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The incident at sea

Cast of Characters Laura Platt: Steven Robson: Jane Robson: Jack Robson: Lily Robson: Interviewer Father Mother son, brother of Lily, 11 at time of boat crash daughter, sister of Jack, gets scared easily, 9 at time of crash Selling products, cheerful, excitable Loud, impatient tells passengers that there are no more lifeboats

Advertiser: Passenger on boat: Crew member:

THE INCIDENT AT SEA jSCENE1: INT.RADIO STUDIO-SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE LAURA: Welcome to Radio fives weekly interview. Im your host Laura Platt and here with me today is the Robson family.Ten years ago in 2002 the family had a frightening adventure as they had to escape from a sinking cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. With me today to retell their story is Steven and Jane Robson and their two children 21 year old Jack and 19 year old Lily. Welcome to the show. STEVEN: Thank you LAURA: So first of all, Jane could you explain what happened as the boat began tip? JANE: Well we were sat in the main hall eating dinner and everyone was enjoying themselves when suddenly we hit big waves and the boat began to rock. People started running around panicking including us... SCENE2: INT. CRUISE SHIP-FRIDAY EVENING (FLASHBACK) SOUND: GONG SOUND: PIERCING SCREAM LILY: Mum whats happening? JANE: I dont know Lily JACK: Look the boats rocking, its going to tip over! Were all going to die! Help!!! Help!!! STEVEN: Jack stop screaming! Were not going to die, we just have to stay calm. This boat will not tip over its too big to tip over. I promise. (CONTINUED)



SOUND: CRASHING SOUND SOUND: SCREAMING JACK: I told you the boat would tip over! LILY: Are we going to die? STEVEN: No we will be okay, I promise now lets go upstairs. JACK: You promised the ship wouldnt tip up and it did. JANE: Jack listen to your father and go upstairs. SOUND: GONG SCENE3:INT.RADIO STUDIO-SATURDAY MORNING LAURA: Wow I can see that was very scary for you! So, Lily you were only 9 at the time, how much can you actually remember from after the boat crashed. LILY: I can remember it all very clearly as it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Im sure my heart was beating 10 times too fast and I was convinced we were going to die. LAURA: Yes, I can imagine that! Now we are going to take a short break and we will be back with you soon. MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE Commercial Break COMMERCIAL VOICE: Do you want to be able to listen to great music, receive important news updates and have the chance to win cool prizes everyday? Then tune in to radio 5 to get all that and more. Where every hour of every day provides you quality entertainment. MUSIC: JINGLE MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE (CONTINUED)



LAURA: Welcome back to radio fives weekly interview. Before the break we found out how the Robson family were feeling when the cruise ship they were on tipped over. Now Steven I believe that getting off the boat wasnt as simple as you had thought, can you explain what happened when you reached the evacuation point? STEVEN: Yes, well we reached the evacuation point and we stood in a line with the rest of the passengers waiting to get on a lifeboat. They then started to load the passengers but then we noticed the line had stopped moving... SCENE4: INT. CRUISE SHIP-FRIDAY EVENING (FLASHBACK) SOUND: GONG PERSON IN LINE: Why is no one being loaded on to the lifeboats anymore? SOUND: NOISE BEFORE ANNOUNCEMENT CREW MEMBER: I am sorry to announce that we dont have anymore lifeboats, but dont worry help is on its way. We hope that you will get off here shortly.Once again on behalf of all the crew I apologize. JACK: (MOANS) Im tired of waiting we have been here for hours I want to get off. STEVEN: (MUTTERS UNDER BREATH) We may never get off LILY: What do you mean we might not get off are we going to be stuck here forever? JANE: Its okay Lily your fathers just tired, of course well get off. PERSON IN LINE: Why are we still waiting? I thought help was coming. SOUND: NOISE BEFORE ANNOUNCEMENT (CONTINUED)



CREW MEMBER: I am afraid that there has been an unknown delay to the rescuers but we are sure they will arrive soon. SOUND: WATER SMASHING WINDOWS SOUND: SCREAMING LILY: Oh no! look the waters coming in! JANE: Quick we need to climb up as high as we can before the water reaches us. SOUND: GONG SCENE5:INT.RADIO STUDIO-SATURDAY MORNING LAURA: I guess it must have been very scary when the water started to pour in as you knew that you only had a limited time to get out of the boat and since the boat was on its side it made escaping even harder. Jane how did you feel when you found out there were no more lifeboats? JANE: I was extremely scared at the time but I knew that I had to keep calm so I didnt worry the kids. It was also very annoying as I thought that it was the boat companies responsibility to take us to safety. LAURA: Yes, I guess that was the point where you became especially worried. Jack can you explain to me what you thought was going on at the time. JACK: Well I didnt understand how much danger we were in at the time and I was just bored of waiting in line. Then when a member of the crew announced that there were no more lifeboats I became worried that we might never be able to leave the boat and I had images in my head of the stories I had told my sister coming true. I thought that we might get eaten by sharks or drown in the sea. LAURA: Thank you Jack. Now we will take another break and we will be back shortly. MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE

5. COMMERCIAL BREAK SOUND: CARS COMMERCIAL VOICE: Are you having trouble staying awake when driving? Do you need some energy. Well then buy yourself an icecafe, the new fresh tasting energy boating drink. The number one tasting coffee that provides you with energy to get you through the night. And if you dont believe us, well youll have to try it. MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE LAURA: Welcome back to this Saturdays interview on radio 5. Just before the break we found out that while on holiday on a cruise ship the ship hit big waves and tipped the boat on to its side. Then passengers started being evacuated on to lifeboats but there were not enough lifeboats and many passengers were left stranded, one family was the Robson family who join me today. So Jane, you were trapped on the boat with no lifeboats to rescue you can you explain what you did next? JANE: Yes, well water was pouring into the boats so we knew we had to climb up as high as we could before the boat sank.. (FLASHBACK) SOUND: GONG LILY: What are going to do now? The waters already above my ankles. JANE: We just need to stay calm and find a way to get to the top of the boat. JACK: look theres a ladder over there STEVEN: Okay, ill climb up and see if theres any way out from there. Jane you wait here with the kids and ill shout to you to come up if theres a way out. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS ON LADDER SOUND: NORMAL FOOTSTEPS (CONTINUED)



STEVEN: I think we can get close to the top of the ship from here, but come quickly the water is leaking in up here as well. SOUND: LOTS OF FOOTSTEPS LILY: Its really warm up here. I want to get out! JACK: look theres a door at the end of this hallway. SOUND: EXPLOSION JANE: What was that? STEVEN: I dont know it came from behind us. (sniffs) I can smell burning. LILY: (Screams)look theres a fire behind us! JACK: Run!!! SOUND: LOTS OF FOOTSTEPS SOUND: GONG SCENE6:INT.RADIO STUDIO-SATURDAY MORNING LAURA: Wow that does sound scary! Do you know what caused the fire? STEVEN: Yes we were told later that because the boat had tipped on its side the kitchen had set on fire and it was spreading through the ship. LAURA: Oh okay,Jack we left it with you running to the door at the other side of the room and a fire growing bigger and bigger behind you what happened next. JACK: Well we managed to reach the door at the end of the room but it was locked. We tried and tried to knock it down but it wouldnt move and the fire was getting (MORE) (CONTINUED)



JACK: (contd) closer. Then we noticed a room of to the side and we ran in there shutting the door behind us to prevent the fire from coming in.. (FLASHBACK) SOUND: GONG SOUND: DOOR SLAMMING JANE: Were safe for now in here but we need to find another way out before the fire spreads across the whole boat. JACK: We will never find a way out of here were going to be trapped forever! STEVEN: Jack dont be silly, of course we will find a way out. (Whispers) Youre scaring your sister. LILY: Dad, why is there a gap in the ceiling up there, someone could fall down and hurt themselves. STEVEN: Lily your a genius! LILY: I am? STEVEN: Look theres a trap door up there that leads to the top of the boat. Now we just need something to help us get up there. JACK: You can lift me up there and ill take that ladder over there up with me. JANE: Good idea! STEVEN: 1... 2... 3... and Lift. JANE: Okay Lily you climb up first.




LILY: But Im scared!! JACK: Come on Lily we dont have much time! look you can see the ocean from up here! Theres lots of dolphins swimming in it. LILY: Okay then if you promise theres dolphins. JACK: em yeah lots of dolphins. SOUND: GONG SCENE7:INT.RADIO STUDIO-SATURDAY MORNING LAURA: So you reached the top of the boat but how did you finally get off? JANE: Well the boat started sinking and we were getting really scared that we would never get off but then we saw a helicopter which at the time was like seeing an oasis in the desert. The helicopter saw us and took us to safety to our relieve. LAURA: That is one incredible story! Well thats all weve got time for this morning but join us next Saturday when we will be joined by Mary Smith, a lady who has walked across the whole of north Africa for charity. See you next time on radio fives weekly interview! MUSIC: RADIO SHOW JINGLE

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