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An Example Architecture for CS179i based on Gnutella and Python

Yihua He


Protocol v0.4 Norman Matloffs Introduction to Threads Programming with Python Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF) Sources available online at Trying to keep updated

Basic Components

Gnutella Server
Setup and maintain connection with neighbors Routing Pings/Pongs and Querys/QueryHits A local searching mechanism

Gnutella Client Customized FTP/HTTP server and client for retrieving target files.

Data Structures Neighbor Table


Fields: IP, TimeStamp Keep track of current active neighbors. Neighbors are supposed to send pings periodically in order to keep themselves active. Timeout neighbors will be deleted from NeighborTable.


Data Structures Neighbor Table


Fields: IP, TimeStamp Keep track of current active neighbors. Neighbors are supposed to send pings periodically in order to keep themselves active. Timeout neighbors will be deleted from NeighborTable.


Data Structures RoutingHistory

NeighborTable RoutingHistory

Fields: DescriptionID, MsgType, SourceIP, Timestamp Pong/QueryHit descriptors may only be sent back along the same path that carried the orginal Ping/Query descriptors. To limit the size of RoutingHistory Table, entries will be deleted after a certain period of time (timeout Soft state)


Data StructuresFileSharing Table

NeighborTable RoutingHistory FileSharingTable

Fields: FileID, FileName, FilePath, MetaDescription, FileSize, Date and so on Includes the files a node willing to share In QueryHit, a node only sends out FileID to its peer. The peer opens a customized FTP/HTTP connection to the node and retrieve target files by FileID

Main Loop
Listen for new connection request GNUTELLA CONNECT/0.4\n\n

If neighbor table full Y Send GNUTELLA NOT OK\n\n Close connection

Spawn a new thread to handle connection

Maintain and Routing

Re-check if neighbor table full Y Send GNUTELLA NOT OK\n\n Close connection Thread ends N Put a new entry in NeighborTable Send GNUTELLA OK\n\n

Listen for Description Head (23 bytes)

At any stage, if it timeouts or any unexpected strings are received, the entry in NeighborTable will be deleted, connection will be closed and the thread ends

Process descriptions accordingly: 1. Ping: Response with a Pong with nodes information. Update routing history table, TTL-=1 and forward Ping to all neighbors if TTL>0 2. Pong: Check with routing history table and if it is in, then TTL-=1 and forward to its destination; else discard 3. Query: Search local file (File Sharing Table), if hit, send Query/Hit with FileID and other info. Update routing history table, TTL-=1 and forward Query to all neighbors if TTL>0 4. QueryHit: Check with routing history table and if it is in, then TTL-=1 and forward to its destination; else discard

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