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ISRAEL Energy Audit

Andreas Iliou - measurements analysis, connectors

Module Circuit Design
1 String with DC Optimizer 4,2 kW Less Power Output ?!

The client Mr Fridman installed a clever system were he can actually drive the system from March-October 14-16 degrees angled while from October to February the angle will be 32- 33 degree measured on site

On September the 13th I measured in the morning time 10:30 am Surprisingly 350 V DC in the incoming line ( MPPT ) by that the hotter the modules get on the roof theres no possibility that the inverter can further decrease the MPPT Voltage. Problematic hereby is that this means he is already in it s lowest MPPT and with increasing temperature loosing more and more efficiency

as it was stated we have quite floating behaviour regards the years from 1989 2002 August / September e.g floating from Average 8,08 lowest 7,73 to 8,98 or Average 7,11 lowest 5,70 to 8,08 That is really huge to predict and rely on for the next year, although It should somehow match year by year

Jan 550 Start Feb 50kWh Feb 550 Mar 720 Mar 702 Apr. 731 Apr 753 May 780 May 766 Jun 852 Jun 765 Jul 838 Jul 801 Aug 789 Aug 756 Sep 743 Sep 291 till 13th September Oct 693 Nov 463 Dec 603

On the roof there were changes implemented roughly September /October last year- system is running till than with 4 rows ( arrays ) all of them could be adjusted as described.( better cooling ) Since than the system has 3 rows only 2 x 1 module and 1 row with 2 modules on top of each other. The system layout besides April started loosing kWh /kWp installed It gets hotter and will loose it s MPPT ability to further decrease as it s already not aligned with the front rows anymore

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We found out that while checking the MPPT value that one of the incoming lines was melted together with the inverter . We repaired immediately the faulty stringconnection and improved again Performance of the system. During on site visit an aircondition unit was built on top of the flat roof and 2 modules were shaded continously

Module Circuit Design Analysing Datas

Year 2011 from February till end the 4,2 kW system achieved 1729kWh / kWp Year 2012 till September 13 th the 4,2 kW system achieved 1413kWh / kWp So we would still have 3 months to go compared with last year it seems that 1830-1850kWh/kWp can still be produced for 2012 RECOMMENDATION As the 3rd row couldn t be changed anymore as the previous year 10/30 degree further unnecessary losses occured. DC DC Optimizer can help regards Shading ( see attachment enclosed ) but not only win all the time- sometimes they also loose power (kWh)

Changing the layout from 15/ 33 degree and now fixed modules will get different irradiation and therefore the optimiser has to work and shift Voltage/ current according angles differently.

Module Circuit Design Analysing

When the first as well as the second row are shaded both rows constitute the first stringpart the module shows losses of around 40 to 50%. It should be noted that in this particular shading situation, losses are higher with SolarMagic than without SolarMagic. The differences are not great, however they are clearly measurable and move around 15%. When more than 2 rows (meaning more than 1 stringpart) are shaded, the advantages of the SolarMagic become evident.

While, without SolarMagic the output shadowing loss is 100% with 3 shaded rows already, output loss with SolarMagic is only 70%



System should be changed towards 4 rows much better ROI ( as it was before ) Optimizers can handle easily Shading ( see attachment )

Optimisers shouldn t be placed towards different angles / and Shade ( with 1 row fixed 33 degrees angle ) Modules should be kept facing one direction and same angles System is a summer system ( hot weather ) and therefore modules should be cooled same way- again speaks for 4 rows not 3 with 1 row two modules on top of each other. ( different cooling behaviour ) Focus in wintertime the optimiser will take over some Shades during operation Less stress for inverter if optimizer blends out some arrays wintertime only- less currents flowing

Earthing with Aluminium corrosion protected


Thank you

Andreas Iliou


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