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Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere


2011 SPM 13

1. In Diagram, NGS is the Greenwich Meridian and PQ is the diameter of a parallel latitude.

Find the position of point Q. A. (50N , 150W) B. (40N , 150E) C. (50N , 150E) [ SBP NO.18 ] D. (40N , 150W) 2. In Diagram , P and R are two points on the surface of the earth. N is the North Pole , S is the South Pole and NOS is the axis of the earth.

In Diagram , N is the North Pole , S is the South Pole , NOS is the axis of the earth and PQ is a diameter of the parallel of latitude. Find the position of point Q. A. (35S , 40E) B. (35S , 40W) C. (55S , 40E) D. (55S , 40W) [ Johor NO.19 ] 4. In Diagram , NOS is the axis of the earth.

PR is the diameter of parallel of latitude of 42S. Find the location of point P. A. (42S , 47W) B. (42S , 47E) C. (42S , 133E) D. (42S , 133W) [ Melaka NO.18 ]

Given that =25 , =100 and R(0 , 70 E) , find the position of P. A. (25 N , 30 W) B. (25 N , 130 E) C. (65 N , 30 W) D. (65 N , 130 E)
[ Perak NO.26 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

5. In Diagram , C is the centre of the parallel of latitude 60N.

7. In Diagram, N is the North Pole, S is the South Pole and NOS is the axis of the earth. PQ is a diameter of the parallel of latitude and PR is the diameter of the earth.

Given that is 50 , find the longitude of P. A. 20 W B. 20 E C. 80 W D. 80 E [ Pahang NO.17 ] 6. In Diagram , O is the centre of the earth. P and Q lie on the same meridian.

Find the position of Q. A. (40N , 80W) B. (40N , 100E) C. (50N , 80W) D. (50N , 100E)

[ Perlis NO.18 ]

8. In Diagram , N is the North Pole and S is the South Pole. PM=MS.

The location of Q is A. (27S , 80 W) B. (27 S , 100 E) C. (63 S , 80 W) D. (63 S , 100 E)

[ Pahang NO.18 ]

Find the latitude of M. A. 25S B. 32.5 S C. 45 S D. 57.5 S 2

[ Negeri Sembilan NO.18 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

9. Diagram, N is the North Pole and S is 11. In Diagram, N is the North Pole the South Pole. NOS is the axis of the whereas S is the South Pole and earth and PQ is the diameter of the NOS is the axis of earth. parallel of latitude. Given that POQ=100.

Find the location of point Q. A. (40N , 120E) B. (40N , 60E) C. (50N ,60E) D. (50N , 120E) [ Terengganu

State the latitude of PQ. A. 40S B. 40N

NO.18 ]

C. 50S D. 50N
[ Selangor NO.18 ]

10. In Diagram, N is the North Pole , S is 12. In Diagram, N is the North Pole, S the South Pole and NOS is the axis of is the South Pole and NOCS is the the earth. axis of the earth.

Find the position of Q. A. (50N , 25W) B. (50N , 95E) C. (40N , 25W) D. (40N , 95E) [ Kedah NO.18 ]

Find the position of Q. A. (23S, 11E) B. (23S, 81E) C. (67S,81E) D. (67S, 11E)

[ WP NO.19 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

1. P(50S , 120E) and Q are two points on the surface of the earth such

that PQ is the diameter of the earth. (a) State the latitude of Q. [2 marks] (b) Given that PR is the diameter of a parallel of latitude , state the location of R. [2 marks] (c) Calculate the shortest distance , in nautical miles , from P to R. [3 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off form P and flew due west along its parallel of latitude with an average speed of 600 knots. The aeroplane took 2 hours to reach at point T. Calculate (i) the distance , in nautical miles , from P to T. (ii) the longitude of T.

[5 marks]
[ SBP NO.16 ]

2. D(50S , 35W),F(50S , 5E) , G and H are four points on the surface of

the earth. DG is the diameter of the parallel of latitude. (a) State the longitude of G. [2 marks] (b) Calculate the distance , in nautical miles , from D of F measured along the parallel of latitude. [3 marks] (c) H lies north of F and the distance of HF measured along the surface of the earth is 5100 nautical miles. Calculate the latitude of H. [4 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off form D and flew due east to F and then flew due north to H. The average speed for the whole flight was 510 knots. Calculate the total time, in hours, taken for the whole flight. [3 marks]
[ Melaka NO.16 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

3.M(65N , 85W) , N and P are three points on the surface of the earth.

MP is the diameter of the earth , MN is the diameter of the parallel of latitude 65N. (a) State the longitude of P. [2 marks] (b) Calculate the shortest distance , in nautical miles , from M to N measured along the surface of the earth. [3 marks] (c) An aeroplane took off from M and flew due east to N along the common parallel of latitude and then flew due south to P. Calculate (i)the distance , in nautical miles , from M to N measured along the common parallel of latitude. (ii)the time taken for the whole flight if the average speed of the whole flight is 800 knots. [7 marks]
[ Johor NO.16 ]

4. K(55N , 35E) , L , M and P are four points on the surface of the earth.

KL is the diameter of the common parallel of latitude. KM is the diameter of the earth. (a) State the longitude of L. [2 marks] (b) Calculate the shortest distance , in nautical mile , from K to L. [3 marks] (c) An aeroplane flew with the speed of 650 knot , from K due west to L. Then , the aeroplane flew due south to P. Given that P is 5220 nautical mile due south of L. Calculate (i) the latitude of P. (ii) the total time , in hours , taken for the whole flight. [7 marks]
[ Perak NO.16 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

5. X(60N , 155W) and Y are two points on the surface of the earth with

XY being the diameter of common parallel of latitude. (a) State the longitude of Y. [2 marks] (b) Given XZ is the diameter of the earth. In the answer space ,show the location of point Z. Hence , state the location of point Z. [3 marks] (c) Calculate the shortest distance , in nautical mile , from X to Y. [3 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off from X and flew due west to P with average speed of 650 knots. The time taken for the flight is 6 hours to reach P. Calculate the distance , in nautical mile , from X to P , hence state the longitude of P. [5 marks]
[ Pahang NO.16 ]

6. P(50S , 30E) , Q(50S , 90 W) and R are three points on the surface

of the earth. PR is a diameter of the common parallel of latitude. (a) (i) State the longitude of R. [1 marks] (ii) Calculate the ratio of the distance from P to Q to the distance from Q to R measured along the common parallel of latitude. [2 marks] (iii) Calculate the shortest distance in nautical miles , from P to R measured along the surface of the earth. [2 marks] (iv) Calculate the distance , in nautical miles form R due east to Q measured along the common parallel of latitude. [3 marks] (b) An aeroplane took off from Q and flew due north to T with a distance of 4200 nautical miles. The time taken for the flight was 14 hours. Calculate: (i) the average speed , in knot , of the flight , [2 marks] (ii) the latitude of T. [2 marks]
[ Perlis NO.16 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

7. P(30N , 50 W) , Q(30 N , 130 E) , R and T are four points on the

surface of the earth. PR is the diameter of the earth. (a) State the longitude of R. [2 marks] (b) T lies due south of Q and the distance of TQ measured along the surface of the earth is 2400 nautical miles. [3 marks] (c) Calculate the shortest distance , in nautical mile , from P to Q , measured along the surface of the earth. [3 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off from P and flew due east to Q along the common parallel of latitude and then due south to T. The average speed for the whole flight is 750 knots. Calculate the time taken , in hours , for the whole flight. [4 marks]
[ Negeri Sembilan NO.16 ]

8. In the Diagram 16 , N is the North Pole , S is the South Pole and O is the centre of the earth. P(60 N , 20 E) and Q are two points on the surface of the earth such that PQ is the diameter of a parallel of latitude.

Diagram 16
(a) PR is the diameter of the earth. On the diagram in answer space, mark the positions of Q and R. Hence, state the position of R. [4 marks] (b) Calculate the shortest distance, in nautical miles, from P to Q via North Pole. [2 marks] (c) An aeroplane took off from P and flew due west along its parallel of latitude with an average speed of 800 knots. The aeroplane took 4 hours and 30 minutes to reach a point T. Calculate (i) the distance, in nautical miles, from P to T. [ Terengganu NO.16 ] (ii) the longitude of T. [6 marks] 4


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

9. Diagram shows four points F,H,J and K ,on the surface of the earth. FH

is the diameter of the parallel of latitude of 35N. J and K lie on the common parallel of latitude of 40S.

(a) Find the position of K. [3 marks] South Diagram (b) Calculate , (i) the distance, in nautical miles from J due north to F measured along the surface of the earth. (ii) the shortest distance, in nautical miles from J due east to K measured along the common parallel of latitude. [5 marks] (c) An aeroplane took off from F and flew due east to H along the parallel of latitude with an average speed of 600 knots. Calculate the total time taken for the whole flight. [4 marks]
[ Kedah NO.16 ]

10. P(30N, 60W) , Q(30N, 40E) R and V are four points on the surface

of the earth. PR is the diameter of the earth. (a) State the longitude of R. [2 marks] (b) Calculate the distance in nautical mile, from P due east to Q measured along the common parallel of latitude of 30N.[3 marks] (c) V lies due south of P and the shortest distance from P to V measured along the surface of the earth is 2100 nautical miles. Calculate the latitude of V. [4 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off from Q and flew due west to P along the common parallel and then flew due south to V. The average speed for the whole flight was 600 knots. Calculate the total time, in hours, taken for the whole flight. [3 marks]

[ WP NO.16 ]


Form 5 Chapter 9: Earth as a Sphere

2011 SPM 13

11. A (50N, 32E), B and C are three points on the surface of the earth. Given AB is a diameter of the parallel latitude of 50N. AC is a diameter of the earth and O is the centre of the earth. (a) Mark the position B and C on the Diagram 16, in the answer space. [2 marks] (b) (i) state the longitude of B. (ii) state the latitude of C. [4 marks] (c) Calculate the shortest distance, in nautical miles, from B to South Pole measured along the surface of the earth. [2 marks] (d) An aeroplane took off from A and flew due west to P along the common of latitude. The average speed of the flight was 400 knots and the time taken was 8 hours. Calculate: (i) the distance, in nautical miles, between A and P. (ii) the longitude of P. [4 marks]


[ Selangor NO.16 ]

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