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Agenda for Today

Mini Assignment 3 due Group facilitation


leaders: Alicia, Cadie, and Jae Obstacles to effective group meetings Group development and facilitators role

Obstacles to Group Meetings

Long meetings Unequal member involvement Unfocused discussion Personal conflicts

Stages of Group Development

Stage 1: FORMING

roles, leadership, boundaries, etc Developing sense of group identity (more I than We) Defining group goals; No trust Superficial discussion, little effective listening


period of conflicts Asserting individual preferences Power and status struggles High levels of participation, more assertive and dominant discussion styles Subgroups and coalitions form

Stages of Group Development-cont.

Stage 3: NORMING

trust and acceptance developed Negotiate differences, maintaining social relationships Stronger sense of cohesiveness (more We than I) Open to sharing information and feedback Communication processes/procedures are key


activity is accomplished Clarity and agreement of group goals Effective role sharing Decisions are made; Problems are solved Open discussion is promoted and supported

Stages of Group Development-cont.


create anxiety regarding future participation Often people have emotional reactions (one way or another); Interaction climate will determine the group members abilities to work together in the future Should review and summarize what was accomplished Evaluate effectiveness of procedures used Remaining differences and conflicts should be resolved Share lessons learned Celebrate completion (final milestone); get closure

Facilitators Role in the Group Development

Forming Help group members get acquainted Facilitate to communicate and discuss groups task and procedures Establish group norms and culture Storming Do not tighten control Emphasize prescribed procedures Coordinate group goals and individual goals Reason and negotiate Help the group establish members autonomy and individuality

Facilitators Role in the Group Development

Norming Stress taking responsibility Promote help and assistance among members Encourage mutuality and trust Performing Become consultant to the group rather than a directive leader Adjourning Acknowledge each members hard work and devotion Elicit feedback on evaluation of group effectiveness

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