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5 tips and tricks for editing DOORS

1.How to transfer file to/from DOORS server

2.How to use copy/paste
3.How to filter
4.How to tag more lines with just one “shoot”
5.How to use history to do “undo”
1.How to transfer file to/from DOORS server

If you need to use a word file in order to easy edit DOORS module
you may transfer the word file on the DOORS server using the ftp.

Identify an IP for a ftp server from your network where you have access .

Using the command prompt from DOORS server :
> ftp IP

Step 3.
>get <file name>

Now the file you need is on the DOORS server.

2.How to use copy/paste

If you want to use copy/paste from a word file to paste in DOORS is

neccesary to be sure in the text you want to add in DOORS are not
present “strange” characters. For this reason first is better to paste the
text in a txt file . You may open a txt file on a DOORS server in order to
visualise the text you need to paste to DOORS. If there are present
“strange” characters these will became visible.
Please don’t use a word like file for these verification but just a txt file.

After this first step (and verification you have made regarding the
characters ) you copy the text from txt file and paste (add) in DOORS.
3.How to filter

Tools - > Filters

You may use simple or complex filter depend of field value you
want to combine in a single filter.

For a simple filter you may choose the field you want for your
filter and you may choose also the relation with the value you
want to use : “is equal to”, “is not equal to”,”is empty”, “is not
empty” ,“includes” ,”excludes”.

For a complex filter you may use relation like AND , OR between
more condition for more fields.
4. How to tag/modify more lines with just one “shoot”

After you used a filter to select all the lines you want to tag/modify do
click on first line and after “shift”- click on last line you want to select .
All selected lines will change the collor. After this do click-right and
choose Properties… ->Atributes .
Edit the values for the atribute you need to change and Choose the
following option (in the window you changed the value) :Apply to *
Selected objects.

In the same way you may change the value for one/more field for the
objects in the current view.
5.How to use history to do “undo”

If you need to come back to an old version of an object you may do :

Click on the object you want to “undo” - > Properties - > History .
In a window will apear the last modifications you have done on that
Object. You may choose one modification line and after to do “Restore”
with a button present in that window.The effect is that the object
come back to the form/value before your update.

Inportant : this operation can be done just till first new baseline of the
module is done. Better to base on this option only for the current session
of your edit task and not for “tomorrow” edit task.

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