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The phenomenon of the "Lavender Town Tone" is a legend that involves a bizarre spate of medical cases and deaths

from around the country that have been connected to the "Pocket Monsters" (Pokmon) series of games, in particular the first two games of the series, "Red" and "Green". Though the event is largely unheard of due to disclosure laws for companies based in the Kyoto Prefecture, there is a large amount of information that has been brought into the open by a number of dedicated individuals. The first cases of the "Lavender Town Tone" and associated events were reported a few months after the release of of "Pocket Monsters Red and Green" for the handheld "Game Boy" videogame console. These videogames were wildly popular with children between the ages of seven and twelve (their core demographic), which was no doubt one of the reasons why the "Lavender Town Tone" had the level of severity that it did. In one part of the game, the Trainer comes to a small, out-of-the-way place called "Lavender Town." It is theorized that, because of this location in the game, at least two hundred children lost their lives, and many more developed sudden illnesses and afflictions - and this does not consider the vast waves of unreported illnesses or deaths whose cause went unnoticed. The predominant symptoms related to what would become known as the "Lavender Town Town" included headaches and migraines, bleeding from eyes and ears, mood swings and irritability, addiction to the games, unprovoked violence, withdrawal and unresponsiveness, and in approximately 67% of cases, suicidal tendencies. However, these symptoms only manifested in children between the ages of 7 and 12 years old who had reached the area in game known as "Lavender Town", most of who were revealed to have been wearing headphones or earphones while playing the game. Lavender Town area had sought to make an area that would "leave an impression on the player." the music used in the first-wave release of Pocket Monsters Red and Green was formulated out of an experiment in "binaural beats": using slightly different frequencies of sound, each frequency played in one ear through earphones or headphones, various psychological effects can be induced upon the listener. In most versions of the first wave releases, this resulted in the player feeling uneasy, apprehensive, and mildly disturbed. However, for upwards of two-hundred children, it provoked a variety of disturbances in the brain that went undetected purely because it was undetectable by fully developed human ears - instead, only children fell victim to the tones , resulting in psychological and physiological problems that in some cases led to death - many of which were suicides. However, the "Lavender Town Tone" only accounts for some of the problems that afflicted those unlucky enough to get first wave cartridges. Though they are not as well known, there are a variety of visual effects used in Lavender Town that also brought about severe medical issues in children, some of which are still capable of being produced in games after the first wave.

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