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The Pyramids at Giza in Egypt
The Great Sphinx at Giza in Egypt
Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
The Sahara Desert
the largest desert in the world
Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River
between Zambia and Zimbabwe
The Nile
the longest river on Earth (satellite view)
Cape Town, South Africa, &
Table Mountain (3,558 feet in height)
Lake Tanganyika in
The Great Rift Valley of eastern Africa
(satellite view)
The Kalahari
Desert, a semi-
arid savannah
region in
southern Africa
that is home to
the largest wild
animal reserve in
the world
(satellite view)
The Serengeti Plain in northern Tanzania
and southwestern Kenya
Ruins of the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe
built between 1100 AD and 1450 AD
A beach in Capetown, South Africa
Aerial view of the city of Casablanca, Morocco
Population: 2,949,805 (200,000 more than Chicago)
Campus of Cairo University in Egypt
Student Population: 200,000
A private estate in South Africa
A jungle in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The City of Congo River, a real estate
development in the city of Kinshasa, DRC
(city population: 9,046,000; currently in development)
City of Congo River
architectural rendering
City of Alexandria, Egypt
Evening view of Cairo, Egypt,
including the Tower of Cairo building.
A view of Cairo, Egypt,
population: 17,290,000
The Sahara Desert
3,600,000 square miles (U.S.A. = 3,794,101 square miles)
Jamaa el Fna, a sprawling outdoor market in
Marrakesh, Marocco
Aerial view of Durban, South Africa
including Durban Yacht Harbour
Johannesburg, South Africa
population: 1,009,035
Lagos, Nigeria
population: 7,937,932
Lagos Island Business District
Satellite View of Lake Tanganyika
the worlds 2
largest freshwater lake by volume, located in 4 countries:
Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania and Zambia
The Twin Spiral Monument
located in Yaound, Cameroon, commemorates the independence of
British Cameroon in 1960 and the reunification of British and French Cameroon
in 1972, the year the monument was built.
View of Luanda, the capital city of Angola
In 2011, Luanda was ranked as the most expensive city in the world for visitors and
expatriates to live in, surpassing New York City, London and Tokyo.
The Mombasa Tusks in Mombasa, Kenya (population c. 1 million)
are symbolic representations of entrance into the heart of the city.
The tusks were built to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth
to the (then) town in 1952
The ancient Roman amphitheatre of KOM AL-DIKKA,
dating from the 2
century AD, recently unearthed and restored
in Alexandria, Egypt.
A resort hotel in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, on the tip of the Sinai
Peninsula. This hotel is one of 91 luxury resort hotels in this
city of 35,000.
The slums (also called shanty towns) outside of Capetown,
South Africa. As of 2005, approximately 1 billion people,
1/6 of the worlds population, lives in shanty towns or slums.
Two gorillas fighting. Gorillas live in the wild in certain areas within
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda in
equatorial Africa. These are the only places on Earth where Gorillas
are found living in the wild.
The legendary Djingareyber (Jing-gar-ray-ber) mosque in
Timbuktu, Mali. This giant structure, dating from the
century AD, is made out of wood and mud. The mosque is listed
as one of the United Nations World Heritage Sites.
A satellite view of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, the
largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world.
In surface area, it is the second largest freshwater lake in the world,
second only in size to Lake Superior in the United States.
The Stone Forest on the island of Madagascar,
off the southeastern coast of Africa. This geological formation
has become a major tourist attraction in recent years.
Guinea Fowl, native to sub-Saharan Africa, have been introduced to
many places around the world.

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