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Languange center

Group 1

Bima taruna sakti
Mohammad Haniif Satrio

Eka yanuardi
Agus yulianto
Novo prayogo

A 25 years old woman presents to the office with a 1-week history of
vaginal discharge. She describes the discharges as being green-yellow in
color with a bad odor. She has never had this type of discharge in the
past. She complains of increased vaginal soreness and discharge after
she has intercourse. She denies any itching, abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting, fever, chills, or sweats. She is currently sexually active and is
using an intrauterine device (IUD) as her contraceptive method. She has
been with one male partner for the past 3 month and he has no
symptoms. She does state that she first had intercourse at age 15 and has
had multiple sexual partners. She had a chlamydial infection 2 years ago
that was treated with oral antibiotics. Her last menstrual period was 2
weeks ago and was normal. She also denies any recent antibiotic
treatment. On examination, she is afebrile, has normal vital signs, and
appears to be in no acute distress. Her general physical examination is
normal. On pelvic examination, she has normal external genitalia. She has
a small amount of frothy, homogenous green-gray discharge at the
introitus. The cervix has a strawberry-red appearance with a slight
amount of discharge
noted in the os. The IUD string is in place.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea specimens are obtained from the os and a
sample of the vaginal discharge is collected for micriscopic evaluation.
Bimanual examination shows no cervical motion tenderness, and a normal
uterus an adnexa.

A 25 years old woman
1-week history of vaginal discharge
Green-yellow in color with a bad odor
Increased vaginal soreness and discharge after she has

She denies any itching, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
fever, chills, or sweats
She is currently sexually active and is using an intrauterine
device (IUD)
She had a chlamydial infection 2 years ago
She has normal external genitalia
She has a small amount of frothy, homogenous green-gray
discharge at the introitus
The cervix has a strawberry-red appearance with a slight

A 25 years old woman presents to the

office with a 1-week history of vaginal

discharge cause Leucorrhea.

Dont know
1 . What is the definition of Leucorrhea?
2 . How the etiology of Leucorrhea?
3 . How the pathophysiology of Leucorrhea?
4 . What about the signs and symptoms of
5 . How the classification of Leucorrhea?
6 . How Leucorrhea prevention ?
7 . How Leucorrhea treatment ?

Fluor albus / leucorrhea / white discharge
frequently encountered problems. Related is a
state of vaginal discharge and/or to time
constraints, resource availability, cervix in
women. Fluor albus can be either . financing
and affordability of treatment physiological or
pathological. Fluor albus was determined as
pathological vaginal.

Vaginal discharge or fluor albus
(leucorrhoea) can be experienced by women
who is less able to maintain the cleanliness of
the skin or clothes, causing the growth of
fungi that can cause vaginal discharge.
Besides the disease can also be caused by
inflammation that occurs in the tubes or
hormonal changes

the usual one being estrogen imbalance. The
amount of discharge may increasw due to vaginal
infection or STDs, and also it may disappear and
reappear from time to time, this discharge can keep
occurring for years in which case it becomes more
yellow and foul smelling; it is usually a nonpathological symptom secondary to inflammatory
conditions of vagina or cervix.
Vaginal discharge is not abnormal, and causes of
change in discharge include infection., malignancy,
and hormonal changes. It is sometimes occurs
before girl has her first period, and is considered a
sogn of puberty

Signs and Symptoms

This disease is marked by the discharge of a
thin white or yellow matter from the womb and
passage thereto, attended likewise with some
degree of foetor, smarting in making water,
pains in the back and loins, loss of appetite,
and atrophy. It is frequently a very troublesome
and obstinate complaint, particularly in women
of a delicate constitution. In some cases the
discharge is of so acrid a nature as to produce
effects on those who are connected with the
woman somewhat similar to venereal matter.


It is an excessive discharge or secretions of a

normal vagina, they are slimy in nature. Here only
the amount of secretion is increased and all the other
nature secretion is the same. Also, any leucocytes,
puss cels, bacteria or blood is not present in the
It is discharge occurring due to disease or
malfunction of the female reproduction tract. It is
alarming sign for requirement of cleanliness and
treatment. The nature of discharge varies from slimy
to thick bloody discharge with foul odour

Prevention of vaginal discharge diseases can be done in various
ways that are essentially always maintain personal hygiene, including
around the vagina into the urethra, here are some ways how to
maintain the health of the vagina:
1. Avoid using antiseptic soap that is hard, but clean the sex organs
by using a cleanser that does not disrupt the stability of the pH
around the vagina.
2. Do not use powder in the vagina for the purpose for vagina smell,
because in general the powder contains fine particles, and will
invite fungus and bacteria attached to the pile of powder
3. before wearing panties, you should dry the first part of the
vagina, so it does not become damp.
4. Should not wear tight panties and moist, and select underwear
made of fabric that absorbs sweat.
5. Use a panty liner when necessary only
6. Often replace the pads when menstruation.

Treatment vaginal discharge caused by Trichomonas vaginalis

(Trichomoniasis). The recommended therapy is metronidazole 2 grams

orally single dose or tinidazole 2 g oral single dose. As for the alternative
regimens can be administered orally 2 x 500 mg metronidazole for seven
days, or tinidazole 2 x (5,18) 500 mg for five days. Metronidazole has
antiparasitic and antimicrobial effects, which are effective against trichomoniasis and some other obligate bacteria. Randomized clinical trials
using metronidazole showed 90-95% cure rate, while the use of tinidazole
provide 86 - 100% cure rate. Provision of therapy in patients and sexual
partners will eliminate the symptoms, healing microbiology and reduced
transmission. Metronidazole gel in the treatment of trichomoniasis is less
effective than oral preparations. Application of topical anti-microbials can
not reach therapeutic levels in the urethra or glans perivaginal, therefore
the use of topical preparations are not recommended. However, in
patients with recurrent trichomoniasis with metronidazole therapy,
additional therapy can be given topical therapy of intra-vaginal
metronidazole 500 mg every night for 3-7 days. Follow-up after therapy is
not needed anymore when it does not have symptoms.
Sexual partners of patients with trichomoniasis should also be treated.
Patients are also advised to abstain from sexual relations until cured
(treatment has been completed and the patient / asymptomatic sexual


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