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An article for men only Truly, this article is for men/boys only.

If a woman reads this and gets incensed, gets angry or attacks me, that's your problem you've been warned; this article is ONLY for men/boys. Let me make clear first that it's NONE of my mission to increase/inflame this 'war between sexes' that seems to exist on this accursed planet .. My mission is about peace, awareness, union with the Creator, and other things associated with that.. If anyone wants to take this article as inflammatory and divisive, that's you're problem; not mine. You've been warned again. One more time and I'll stop.. A lady/woman/girl who reads this article 'out of curiosity' or simply to find ammunition with which to attack me personally, you're barking up the wrong tree b_t_h; do ya get it now? You have been warned thrice. Okay.. I've been exposed to this 'war' since I was a kid and NEVER wanted to participate.. It seemed so trivial, pointless, and counterproductive to ever do anything that might resemble participating in this war between sexes .. It's totally IDIOTIC to even 'recognize' the 'fact' there is even such a thing as 'war' between the sexes .. What's the point? The more attention you pay to it, the more it will continue.. The more you struggle, the more that struggle will continue.. The first point you must recognize in this war is the fact: 1. this is a 'man's world' (traditionally and for the most part) Now you can stop right there and begin to argue with me about the finer points of this main point but you would be wasting your time and mine.. Men have traditionally held the power in most cultures / societies on this planet, the official overt power, the social powers, the powers between groups and typically within,.. Even in so-called matriarchal societies, men, within public social circles, 'wear the pants'. This is a man's world. 2. because of this man's world, women have tried to 'wear the pants' at home In Thailand, women seem to dominate and emasculate young men to the point of gay. Yep, women feel so disenfranchised in Thailand they seem to go overboard in overcompensating for their lack of public power by dominating young men/boys at home .. This has happened in my own non-Thai family of European origins. The Thai fact did not seem immediately apparent to me. The fact was revealed to me by a fellow American living in the same Chinese-Thai village as me .. In my FIVE marriages and MANY friendships with women, all these facts were vindicated. I simply did not want to see them. Part of my awareness forced me to write this article .. Again, pretty much ALL of my experiences with my mother, with lady-friends, with wives, and with any girlfriends tell me one fact: 3. women/girls use sex/love to control men/boys Moms typically use love to control the family (when it is not an iron hand of authoritarianism). This 'love' is not really love it's outright blatant control. Moms using 'love' to control her family is very insidious and seductive. It apparently 'keeps the family together' but.. At what price? The manhood of every boy/man in the house? What's the point of that? Men have to lie to all their friends about this fact? I wear the pants. I was told by a Korean man when I lived there. Haha! Right.. That's why he never went home! He was always looking for excuses to stay away from home! If men think they 'wear the pants' at home, it's an ILLUSION; don't fool yourself. Women control the home with sex or love. One of the reasons I've been such an ardent feminist most of my life is to try to STOP this insane war but.. It won't happen within my lifetime THAT's for freakin sure! And to be a sensitive caring loving man only makes me look weak and gay. Screw that. You know what? Frak-it. No more.. You know that movie 40 Days and 40 Nights when our 'hero' decides to go celibate? Not that I have many girlfriends I can 'give back' this sick sexual control to but.. I simply don't care anymore. Period.

My ex reminded me about the war when she stopped having sex with me. She reminded me what power women DO have over men with sex. My ex's mom reminded me continually about the war when she basically forced my son to become a worm in her presence emasculating him exactly as my friend described. I couldn't see it at first because I saw her as a loving matriarch but.. When I got beyond my own positive mis-perceptions of her, I realized my friend was absolutely correct: women use love/sex to control men/boys. It's insidious and sick! More about my son.. The 'strange' thing was: the only sick relationship he had in his life was with his Thai grandma. He was clingy, whiny, and desperate for her attention. He was that way with NObody else. Nobody .. When I saw this happening, I was revolted but could not understand it.. I had to ask my friend what the hell was going on.. He told me the truth but it took me months to really comprehend and appreciate it. My own mother reminded me of the war with the simple statement of conditional 'love': you're not welcome here if you start a romantic relationship with a woman. WOW. I could not believe my ears.. For someone 'famous' for her 'unconditional love', to hear that statement come out of her mouth, I was absolutely flabbergasted and taken by surprise.. In a conversation about my son's Thai grandma today and her matriarchal manipulations, I brought up her own within our family. Women use 'love' to control the family. When we would have Sunday dinner with my ex and brother, we'd all have to bow our heads in prayer. Now remember, my ex is Buddhist-raised and a devout atheist. She always made funny faces at me during prayer but I didn't really 'get it' until today's discussion with mom. Mom forcing the family to pray in her style was again asserting the Power of Mom. Sick! Don't get me wrong, I love my mother 'to death' for her generosity and selflessness.. She's a 'saint' for lack of a better word.. She always put family first in her life. But.. The way she tried to control us was insidious, despicable, and in the end sick: 'love'. Love should never be used to control; when we do that, it's not love anymore.. It's something else. Laying a guilt-trip on somebody is not love: that's laying a guilt-trip on somebody. Allowing your boyfriend (See? You ladies are still reading aren't you!) to have sex with you IF he behaves exactly how you want him to is not love: that's sex-control. Love for the sake of love but NOT control. When we do that, ~ well.. you know.. we give in to Satan. Satan is about domination and control NOT love .. When we 'love' to control, we play into Satan's hands.. We give in to Satan.. ..Recently, in my life, other women have tried to use love to control me.. Mariko was a VERY loving woman toward me.. Her attitude and disposition toward me seemed more loving than any other woman except my mother.. But remember: there's a price for everything. Everything. The 'price' for Mariko's love was her advice and judgments. Every personal story I would relate to her, she would have a condemnation/judgment about. Every. Thank GOD she stopped writing to me.. I get enough judgment from other people in my life; I don't need a 'friend' to do that .. But it shows me yet again: women use love to control men. It's SICK and needs to STOP.

I know this article cannot 'stop' women from using sex/love to control men but.. It CAN help raise awareness among men/boys about the totally SICK situation we live in .. Just be AWARE the next time your girlfriend/wife will/won't let you have sex with her based on some condition implicit or otherwise.. If she opens (or does not open) her legs for you and there are 'strings attached', think twice before taking the plunge.. Do you really want to sacrifice your manhood for those conditions? When we accept money from parents (for living expenses), when we live under their roof, when we take the plunge with wife/gf (based on conditions), we're essentially losing our manhood. We're letting them control us with: money, 'love', or sex. There's NEVER such thing as a 'free lunch'; there's a price for everything; there's ALWAYS strings attached to money, family life, and conditional sex.. Always. The ONLY way out of the trap is 1. awareness and 2. accept no conditions. If you're gonna f_ck, just f_ck; don't let it be conditional on anything! If you're going to accept love/money from family, just accept it and ignore the strings! The ONLY way to stop women from controlling men with sex/love is to remove the conditions! Now if your woman refuses to have sex that is not conditional, I have some 'tricks' for you that should 'even the situation': ignore her, walk away, go have a 'guys night out', and if you really want to grind the point home: pay attention to another woman she hates. It may end the relationship but better to lose a f_cked up woman than to lose your manhood. Right? If you can't be yourself in a relationship, then you don't really belong in that relationship, right? If your woman is continually trying to remold you into something else, what's that? Is that even a relationship? Be yourself; be a MAN. Don't take 'shit' from anybody .. Take it from a habitual WORM who lets pretty much everyone walk all over him from childhood, through adulthood, and middle-age: WORMS DON'T GET ANYWHERE IN LIFE. The best they can do is crawl. ..I've seen so many emasculated men/boys in my life, because of women, being one myself.. Don't waste half your life like I did; be a man; be yourself; don't let ANYBODY take your manhood from you for ANY reason.. ..I just had a revelation.. Satan MUST be a woman; 'he's' such a BITCH .. Only a woman would use sex/love to control a man and only a woman would use men's natural urges against themselves. Satan's a woman! [giggle] What a f_cking bitch! ..This article is dedicated to Russell, the best MALE friend in my life so far.. I hope you at least laugh at this article.. I pray your life is not so full of dominatrix as mine is.. Unless you're into that ;)~

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