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Types of Purposeful


1. Discriminative Listening
to distinguish auditory and/or visual
basic to all listening purpose
paying attention to the speaker's rate,
volume, pitch and quality of voice
nuances in the speaker's choice of
words or diction and pronunciation and
the non-verbal signals from the speaker
develops through childhood and into

2. Comprehensive Listening
to understand the message
foundation for listening
therapeutically, critically, and
listener aims to wholly understand
what is said

3. Therapeutic Listening
to provide someone the opportunity to
talk through a problem
some consider emphatic listening as
one type of therapeutic listening
listener's point of view is not given
much importance
mainly therapeutic for the speaker
who is able to unload his frustrations
and worries
can also be therapeutic for the listener

4. Critical Listening
listening to evaluate a message
to weigh pros and cons, to accept or
Aristotle gives importance to at least 3
variables to be considered for one to
come up with an informed criticism
a.) ethos - speaker's credibility
b.) logos - logical arguments raised
c.) pathos - emotional appeal of the
argument proposed

5. Appreciative Listening
to obtain enjoyment through the
works and experiences of others
encourages one to enjoy the
not critically asses the meaning
of the message

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