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Mountain Dew-Key Learnings

Picking the best creative is an act of interpretation,

projecting the implicit meanings that the audience will
create when they watch the ad.

Evaluating the ad required perceiving the ad from multiple
perspectives- from brands historic equity, from consumers
cultural understandings, and from the campaigns
communication code.

Another important aspect to keep in mind is how
symbolism is built into the creative and how brands can
make use of popular culture in their advertising to create
cultural value.
Creative Decision Filters
Brand Filters

Is framing of brand benefits compelling
Is expression of brand symbolism apt
Will the ad resonate with target culture (s)
Creative Decision Filters
Communication Filters

Is the Creative engaging, simple, creative?

Does it integrate product into story?
Creative Decision Filters
Campaign Filter

Does it provide for effective extension of
campaign equities?

Does it incorporate the brand symbolism?

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