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a Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. b Re-orderthe wordsto makequestions. Where )tougo on holiday? whereholidayyou on did? did go had (have)holiday ltaly. 1 year Last we (ly)to a in We 2 3France. (stay) forthree Rome (see) and there nights. We (eat) fantastic - we everything we4and ? nice haveweathervou did? some food s(have)delicious onourlast pizza a night. 6I also It was Yery nice and warm. (buy) ofnew loads clothes. ? stayyou did where? 7 With my sister. (hire) car 8(drive) Pisa. Then we a and to But (anive) r0(can find hotel when ewe we not) a ? you long go how did for? (stay) a little but room! the werrIn end in hotel, itwas lovely Ten days. gleep) well. next wer3and 12 we (go) really The day 4 ? did mountainsseethe you? toSienathecar, then ra(break in but we down)l My Yes,my sister'shouseis in the mountains. 15(ing)forhelp, we16boyfriend (wait) hour but an ? did interestingdo you anything? 17 (come) take back ourhotel. before someone to us to Yes,we went walking in the Alpr.

a Completewith a verb in the pastcontinuous.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 abroadwhen he met Helen.(live) all night for the news.(wait) (carry) he a bagwhen he arrived? (speak) Who you to at the cinema? (snow) It when we got to the hotel. I dinner when I cut my finger.(make) The sun when we left. (not shine) He They

b Put the verbsinto the pastsimpleor pastcontinuous.

She arrived when we wereeatinglunch. (arrive,eat) 1I when it raining. (sunbathe, start) 2 He his keyswhen he round the town. (lose,walk) 3 Where when you your flat?(live,find) (hurt, play) 4 I my hand when I squash. 5 I when you me. (drive,call)

a Cross out the wrong question. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Who yo^did / did you seelast night? Who paid I did,payyou? What meansthis word / doesthis word mean? How many peoplespoke/ did speakto you? Which train goes/ doesgo to the centre? Who left I did leavethe room first? What askedthe student / did the student ask? b Write the questions. Do you know the answers? Who said 'I'll be back'?(say) (Liverpool/ win) I Which competitionin 2005? (win) 2 Who the bestactress Oscarin 2006? 3 Who the 2005 fiIm King Kon{ (direct) 4 When PrimeMinister of the UK? (TonyBlair / become) (write) 5 Who TheDa Vinci Code? 6 What beforehe became actor?(Tom Cruise/ do) an

a Completewith so, because, or although. but,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so We missedthe bus we walkedhome. The soupwashorrible he ateit. I wanted-y moneyback it wasbroken. Shecalledme I wasout. he getsangrya lot, peoplelike him. I wastired I went to bed. The shopswereclosed it wasSunday. I liked Jeremy he didn't like me. b Match the sentencehalvesand complete with so,because, but, or although. so I had too much work ffi A -y computerwasbroken. .ffi 1 I've started playrng golf B it washer birthday. 2 His Frenchis terrible C ..;{the lived in Parisfor years. W @ 3 I went to his house '{ffi 4 She's abroad E I want to get fit. g.m F he wasn't there. 5 I tried to sendan e-mail 6 I bought her some G she can't come




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