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Brand Management

IMT Hyderabad

Integrating Marketing Communications to
Build Brand Equity
Describe some of the changes in the new media environment
Outline the major marketing communication options
Describe some of the key tactical issues in evaluating different communication options
Identify the choice criteria in developing an integrated marketing communication
Explain the rationale for mixing and matching communication options
The Changing Media Environment
Communicating is far more challenging in today’s environment
Complexity of media choices
Interaction between consumers
Resultant effect on consumer shopping behavior.
• In the “old days”, a firm’s promotional mix was almost exclusively
made up of sales function and advertising (typically newspaper
and TV advertising)
• Till the late 90s, a brand could be effectively built using the very
powerful mediums of television advertising and newspaper

The changing media landscape

• Today, there are far more media choices and communication
tools available to the marketer.
• Consumers have access to an array of social media sites.
Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
• Skilfully designed and implemented marketing
communications programs
• Should be efficient and effective
• Require careful planning and creative knack
• From an advertising standpoint, the ideal ad campaign
would ensure that:
• The right consumer is exposed to the right message at
the right place and at the right time
• The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of
desirable and deliverable points-of-difference and
• The ad motivates consumers to consider purchase of
the brand
• The ad creates strong brand associations
• So they have an effect when consumers are
considering making a purchase
Simple Test for Marketing Communication

1. What is your current brand knowledge?

2. What is your desired brand knowledge? Have you defined optimal points-of-
parity and points-of-difference and a brand mantra?
3. How does the communication option help the brand get from current to
desired knowledge with consumers? Have you clarified the specific effects on
knowledge engendered by communications?
Role of Multiple Communications
• Advantages of multiple communications
• Optimal utilization of monetary and other resources
• Different communication options also may target different market segments
Marketing Communication Options
Consumer & Trade Promotions
• Powerful means of creating strong,
• Charge different prices to groups of
favourable, and unique brand
associations and eliciting positive
• Build brand equity through actual
judgments and feelings
product experience
• Specific effects are difficult to
• Encourage the trade to maintain full
quantify and predict
stocks & do merchandising

Events & Experiences

Digital & Mobile
• Engages the consumers’ senses and
• Interactive marketing
• Event marketing: Public sponsorship of
events or activities related to sports, art,
Low cost
entertainment, or social causes
Level of detail
• Range from extravagant sponsorship events
Degree of customization
to simple local in-store product
Brand Amplifiers
• Efforts made to engage consumers
and the public via word-of-mouth
and public relations and publicity
• Amplify the effects created by
other marketing activities through:
• Public relations and publicity
• Word-of-mouth
Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Program
• As marketing efforts have shifted from mass advertising to niche marketing, companies have
increasingly used IMC to develop cost-effective campaigns that deliver consumer value.
• Maximizes the individual and cumulative effort of all communication channels
• IMC tools encompass both traditional and digital media, such as blogs, webinars, social
media, radio, TV, hoardings, and print.

• IMC is a plan that evaluates the strategic roles of different communication tools and combines
them to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact
• The brand’s core image and messaging are reinforced as each marketing communication
channel works together as parts of a unified whole rather than in isolation.
• A well-planned integrated marketing communications strategy can result in continued
engagement, and build customer relationships based on consistent brand experience.
• The primary idea behind an IMC strategy is to create a seamless experience for consumers
across different aspects of the marketing mix.
Why Integrated Marketing Communications
• Marketing is now viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and
• Customers are better informed
• Customer segments are becoming more fragmented
• Marketing communication is cluttered; emergence of newer media channels
• Growing use of data-based marketing as against general-focus advertising and marketing
• IMC is more cost-effective than mass media
• As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers weave together
multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points.
• Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as
fragmented pieces.
• IMC can be instrumental in creating a seamless purchasing experience that spurs
customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.

Criteria For IMC Program
• Coverage
• Contribution
• Commonality
• Complementarity
• Conformability
• Cost
IMC objectives
Activity Objective
Advertisement (TV, Print, Radio, OOH) Awareness; memorability
Product Trial Product experience; proof of brand promise
Retail (physical & online) merchandising Purchase journey experience
Social Media 2 way communication; sharing; feedback; build community
Events Direct engagement with brand & people around the brand;
build community
Influencer marketing Build credibility & recommendation
Retail store / experience centres Live brand experience; build associations
OEM endorsements Credibility; recommendation

General Marketing Communication Guidelines:
The “Keller Bs”
1. Be analytical: Develop well- 5. Be creative: State your message in a
reasoned communication unique fashion; use alternative
programs. promotions and media to create
2. Be curious: Better understand favorable, strong, and unique brand
customers by using all forms of associations.
research, and always be thinking 6. Be observant: Keep track of
of how you can create added value competition, customers, channel
for consumers. members, and employees through
3. Be single-minded: Focus your monitoring and tracking studies.
message on well-defined target 7. Be patient: Take a long-term view of
markets (less can be more). communication effectiveness to build
4. Be integrative: Reinforce your and manage brand equity.
message through consistency and 8. Be realistic: Understand the
cuing across all communication complexities involved in marketing
options and media. communications.

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