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The Mirror-Phase and Recognition of

the Other in Jawlenskys 1917 Niobe

Jason Azar
Dr. Schreyach: ARTH 4394

Jawlensky, Womans Face, c.1911

Saviours Face: Beauty, 1921

Mediation on Gold Ground, 1936

Niobe, 1917

My Internal Body, childs art

Ritual Mask from Papua New Guinea

Niobe, 1917

I had realized that great art should only be painted with religious feeling. This
was something I could only convey in the human face.
-letter from Jawlensky to Jan Verkade

The illusion of self-recognition

Every artist works in a tradition. I am Russian born, and as such my heart

and soul have always felt very close to old Russian art, and to Russian
iconsThese arts would set up a holy vibration in my soul, for they spoke
to me in a language of deep spirituality. It was this art that gave me my
-Jawlensky in a request to sell and exhibit his works in Germany

Niobe, 1917

A Russian Orthodox icon, c. 1820.

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