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A set of unique traits and behaviors that characterize the individual

Cluster A : it includes paranoid, schizoid and

schizotypal personality disorder. Cluster B: it includes histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial and borderline personality disorder. Cluster C: it includes avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive personality disorders.

Paranoid personality disorder

A person with paranoid personality disorder have

a pervasive suspiciousness and distrust of others, leading to numerous interpersonal difficulties. These people are always preoccupied with doubts about the loyalty of friends.

Criteria for personality disorder

Pervasive suspicious of being deceived, harmed, or

exploited. Unjustified doubts about loyalty or trustworthiness. Angry reaction to perceived attacks on his/her character. Does not forgive insult, injuries or slights. Recurrent suspicious regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner. Does not occur exclusively during course of schizophrenia mood disorder or other psychotic disorder.

Schizoid personality disorder

A person with the so called disorder is unable to

form social relationship and lack interest in doing so. These people are unable to express their feelings and are seen by others as cold and distant.

Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships.

Almost always chooses solitary activities.

Lacks close friends or confidants. Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flat

affect. Does not occur exclusively during course of schizophrenia mood disorder or other psychotic disorder

Schizotypal personality disorder

People with this disorder are excessively

introverted and have pervasive social deficits. They also have cognitive and perception distortion and eccentricities in their communication. They have oddities in thinking, talking and other behaviors .

Odd thinking and speech .

Unusual perceptual experiences.

Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation. Lack of close friends or confidants. Odd beliefs or magical thinking. Excessive social anxiety that does not dimnish

with familiarity.

Histrionic personality disorder

People with this disorder have excessive

attention seeking behavior and emotionality. They tend to feel unappreciated if they are not the center of attention. In seeking attention their appearance and behavior are often quite theatrical ,emotional, sexually proactive and seductive.

Discomfort in situation in which he/she is not the

centre of attention Inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior Excessively impressionistic style of speech Overly suggestible

Abnormal psychology

-Robert C.Carson -James N.Butcher -Susan Mineka - Jill M.Hooley

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