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By: Elizabeth Brown

Brief History
Deadpool is a fictional antihero in American Comic Books that were
published by Marvel Comics
Deadpool began in the comic as a mercenary, in the X-men comics,
however morphed into a major character with a background story and
a very vulgar personality, and appeared in his own comic
Created by: Rob Liefeld (artist) and Fabian Nicieza (writer)
Appeared in his first comic book in 1991, February

Distributed by 20th Century Fox
Produced by Marvel Studios
Deadpool was filmed in Vancouver, in specific spots, such as:
Boundary Bay Regional Airport, The Zone Bowling Center, Richie Bros
Auctioneers Machinery, Crease Clinic etc.
They created the concept of Deadpool in 2009, however, filming
began in May of 2015
Rated: R
Storyline: Wade Wilson, a former Special Forces operative discovers
he has terminal cancer and undergoes a rogue experiment. The
experiment leaves him scarred, deformed, and with healing abilities
that make him basically immortal. Since he has severe scarring, hes
too ashamed to go back to his former life, so he sets out on a mission
of revenge to find the man who made him this way.
The movie is 1 hour and 48 mins. long

Production continued
Budget- 58 million dollars
Stars of the film include
Deadpool- Ryan Reynolds
T.J. Miller- Weasel
Director: Tim Miller
Visual Effects Supervisor: Jonathon Rothbart

Production continued

They promoted Deadpool through:
Holiday marketing- Begun answering questions through teaser
trailers and started on April fools day and answered the question
is it going to be rated PG-13 and showed a brutal scene that
illustrated that it clearly was going to be Rated R
Regional marketing- they targeted specific areas of the world to
try and get their attention as well. Two great example were when
Ryan Reynolds, the actor that played Deadpool, got into costume
to wish the Chinese a happy new year and there was a message
for Australia day for fans in Australia
Social media- Ryan Reynold made jokes about the movie on
several occasion and his humorous personality, as well as many of
the other actors raised a lot of awareness as well

Marketing continued
Gross Annual Profit in theatres:
Opening Night in Theatres:
Opening Night was February 2nd 2016
One the side is an example of one of
the many tweets Ryan Reynolds made
to raise awareness of the film

Marketing continued


Audience and Audience Evolution

Deadpool was originally intended mainly for Marvel lovers, however
because of the violence and how the whole thing is based on him
trying to make himself look better for the love of his life, it attracted
many people who were interested in romance movies and
action/violence/gore movies
Many people watched it just for the romance scenes, others because
it was a Marvel movie, others because of the extreme gore, and the
rest because of the many comedic moments and inappropriate humor
in the film

This movie teams up with a few members from the movie X-men; it
enthralls viewers with a movie not only about Deadpool but also about

Work Cited
Whalen, P. (2008). Digital marketing for Deadpool: How 20th century
fox innovated their marketing strategy. Retrieved September 15,
2016, from
fxguide. (2016, February 15). Deep inside <em>Deadpools</em>
deadliest effects. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from
Deadpool (2016) production details. (2016, May 10). Retrieved
September 15, 2016, from http://

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