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Adele Rolling In The Deep

Luke Tanner & Michaela McCole

This screenshot represents how alone she is as shes sitting in a room by herself singing to herself. This could be
because she doesnt have anyone anymore as she may have lost her boyfriend or someone close. As the room is
quite empty it could show that she is empty inside and alone. Furthermore the lighting resembles the whole scene
and her feeling alone as its dark and dull. The scene is quite plain and could show her feelings.

The story is that she was left alone by someone who we dont know, the story is portrayed through the lyrics and
this scene, as its empty and she is empty.

The effect that this image has on the music video is that it puts a dull perspective on the whole music video and
resembles her feelings and emotions.

Here there isnt any lyrics but when the melody hits you know that its going to be a serious story told and the
mood is very dull from the beat. The beat could also shows her heartbeat, beating fast.
This screenshot represents her empty soul, alone in a dark place with the one initial light resembling thats her only
way out and theres only one light. Also it shows theres only one person in this shot, so shows how she's alone in
her soul and she is the only one there.

The story is that she has been left alone, with only one way out which is the light. Furthermore it shows how cold
she is once she has been left alone in her soul, and shows that her soul is cold and dark.

The effect that this image has on the music video is that it carries on with portraying that she is cold, lonely and

There is no music here but there is a strong beat and could show tension and her heartbeat.
This screenshot represents how shes in a big room and shes the only main thing in there with a few pieces of
furniture. It could show how he moved out and took his things with him and this is all that she is left with from their
relationship. As you can see the room looks like it has been wrecked and could show something that he has done to
her room.

The story is that she could have had it all at one point but then he just took it away from her so suddenly and thats
why she is so torn and upset from it.

The effect that this screenshot has on the music video is that it shows that the lighting is very dim. It follows the
theme of being alone and in deep thought.

The lyrics here are Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark This lyric means she's reaching for her soul
and also the lighting is dark and she's trying to get out the dark.

This screenshot maybe could represent how much tears she has cried over the one person she has lost and because of
how many tears she has cried shes blocked from moving forward as you can see by the glasses.

The story is that she has been torn and hurt and this is her way of getting over him and it shows all the water and the
house has been crying because of the sadness that went on in this house and its also her tears.

The effect this screenshot has on the music video is that you understand the pain that she has been through
throughout this relationship and has left her with just her tears and little furniture.

The lyrics here are Finally I can see you crystal clear and shows the clear crystal water and now she can see him
clearly for who he is and thats why theyve broken up.

This screenshot could show how perfect their world and how perfect their landscape and how its all been crushed
and burned down.

The story behind this screenshot is that he has just ruined their world and he has just ruined their world that could
have been perfect but he ruined it. The sparks could show how they have sparks in their relationship and the smoke
could be trying to hide the pain and suffering.

The effect that this screenshot has on the music video is that towards the end this screenshot shows how they had
everything and now its just gone and carries on with the mood that their relationship is ruined and now cannot be

The lyrics here are We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) shows how she has regret
and she's trying to make him want her back saying that he's lost her now.

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