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University of Colima School of Tourism

Classes: Hospitality Management and English Teachers: Sugias Elizalde Ruth Jael , Zamora Velasco Marcela and Radillo Cruz Aarn

Team #3:
Gonzlez Vega Adn Faras Lpez Alonso Mata Macas Sarai

Ramrez Barrera Pedro Agustn

Grade and Group: 3B

Introduction William Edwards Deming Important information Why was Deming a success in Japan? Why was Deming stranger in America? NBC June, 1980 The Fourteen Key Principles For Management The seven Deadly Diseases of Management

Their books

The System of Profound Knowledg Conclusion Bibliography

In this presentation we are going to explain you

relevant information about a personality very important in the Historical Background of the Hospitality Management.
It is presenting slides that show important aspects,

such as life, contributions and Deming's events.

This is made, because is very important for our

educational development to know the findings important of the Hospitality Management, because this is one key in our career and daily life.

Was born On October 14th, 1900, in Sioux City, Iowa. He was an American pioneer and prophet of the TQM which was outlined in Japan of the postwar period. Their ideas and concepts revolutionized the industrial world of this country, reverting the consequences of the Second World war that had lost, and turning it into a world power.

The Father of the TQM He dies on December 20th, 1993, in Washington, DC.

During the Second World war, Deming teaches to the technical personnel and American engineers statistics that could improve the quality of the materials of war.

The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers looked for Deming.

Deming was invited to Japan when its industry and economy was in crisis.

They listened him and turned its economy and productivity completely to turn into the leaders of the world market.

The American companies were using easy and simple processes.

Deming was explain that across a process of transformation in advance, and following the Fourteen Key Principles For Management and Seven Mortal Sins, the companies would be in position to kept it with the constant changes of the economic environment. OBVIOUSLY, THIS WAS MORE DIFFICULT, WAS INCLUDING MORE PROCESSES OF THOSE WHO WERE ACCUSTOMED THE AMERICAN CORPORATIONS; OF HERE, THE RESISTANCE TO DEMING'S IDEAS.

After a documentary for NBC in June, 1980 detailing the industrial success of Japan, the Americans put attention and faced a decadent production and increased costs, the Presidents of the corporations began to consult with Deming about business.

1.- Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service.

2.- Adopt the new philosophy.

3.- Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality

4.- End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag.

6.- Institute training on the job.

7.- Institute leadership.

8.- Drive out fea.

9. Break down barriers between departments.

10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity.

11. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship.

12. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship.

13. Institute a vigorous program of education and selfimprovement.

14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.

1. Lack of constancy of purpose.

3. Evaluation of performance, merit rating, or annual review.

4. Mobility of management; job hopping.

5. Management by use only of visible figures.

6. Excessive medical costs.

7. Excessive costs of liability.

The prize to the quality in Japan takes his name.

He got the Prize for the national service.

The Emperor Horohito decorated Deming with the Medal of the Sacred Exchequer of Japan in his Second Degree (1960).

Medal Shewart of the American society of quality control (1955).

National medal of technology of the United States (1987).

The German Society for the International Cooperation. The American Society of Statistical Control. The American Society for the Essay and the Proof of materials.

The National academy of Engineering United States. The Society of Biometric.

The Statistical Japanese society. The American Institute of Industrial Engineers. The Lounge of the fame of the Science and the Technology in Oho.

The Statistical British society.

The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers.

In the year of 1993 he Published the bo In the year of 1982 he Published the book: The New Economics. Deming details h Out of the Crisis. Where he explains the System of Profound Knowledge of four principles of management transformation appreciation for a system, knowledge ab and how to apply them. variation, theory of knowledge, and psyc

Is the culmination of Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

The SoPK ties together Dr. Demings seminal theories and teachings on quality, management and leadership into four interrelated areas.

Appreciation for a system.

Knowledge of variation.

Theory of knowledge.


Appreciation for a system.

He defined a system as a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system. The aim for any system should be that everybody gains, not one part of the system at the expense of any other.

Deming used the analogy of an orchestra to illustrate the concept of a system, An orchestra is judged by listeners, not so much by illustrious players, but by the way

Knowledge of variation.

Deming provided the means for management to do just that through knowledge of variation.

He located two types of variations within a system: common cause and special cause.

Common cause variations are problems built right into the system, such as defects, errors, mistakes, waste and rework. In a stable system, common cause variation will be predictable within certain limits.

Special cause variations represent a unique event that is outside the system, such as a natural disaster, or an unexpected strike by public transportation workers.

Theory of knowledge.
To help management continually gain more and better knowledge, particularly about its processes and products, Deming championed the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.

This involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating a theory, defining success metrics and putting a plan into action.

In which the components of the plan are implemented, such as making a product. Where outcomes are monitored to test the validity of the plan for signs of progress and success, or problems and areas for improvement.

Integrating the learning generated by the entire process, which can be used to adjust the goal, change methods or even


The final, and in many ways the most important and difficult, element of SoPK is about people.

Management can create the best system, know all about variation and knowledge, and still not have a successful organization if they dont understand people, and particularly what motivates them to want to do a good job.

After finished with this homework, we could realize that

Deming's contributions were very important for the Hospitality Management, because nowadays the majority of the organizations, day after day they try to focus in obtaining of the total quality without to forget one of the principal ideal ones of this author, which is on the recognition of the employees and the importance of these for a company, because without them it is not possible to obtain the objective mentioned.
We think, necessarily that the companies should possess the

general culture necessary to pay attention of a good way in the objectives and to that this can be obtained trough a good planning, organization, management and monitoring.

Fernndez del Ro Donoso, L. (Septiembre de 2010). BIOGRAFA DE WILLIAM EDWARD DEMING: EL GURU DE LA CALIDAD TOTAL . Recuperado el 28 de Octubre de 2013, de Sitio web de Genesismex:'10/GURUS/LORENA-DEMING.pdf M. Morrison, A. (2010). Hospitality and Travel Management. Nueva York, USA: Delmar, Cengage Learning. Rosander, A. (1994). Los 14 Puntos de Deming Aplicados a los Servicios. Madrid, Espaa: Ediciones Daz de Santos, S.A.

The W. Edwards Deming Istitute . (2013). Theories & Teachings. Recuperado el 28 de Octubre de 2013 , de Sitio web The W. Edwards Deming Institute:
Walton, M. (2004). El Mtodo Deming en la Prctica. Bogot : Grupo Editorial Norma .

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