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Blood Cells

by: dr.Sutrisno Darmosumarto, Sp.A Histology & Cell Biology Department Gadjah Mada University

the fluid contained in a closed compartment the circulatory system flows in a regular unidirectional movement propelled by the rhythmic contractions of the heart

The blood consists of

formed elements ( blood cells, corpuscle), consist of: erythrocytes (RBC), leucocytes (WBC), and platelet (thrombocyte)
plasma, the liquid phase the former are suspended.

Blood clot
removed from the circulatory system a clot develops contains formed elements and a clear yellow liquid (serum) Blood serum = in composition to plasma (except lacks fibrinogen and prothrombin, and serotonin in increased amounts)

Blood separation

collected and kept from coagulating addition of anticoagulants (heparin, citrate, EDTA,etc) separates centrifuged into layers of blood plasma and hematocrit.

volume of packed RBC per unit volume of blood. 4050% in the adult male, 3545% in the adult female, approximately 35% in a child up to age 10 years, and 4560% in the newborn, in pregnancy diminished by physiologic hemodilution. higher in venous blood than in arterial blood the hydration of RBC and their increase in size.

red made up of RBC The layer immediately above (1% of the blood volume) white or grayish in color the buffy coat consists of leukocytes. the leukocytes less dense than the RBC Covering the leukocytes fine layer of platelets

The leucocyte
some are phagocytic the chief defenses against infection, circulate through the body via the blood vascular system. By crossing the capillary wall concentrated rapidly in the tissues participate in the process of inflammation

The function of blood

transport of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2); Oxygen bound to Hb Carbon dioxide (bound to Hb and as HCO3~)

The function of blood

transports metabolites transports the residues of metabolism removed by the excretory organs. vehicle for the hormones regulation of heat acid-base and osmotic balance

Composition of Plasma
aqueous solution containing : substances of small or large molecular weight which correspond to 10% of its volume, consists of: The plasma proteins account for 7% the inorganic salts for 0.9% 2,1% consists of several organic compounds of different origin amino acids, vitamins, hormones, lipids, etc.

Equilibrium between body compartents

Through the capillary walls, the plasma is in equilibrium with the interstitial fluid of the tissues; consequently, the composition of plasma is usually an indicator of the mean composition of the extracellular fluids in general.

Staining of Blood Cells

smears or films preparation stained with Romanovsky solution a mixture of methylene blue and eosin stained purple the nuclei 4 types of staining characteristics : (1) affinity for methylene blue basophilia (blue); (2) affinity for the azures azurophilia (purple); (3) affinity for the eosin acidophilia or eosinophilia (yellowish-pink) (4) affinity for a complex dye present in the mixture incorrectly thought to be neutral neutrophilia (salmonpink to lilac).


Erythrocytes Leucocytes : - granulocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil) - agranulocytes: (lymphocyte and monocyte) Platelet

have no nuclei biconcave disks provids large surface facilitating gas exchange 7. 2 um in diameter greater than 9 um macrocytes, less than 6 um microcytes abnormal variation in size anisocytosis. Abnormal variation in shape poikilocytosis


The granulocytes have specific granulesneutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils specific staining affinity

Agranulocytes the cytoplasm does not possess specific granules (but have nonspecific granules azurophilic). classified as lymphocytes and monocytes.

constituting only 1 4% of leukocytes diameter of about 9 um nucleus is bilobate. The endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus are poorly developed. The main characteristic ovoid granulations stained by eosin (acidophilic granules) larger than those of the neutrophils (0.5 1.5 um along their main axis ) lysosomes containing acid phosphatase, cathepsin, and ribonuclease but not lysozyme.

have ameboid movement capable of phagocytosing slower but more selective. an increase in the absolute number associated with allergic reactions

only 0-1% 12 um in diameter large nucleus with an irregular twisted shape, generally in the form of an S . The cytoplasm filled with granules larger, irregular in size and shape, and stain metachromatically.

diameters of 68 um small lymphocytes small percentage of medium-sized lymphocytes and large lymphocytes. has a spherical nucleus, sometimes with an indentation. Its chromatin distributed in coarse clumps, The cytoplasm scanty slender ring around the nucleus slightly basophilic may contain azurophilic granules

diameters 9-12 /um The nucleus is oval, horseshoe-shaped, or kidney-shaped , eccentrically placed The chromatin looser and more delicate The nucleus contains 2 or 3 nucleoli

have no nuclei. fragments of cytoplasm 25 um in diameter covered with cell membrane and derived from giant cells of the bone marrow called megakaryocytes. They are found exclusively in mammals. The concentration of these corpuscles in human blood varies within a wide range. Platelet counts are difficult to make with precision a tendency to agglutinate into clumps. The normal count ranges from 150-300 thousand/mmc of blood.

a life span of 8 days. In common stained blood smears appear in clumps. Each platelet has a peripheral light blue-stained transparent part, the hyalomere, and a central portion containing granules stained purple, the chromomere or granulomere. The hyalomere sends out fine processes, conferring an irregular outline on the corpuscle.

related to the function of hemostasis. rupture of a vessel the platelets agglutinate forming a plug close the gap. participate in the formation of thromboplastin transformation of fibrinogen into fibrin forms the blood clot. important physiologic substances epinephrine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) not synthesized by platelets vasoconstrictors and aid in occlusion of ruptured blood vessels by promoting contraction of vascular smooth muscle liberated from the platelets through the action of thrombin.

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