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Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ Hour_________

1. The unit used to measure the diameter of an atom is an _____________________.

2. The unit used to measure the weight of precious stones is a ______________.

3. Measuring things is how we understand the ______________________.

4. The more we want to know, the more ________________we make.

5. To measure, we project a _______________ on the world.

6. The more carefully we measure, the more ___________________ things fit.

7. A meter first began when the distance from the __________________ to the
______________________ was measured.

8. We use 10s because humans have 10_______________________________.

9. How many centimeters are in a meter?_________________.

10. 1 Liter = 1 _________________.

11. The outside of a hodometer circle equals 1 _______________.

12. To measure area or volume, you only need a measurement of

______________, like a meter.

13. One-tenth by 1/10 by 1/10 equals __________________.

14. One liter of water has a mass of ___________________.

10. What scale has freezing at zero degrees and boiling at 100 degrees?

11. The things we measure most are ________________, ____________________,

______________________, and ______________________________.

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