me. Now I'm not sad, I'm just pissed. Who the **** does she think she is? I almost feel like confronting her and making her the bad guy. This has gone way too far. wow that sucks dude. I'd probably not do anything about it. If you want to call her out.. That's fine.. Though she'd probably tell everyone else in the group the situation between you two (then again she might have done so already). I'd honestly just play it off. Just act normal (i.e. what you usually do). Don't try to approach her or hit on her anymore., And move on. Well, I think once they hear my side of it they'll feel different. From: SithSpaceRaptor | #151 No, I'm pretty sure they'll just laugh at you like we all did. You guys only laugh because you hate everything and are all negative people. If you were my IRL friends I'm sure you'd be backing me up. I can get past the negativity, but if anyone has any ideas to win her back besides avoiding her, that'd be great. I'm willing to try anything that sounds reasonable at this point. A lot of stores are having flower sales because of Mother's Day soon, so I was thinking of maybe getting her some flowers. From: PersonMan92 | #155 lol awesome troll topic I don't hate everything, and I'm not really a negative person. You just ****ed up, and I find it funny because of how stupid what you did and are going to do is. What would you do in my situation? From: ArcangelBaruch | #161 Above poster is wrong. You've ****ed up this one man. I know it sucks and you must feel terrible but honestly, drop it, it isn't going to happen, it's ruined and you need to move on to the next one and not be so forward next time. Start with asking them to hang out. Don't tell her you like her, SHOW her you like her by being nice and taking her out to a movie or something. Don't get clingy and obsessive like you were with this girl or at least don't show it. If she already hates him, why should he try again? It's not like if it could become worse... If it can't get worse, then what's stopping me? I can only go up from here.

From: shipitshep1 | #165 MATE I have actually thought of the best way out of your situation!!! Have you heard of "the shocker" technique?? Listen, buddy. I don't want any "advice" from you, especially after that topic you made making fun of me. Just stay out of this. From: shipitshep1 | #167 Mate I wasn't making fun of you!!! You want my advice or not!? No, and I know what a shocker is. That wouldn't help me get to her, it would only be useful if we were already together.

Okay so today I was in class, and she went to the bathroom. About a minute later, I went too. I waited outside the girls' one and when she came out I asked why she was avoiding me so adamantly. She said it's because what I did was really weird and now she thinks I'm really creepy and she feels like I'm stalking her. I got mad and went to the bathroom and then went back to class and didn't talk to her the rest of class. Well I had a wonderful day. My teacher switched me and another person so I'm not in a group with her anymore. Said it was because he thought I'd work better with another group. I'm SO SURE it's not because of her or anything. And I'm being sarcastic.
From: Afalseprophet | #176 This is an elaborate prank on CE, right? There's a Bel-air or something at the end, right? Right? Oh my god, I don't want to live in a world where people can be so completely inept at talking to people Wow. It's not like I'm the only guy who has problems like these.

Let's say I move on. I don't know how to meet anyone else. My heart's been set on this girl for a few months now. Giving up seems like I wasted tons of time.
From: Arcanine2009 | #186 What do you mean? I mean its not impossible to strike conversations with other girls. It really isn't. Just think about it. She doesn't want to have anything do with you. There is nothing you can do to get her... You messed up.. Though it wasn't the end of the world. You Just gotta stop wasting your time on a girl who cares less about you... Think about it logically. You will eventually lose interest in her... "It's not who youare that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. " ~ Author Unknown Well, if you think about it, I didn't do anything that bad. I mean it's not like we're talking about attempted murder, and I didn't kidnap her puppy or anything. This doesn't seem impossible to come back from. From: _Adzybaby_ | #191 TC, you told a girl that you LOVE her and see yourself MARRYING her at once, before you two were even

dating, how the **** do you think she feels about you? Do you really expect her to be nice to you and give out her actual number to you after you told her that? Obviously she was creeped out by you, she wasn't flirting with you, she just saw you as a friend that she got on well with, then now that you spilled all that **** out to her, she can't trust you anymore, even as a friend. You need to move on bro. Why does that mean she can't trust me? If I love her I'm all the more trustworthy. Why would I hurt the ones I love?

I think I have a plan. :) :) :)

From: Jaysonshinra | #200 A plan!? You can't be serious TC. Every time you think this story can't get any worse it does. You messed, find a new girl to ask out. Its not really a big deal. It's a good plan. I have faith in this one. Can't wait till Monday. From: Jaysonshinra | #203 Are you at least going to share this one before implementing it? We here at CE might at least be able to deflect the brunt of anything too catastrophic if you clue us in to your intentions. OR, you can simply make us wait and then complain when police show up to enforce a restraining order. Well...okay. I'm going to slip an anonymous note into her locker telling her to meet me in the corner of the field. I'll be waiting there in my suit with a bouquet of flowers. I kinda wanna hide though cause I feel like it'll be weird if I'm just standing there watching her walk towards me while I'm waiting. Anyway, I'll admit I screwed up (even though I don't think I did) and hopefully she'll forgive me. If she does, I have a Tiffany's bracelet I've been wanting to give her, and that should go over well since I know girls love getting jewelry. From: KatsuyoriTakeda | #207 I'm going to slip an anonymous note into her locker telling her to meet me in the corner of the field. I'll be waiting there in my suit with a bouquet of flowers. I kinda wanna hide though cause I feel like it'll be weird if I'm just standing there watching her walk towards me while I'm waiting. Anyway, I'll admit I screwed up (even though I don't think I did) and hopefully she'll forgive me. If she does, I have a Tiffany's bracelet I've been wanting to give her, and that should go over well since I know girls love getting jewelry. Aaaaand que restraining order. I'm quoting this so I can remember who to laugh at when she's mine.

I like how some of you still think this is a joke. It's not a ****ing joke. Maybe it wouldn't seem like one if you gave me any decent ideas instead of just saying that I'm creepy. That doesn't help and it makes me fee like ****. I'm not posting in this thread again today. I'm pissed, I'm gonna use this. And I need to go get the flowers. WELP it didn't go well. I'm gonna drive around aimlessly for awhile. Hope there's no bridges or I may just drive off. And why the hell did you guys think I would make a video? Like she totally wouldn't think it's weird I'm just standing there with a camera filming her.

The teacher who moved me out of her group caught me slipping the note into her locker. He wouldn't let me leave until she got there to open it because he wanted to make sure it wasn't anything threatening. She seemed freaked out and pissed and I felt worse than when she said no the first time. When she read the note, she laughed and told the teacher that it wasn't anything bad. She let him read it, and he sort of shook his head and told me I needed to reconsider my behavior. I left without saying anything to her. When I got outside I was so pissed that I took the bracelet out of my pocket and threw it. Then I calmed down a little and tried to find it so I could return it, but I couldn't find it, so now I'm broke, too. I'm gonna try and ditch school the rest of the semester. My grades were good enough last quarter that I can do nothing and still probably get D's and C's. I've been pretending to go to school every day but I just go to a parking lot outside of a park and sleep. I'd stay home but I'm afraid my parents will show up.
From: Combo_Breaker1 | #289 I've been pretending to go to school every day but I just go to a parking lot outside of a park and sleep. I'd stay home but I'm afraid my parents will show up. Lol noob, if you did that, the school would already call your parents about it. They leave a message and I delete it. I also get the mail before them. They haven't sent anything yet, but I'm watching for it. From: Poptart180 | #294 loled at this topic, Tc give up on the girl or spread a slutty rumor about her's like a light appeared above my head. What if I spread a rumor around school that she ****ed me?

K, I'm getting ready to go to school again, so here's the plan. I'm gonna talk to the first one of her best friends I see, and I'm gonna say something like, "Have you noticed that she's been acting really weird towards me since we hooked up?" And hopefully she'll start spreading it. And there's another guy who I don't like in her (formerly my) English class. He's always flirting with her and stuff and if I tell him we ****ed he'll probably get really jealous. Then if that doesn't work, I'll post a Facebook status saying, "You've been acting really weird since we had sex, what's the deal?" And then I'll comment it saying I meant to send it to the girl.
From: Greemishliez | #313 Did TC post pics? For the 45th time, (I'm exaggerating, for those of you who take everything literally) I can't post pics because she removed me from her friends on Facebook. From: dave_is_slick | #316 You're a ****ing idiot TC. I want to believe this is a joke but I've seen morons do stupider.

How about contributing instead of just calling me stupid? I mean if you disagree with my method of revenge that's fine, but I don't see you coming up with anything better. From: TheBigPinkPuff | #318 So wait, TC. I've read the first 10 pages but can't be bothered with the rest. I got up to the part where she gave you a fake number at group meeting. Apparently you guys have hooked up since then? Brief rundown of what happened since the group meeting fake number incident? Yeah we totally hooked up. :\ No. I wish. I'm gonna tell everyone we did to get back at her. She basically got me kicked out of my English class and is the reason I'm ditching school now. From: soulunison2 | #321 Bro, you gotta force your way into her and get her pregnant. It's the only we'll she'll get with you now. AHAHAAHA ahahaha. No.

Why should I update you guys? Every time I give one little detail of the story you all use it as a chance to just cut me down. CE not as a big a failure as me? At least I try, unlike the majority of you. You don't know what it's like.
From: Jo410 | #368 K, I'm getting ready to go to school again, so here's the plan. I'm gonna talk to the first one of her best friends I see, and I'm gonna say something like, "Have you noticed that she's been acting really weird towards me since we hooked up?" And hopefully she'll start spreading it. And there's another guy who I don't like in her (formerly my) English class. He's always flirting with her and stuff and if I tell him we ****ed he'll probably get really jealous. Then if that doesn't work, I'll post a Facebook status saying, "You've been acting really weird since we had sex, what's the deal?" And then I'll comment it saying I meant to send it to the girl. Huh ? I thought she deleted you off facebook I think you can still message people on Facebook even if they remove you as a friend.

I don't really want to keep updating this, but I've calmed down a little now. Basically, she or someone had the police talk to me. I've never been so scared. She's not filing a restraining order, but they said that what I'm doing constitutes harassment, and if I don't stop there could be charges against me. I made a video for her and I'm putting it on youtube. If I do something like this that everyone can see, maybe there's a chance she'll forgive me. No that's not me. I don't even know that guy and he looks dumb. Okay it might be processing but it should work soon enough.

I just hope she sees how much heart I put into this.
EvilEmmie Posted 6/4/2010 1:12:43 AM message detail After reading the topic I felt bad for you, but after watching those videos... Listen, last year a guy stalked me. Maybe he thought like you. Please for the sake of that girl's life, stop now. That guy messed me up. He sent me creepy drawings and threatened me when I avoided him. I did what that girl did- I switched classes and got my parents and school involved. It almost came to court after he nearly assaulted me one day after school when I refused to get in his car. If this is real, stop. Your ruining your own and the girl's life. If it's a troll, yes it was funny at first, but then it hit too close to home for me. Things like this actually do happen. I was afraid for my life then. I couldn't sleep because of nightmares. A new school and therapy have made me better now, but I would never wish it upon my worst enemy.

EvilEmmie Posted 6/3/2010 10:12:43 PM message detail Please don't troll my thread by saying this happened to you. No one's that fragile.
EvilEmmie Posted 6/4/2010 1:37:49 AM message detail From: GiraffeKid07 | #480 EvilEmmie Posted 6/3/2010 10:12:43 PM message detail Please don't troll my thread by saying this happened to you. No one's that fragile.

Excuse me? He had Asperger's, making it really hard for him in social situations. He went loony on me. I know how this girl feels. Maybe I'm fragile. And maybe you're just a troll who has taken this joke too far.

Cops are here.

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