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Learning Strategies

By : Sandra Johanny Alvarez Carlos

Practica Pre-profesional I

EUDED- 2012

used by students to help them facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, understand and use of information.

Theres a variety of learning strategies. Students not always use only one; they use a combination of them in order to become more successful and independent learners.

When theyre used in appropriate combination, they are often more powerful.

For, example:
Background knowledge Or Prior knowledge, information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem. Inferencing Guess the best answer based on the information you already know Verifying To determine or test the truth. This Strategy allows students to know whether their answers were right or wrong

Goal Settting Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose. Thats why this strategy involves establishing specific, measurable, achievable,

Goal Settting It involves the evaluation of the students progress.

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