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Explore Forbidden City Of China During Beiging Holiday Among China's hugest ancient palaces, the Forbidden City

is the best conserved one. It now serves a function as China's Palace Museum. This wonderful palace is located in the center of the city of Beijing was first built from 1406 to 1420.

The Forbidden City of China is bounded by a six meter deep moat, 52 feet wide. Inside the moat, the outer wall is 10 meters high and 3,400 meters. The enormity of the complex, with the emperor hidden inside, joined the imperial charisma and air of authenticity. The Forbidden City, located in the exact center of the ancient city of Beijing, was the home and seat of power for 24 emperors during the second half of the latter Ming and Qing. In the late eighteenth century, around 9000 people are estimated to reside there. Apart from the royal family, they were eunuchs, concubines and maid servants. The Forbidden City ceased being the political center of China in 1912 with the abdication of Pu Yi, last emperor of China. Puyi wrote an autobiography interesting, with the name "From Emperor to Citizen". The film 'The Last Emperor' was the first foreign film made in China and was moderately filmed on location in the Forbidden City. Today, the Forbidden City is a public museum, calling the attention of millions of travelers and tourists from around the world. Here you can see and feel part of a place with more than 600 years of history. Now renamed as the "Palace Museum" ("Gugong 'in Chinese, which means simply" old palace "), its extensive grounds cover 720,000 square meters (74 hectares) is almost one kilometer from north to south. There are 800 buildings with a total of about 9,000 rooms. There are many China travel agency that provides you tailored packages to you. The Forbidden City is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of conserved antique wooden structures in the world, and was affirmed a World Heritage Site in 1987. This is a stunning architectural masterpiece. The imperial palace gardens lie directly north of Tiananmen Square and are accessible from the square via Tiananmen Gate. Even though no longer occupied by royalty, the Forbidden City remains a symbol of Chinese sovereignty and the image of your front door appears on the seal of the Republic of China. beijing travel guide can give you proper guidance during your tour to this city. The Palace Museum is now one of the most favorite tourist attractions in the world. Travelers can see traditional palace architecture up close, take pleasure in the assets of the imperial family and court, and learn from the legends and anecdotes of the imperial family and court. White marble, terra cotta walls, tiled roofs yellow gold, and wood with paint finish, lacquer and gilding unite to create an effect of exceptional beauty. The Chinese government has invested much time and money in the Forbidden City and now is a great place to stroll and dream of times past. Recently, the site has undergone a major renovation which has limited visitors to a few areas. However, remains open and the vast majority of sites remain accessible.

If you are in Beijing then take a flight and proceed to Xian, or else take a 13 hours train journey through the beautiful countryside. Infect it is said that your tour to China is incomplete without taking a trip to Xian province. A visit to this historical place is worth for you will be able to see some of the exotic creation of human being i.e. Xian terracotta warriors. The author is the expert writer having vast experience about the travel industry. Currently he is writing on various topics related to travel industry like: tours to Burma, Halong bay tours, tour packages India, Thailand travel package, Vietnam travel packages etc.

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