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Teacher: Maria João Fonseca

Lection year: 2009/2010

Many people think that eating disorders will never affect them, but
sometimes they are wrong.
Eating disorders are diseases that affect those who do not have
good eating habits. People are usually unaware of these diseases.
 There are several types of eating disorders:



Anorexia is an eating disorder in which the obsession of thinness leads one to
resort to strategies for weight loss. The anorexic people have a huge fear of gaining weight
despite being extremely thin. In 90% of cases, this affects women between 12 and 20 years
old. It is a disease that can cause death from malnutrition.
Anorexia is an eating disorder caused by the lack of food. It is a persistent
behaviour that makes a person believe that one has to keep his weight below the levels
expected for one’s height and age, along with a distorted perception about their own body,
which leads a person to think of themselves as "fat". Although people around can notice that
one is underweight, people with such disorder always deny it. Even when they are thin or
very thin, they are always trying to lose more weight.
The causes of anorexia are psychological and mostly are related to problems
of self-esteem:
 People think they are too fat and they decide to stop eating;
 They get depressed;
 They don’t feel good about themselves;
 They are disposed to isolation
 They feel anxious.
Feel depressed
Feel very nervous, claiming about everything
 Sadness
 More isolation
 Extreme tiredness
 Lost of menstruation
Ana Carolina Reston died of
excessive thinness with 40 kgs
at the age of 21.
Victoria Beck
The British sin
ger who beca
me famous as
of the Spice G o ne
irls and is now
married to th
British footba e
ll player Davi
d Beckham, b
to have an ave egan
rsion to food
at the time of
successful pop
Bulimia is a disease similar to anorexia.
The only difference is that in anorexia cases, a person
does not eat, while in bulimia a person eats (for pleasure) but
subsequently causes vomiting due to the feeling of guilt.
The causes and consequences of bulimia are similar to
those of anorexia, so they will not be mentioned.
Alanis Morissette: The Canadian
singer has suffered from anorexia
and bulimia for five years. She
managed to recover thanks to the
therapy sessions.
According to the World Health Organization, obesity is
the excess of body fat with serious consequences for our health.
Obesity is getting more common on young people.
The main treatment for obesity is the reduction of body
fat through diet and fitness increased exercise.  
 Overweight;
 Bad eating;
 Sedentary life;
 No physical exercise;
 Heart diseases;
 Diabetes;
 Cholesterol;
 Arteriosclerosis;
 Cancer;
Diego Armando Maradona
Danny DeVito - Actor
Football player

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