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A a abajo abandonar abandonado abandono abanico abanicar abaratar abarcar abarrotes abastecer abastecimiento abasto abatir abatirse abatido

abatimiento abdicar abdicacin abdomen abdominal abecedario abedul abeja aberracin abertura abierto abismo abismal ablandar ablandarse abnegarse abnegado at, to

B down, below, downstairs to abandon abandoned abandonment fan to fan to lower the price of to cover (a topic) groceries, packings to supply supplying supply to knock down to get depressed dejected discouragement to abdicate abdication abdomen abdominal alphabet (ABC) birch bee aberration opening, slit open abyss abysmal, vast to soften to soften (oneself) to deny oneself self-sacrificing

abnegacin abochornar abochornarse abofetear abogado abogaca abogar abolir abolicin abollar abolladura abominar abominable abominacin abonar abonado abono abordar aborigen aborrecible abortar aborto abotonar abrazar abrazo abrebotellas abrelatas abreviar abreviacin abreviatura abridor abrigar abrigarse abrigado

self-denial to embarrass to get embarrassed to slap lawyer legal profession to defend, plead of to abolish abolition to dent dent to detest abominable abomination to pay subscriber payment, fertilizer to tackle, accost, board aborigine hateful to abort abortion to button to embrace hug bottle opener can opener to shorten shortening abbreviation opener to shelter, wrap up to take shelter sheltered

abrigo abril abrillantar abrir abrochar abrocharse abrumar abrumador absoluto absolutamente absolver absorber absorbente absorcin absorto abstenerse abstencin abstinencia abstraccin abstracto abstraer abstrado absurdo abundancia abundante aburrir aburrirse aburrido aburrimiento abusar abusivo acabar acabado academia

coat, shelter April to polish, shine to open, unlock to fasten, to button to fasten oneself to crush, to overwhelm overwhelming absolute absolutely to absolve to absorb absorbent absorption absorbed, engrossed abstain, refrain abstention abstinence abstraction abstract to abstract abstracted, preoccupied absurd abundance abundant to bore (as in yawn) to become bored boring boredom to abuse abusive to finish finished academy

acadmico acalorar acalorarse acalorado acampar acantilado acariciar acarrear acaso acaudalado acceder acceso accesible accesorio accidentado accidental accidente accin accionar accionista acechar aceite aceitar aceitoso aceituna acelerar acelga acentuar acento aceptar aceptable aceptacin acera acero

academic to warm up, to stir up to get hot, to get all worked up (figurative) heated to camp cliff to caress to carry perhaps, maybe wealthy, accumulated to agree access accessible accessory turbulent, rough, victim accidental accident action to drive, to activate shareholder to watch, stalk oil to oil oily olive to accelerate chard to accentuate accent, emphasis to accept acceptable acceptance sidewalk steel

acertado acertijo acetona achicar cido acidez acierto aclamar aclamacin aclarar aclaracin aclaratorio aclimatar aclimatarse aclimatacin acn acobardar acobardarse acoger acogerse acogedor acogida acolchar acometer acomodar

accurate riddle acetone to drain, to make smaller acid acidity correct to acclaim acclaim to clarify explanation explanatory to acclimate to become acclimated acclimatization acne to intimidate to become frightened to welcome to take refuge cozy welcome to pad to undertake, to attack to adjust

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