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Skin Disorders

Caused by hormones, medications, diet, and stress
White heads- hair follicle gets plugged with sebum and
dead skin cells, but is covered on the surface by skin
Black heads-same as whitehead only open to the
surface so the oil oxidizes
Cystic acne- develops when oil and bacteria deep
inside a pore spreads, infecting adjoining follicles.
Nodules can harden into deep cysts and may leave deep

Athletes Foot
Athletes Foot- (Tinea pedis)fungus infection
Usually in the skin of the toes
and the soles of feet.
Itching, stinging and burning
between your toes and burning
on the soles of your feet
Itchy blisters,Cracking and
peeling skin.

Stork Bite, Angels Kiss
Congenital (genetic)
blemish or spot on the skin
that can be found anywhere
Visible at birth or soon
Port-Wineis a type of
vascular birth mark.

Boil- bacterial
infection (furuncle) of
the skin.
Produced when
bacteria enters hair a


Carbuncle- bacterial
Similar to a boil
Begins in a hair follicle
and spreads into the
subcutaneous tissue

Cyst- is a closed pocket or pouch
of tissue. It can be filled with air,
fluid, pus, or other material.
Can be found anywhere.
Cause; Tumors, Genetic conditions,
Infections, Chronic inflammatory
conditions, Blockages of ducts in the
body which cause a fluid build-up,
parasite, or an Impact injury that breaks
a vessel.

Causes: Genetics, Abnormal function of the immune
system, Environment, Activities that may cause skin
to be more sensitive, Defects in the skin barrier that
allow moisture out and germs in
Non-contagious skin rash often accompanied by
itching, blistering, and scaling.
Common on hands and feet but can occur anywhere.

Herpes- infectious
disease of the skin of
mouth and lips, caused
by the herpes simplex
virus type 1
Characterized by
recurring formations of
small clusters of

Keloid-Elevated, enlarging
fibrous scar usually initiated by
an injury
Abnormal scar that grows beyond
the boundary of the original site
of a skin injury.
It is a raised and ill defined
growth of skin in the area
anywhere skin is damaged.

Postule- elevated,
pus-filled area
caused by a group A
streptococcus infection.
Can occur anywhere


Scabies of the

Scabies on the Hand

Scabies- disease
resulting from an
infestation of mites
Can occur anywhere

Seborrhea- Hyperactivity of the
sebaceous glands
A common skin problem.
It causes a red, itchy rash and
white scales.
When it affects the scalp, it is
called "dandruff."
It can be on parts of the face as
well, including the folds around
the nose and behind the ears, the
forehead, and the eyebrows and

Wart- flesh-colored,
raised areas caused by
the HPV virus
Most common an
hands and feet


Tissue damage that destroys the protein in

the cell is called a burn.

There are three types

1st degree: involves only the surface
+ 2nd degree: involves the entire epidermis
and possibly part of the dermis
+ 3rd degree: destroys all layers of the skin

How to tell the difference between burn types

1st mild pain, redness, but no blisters.

2nd Some skin function is lost, redness, blister

formation, and pain.

3rd vary in appearance from marble-white to

mahogany colored to charred, dry wounds

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