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By Muhammad Abubakar Farooq

Blackbody Radiation
The term black body was introduced by Gustav Kirchhoff
in 1860.
Black-body radiation is also called complete radiation or
temperature radiation or thermal radiation or cavity
It refers to an object or system which absorbs all radiation
incident upon it and re-radiates energy which is
characteristic of this radiating system only, not dependent
upon the type of radiation which is incident upon it.

Blackbody Radiation Level

The radiation level of a blackbody only depends on its
temperature and is well-known through the Plancks law
The amount of radiations emitted in a given frequency
range should be proportional to the number of modes in that
Planck's law states that

I(,T) is the energy per unit time (or the power) radiated per
unit area of emitting surface in the normal direction per unit
solid angle per unit frequency by a black body at
temperature T, also known as spectral radiance.

The radiation
has a specific
Blackbody Radiations and Tem perat
spectrum and intensity that
depends only on the temperature
of the body.
As the temperature decreases,
the peak of the black-body
radiation curve moves to lower
intensities and longer
A black-body at room
temperature appears black but
viewed in the dark at the lowest
just faintly visible temperature,
subjectively appears grey even
though its objective physical
spectrum peaks in the infrared
When it becomes a little hotter, it
appears dull red.
As its temperature increases
further it eventually becomes
blindingly brilliant blue-white.

Applications of Blackbody Radiation

The main applications are of course IR sensors

calibration and their specifications measurement
Blackbodies are also used as optical reference sources
for optical sensors.
Optical Fibre Temperature Sensor are based on the
principle of Blackbody Radiation.

Boltzm anns Statistics

In statistical mechanics, MaxwellBoltzmann statistics describes
the average distribution of non-interacting material particles over
various energy states in thermal equilibrium.
It is applicable when the temperature is high enough or the particle
density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.
MaxwellBoltzmann statistics can be derived in various statistical
mechanical thermodynamic ensembles:
The grand canonical ensemble, exactly.
The canonical ensemble, exactly.
The micro canonical ensemble, but only in the thermodynamic limit.

In each case it is necessary to assume that the particles are noninteracting, and that multiple particles can occupy the same state
and do so independently.

M athem aticalForm

expected number of particles with energy
statistics is

for MaxwellBoltzmann


is the ith energy level

is the number of particles in the set of states with energy

is the degeneracy of energy level i, that is, the number of states with energy
is the chemical potential
T is absolute temperature
N is the total number of particles
Z is the partition function

statistics are used to
relate the relative
population of any two
energy levels which is
used in population

Applications of Boltzm ann Statistics

statistics are used to
derive the Maxwell
distribution (for an
ideal gas of classical
particles in a threedimensional box).
Figure shows the
distribution of particle
speed for 10^6
oxygen particles at
100, 20 and 600
degrees Celsius.

Einsteins Relations and Coef f

cients (A& B)
In 1916, Albert Einstein proposed that there are three processes
occurring in the formation of an atomic spectral line.
The three processes are referred to as spontaneous emission,
stimulated emission, and absorption.
With each is associated an Einstein coefficient which is a measure
of the probability of that particular process occurring by an atom or
These coefficients are called Einsteins Coefficient and the relations
between these coefficients are called Einsteins Relations.
The Einstein A coefficient is related to the rate of spontaneous
emission of light
The Einstein B coefficients are related to the absorption and
stimulated emission of light.

H istoricalContext
In 1916, Einstein considered a gas molecules in thermodynamic
equilibrium with electromagnetic radiation.
By considering two such levels E2 and E1 with E2 > E1, Einstein
postulated that the number of transitions, in time dt, for the higher
energy level E2 to the lower state E1 will consist of two components.
The first component will arise from the spontaneous jump from E 2 to E1. The number
of transitions will be given by the term A21N2dt. The coefficient A21 is related to the
intrinsic probability of the jump and does not depend on the radiation density.
The second component is a result of stimulated emission of radiation. The number of
transitions will be given by B21N2dt, which is proportional to the radiation density. The
presence of this radiation will also induce jumps in the other direction (E 1 to E2), and
the number will be given by B12N1dt, which is again proportional to the radiation

In equilibrium, the number of transitions from level 1 to 2 must be the

same number of transitions from level 2 to 1 i.e.N2(A21 + B21) = N1B12

for we get:

Boltzmann told us that the number of particles in the energy

level will be proportional to the density of states times the
Boltzmann factor:
Using this result for N1 and N2 in the previous result, we get:
From Wien's displacement we conclude that E2-E1 = h. In the
limit as , we expect to reduce to the Rayleigh-Jean's law. If this is
the case, then:

U nits of Einsteins Coef f

Einstein relations:

Connect properties of the atom. Must hold even out of

thermodynamic equilibrium.
Allow determination of all the coefficients given the value of
one of them.

The units of Einsteins A coefficient is

is the transition probability per unit time

The units of Einsteins B coefficients are

sr is solid angle and is dimensionless


Thank You

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