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Individual Behaviour







Age Gender Education Abilities Martial Status No of dependents Creativity

High impact on performance, turnover, Absenteeism, productivity, job satisfaction. Avoidable/unavoidable absence. Performance is dependent on Age Adaptability get reduced by age

Researcher has proved that problem solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, leadership, learning ability are not gender dependent. Gender has an impact on turnover and absenteeism

Increased level of education serve to increase an individuals expectations . Outcomes involves higher income level, greater and alternative source of occupational choice. Generalist education Specialist education.

It refers to an individuals capacity to perform various tasks in the job Consists of 2 sets of skills 1)Intellectual abilities (IQ test, CAT) 2)Physical abilities Ability-job fit: person should fit to the job and job should fit to person.

Martial status
Marriage impose additional responsibility, need for steady job, steady income. Married ones have fewer absences, low turnover, more satisfied.

No. of dependents
No. of children an employee has is positively related to absence especially for women.

Creativity refers to activities that result in a new or novel way of viewing or solving a particular problem.

Creative people should use both divergent and convergent thinking.

Environmental factors
These factors are mainly external and influence the individual behaviour. Economic factors employment level, wage rate, technological change The job that an individual holds has a significant influence on his/her behaviour.

Environmental factors
Wages attract the people to certain organisation and determine their level of job satisfaction. Technological change has a great impact on the lower level of workers.

Cultural Environment
People grow up in a particular society that shapes their basic beliefs, values, and behaviour. Culture varies from country to country Achievement needs influence employee behaviour.

Political factors
The stability of the government can affect employment opportunities Politically unstable government has difficulty in attracting industry and maintain a steady level of employment

Organisational Systems & Resources

Organisation structure & design Leadership

Reward Systems

Psychological factors
Individual mental characteristics and attributes affect behaviour. Characteristics are perception, attitudes, values & learning.

Models of individual Behaviour

Theory X and Theory Y model
Rational and emotional model Behavioristic or humanistic model

Theory X and Theory Y model

Theory X assumes individuals to be lazy, non creative and in need of constant prodding.
Theory Y assumes the individual have tremendous potential, which effective management can channelize toward Organisational goals.

Rational & Emotional model

Rational model an individual is perceived to be highly rational entity having computer like characteristics. Considers humans are seriously computational. Emotional model human beings are understood to be guided by emotions

Behavioristic & Humanistic model

Behavioristic interested only in observable behaviour. All behaviour is environmentally determined Humanistic model individual is more philosophical than scientific. People control their own destiny to a great degree and their potential cannot be underestimated.

Things to Remember
Personal factors such as age, sex, education, abilities, dependents have significant influence on behaviour of an individual. economical factors such as economic status, social and cultural norms political factors also affect individual behaviour

Things to remember
Organisational systems and resources such as physical facilities, organisation structure and design, leadership, rewards influence the behaviour. Psychological factors like personality, perception, learning have an impact on behaviour.

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