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prepared by

haresh bharvadiya

Any data or instruction entered into the computer

is known as INPUT.
An input device helps you to communicate with
the computer.
To enter information and issue commands, you
use input devices.
Examples of input devices:
Digital Camera and Web Camera

The keyboard is the most common and widely used

input device.
It is made up of buttons called 'keys'. The keys are
arranged into sections:
Alphabet keys
Function or F keys (F1, F2, F3)
Numeric keys (one set above the alphabet keys and
a numeric keypad on the right)
Arrow keys
Command keys (insert, delete, home, end, page


A mouse is an input devices that fits

comfortably under the palm of your hand.

A mouse is a pointing device.
We use mouse to control the movement of the
mouse pointer on the screen and to make
selections from the screen.
The bottom of a mouse is flat and contains a
mechanism that detects the movement of a

optical mouse
Mouse in which the ball is replaced by an optical system

(light-emitting diode and sensor); it has no movable

wheel mouse
Mechanical or optical mouse that contains a scroll wheel.
cordless mouse
Mechanical or optical mouse connected to the computer

by infrared or radio signals.

A scanner is a light-sensing input device that

reads printed text and graphics and then

translates the results into a form the
computer can use.
The image or text can be saved or changed on

the computer.

bar code reader

Device that uses an optical scanning process to

decode information contained in bar codes.

optical scanner
Equipment that converts a documents graphics

or texts into digital data.

Optical scanner

Bar code reader

Device that converts electric pulses into

broadcast or recorded sounds.

A microphone allows you to record your voice

to the computer.
It also lets you speak to other people using

computers or even on the telephone.

A microphone is also called a mic.

Web camera
Miniature digital camera used to transmit video

images in real time or for videoconferencing

over the Internet.
digital camcorder
Portable video camera in which the recording

tape is replaced by a processor, which records

and stores sounds and images in digital format.
digital camera
Camera that contains a sensor and a

microprocessor rather than film; it records and

stores images in digital form, which can then be
viewed on a screen.

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