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English VII

Ernesto: hey Ilse!

Ilse: Hey Ernesto!
Ernesto: Its been ages since i last saw you
Ilse: Yes, I know but we have been so busy.
Ernesto: Yeah, Thats true, but tell me, how are? What have
you done?
Ilse: Well I hev been working, and it hasnt been easy.
Ernesto: What? Why? What happened??
Ilse: Well, i thonk that i have bad luck or something like that
Ernesto: But why? What happened to you?? Are you OK?

to cut
a long
Ilse: Oh!
a long story
a long story short,
i took the busshort
and I arrived late at work. And
the other day i was conned for a man who told me that
he needed money because he had lost his wallet. Of
a sob
course it wasnt
He just wanted my money.
Ernesto: Oh no! What a sob story!
Ilse: Yes I know
Ernesto: I understand how you feel, because I were
conned too and i was so unpleasant.
Ilse: And what happend to you?

Ernesto: In fact, some people make my mother believes

that they have a miraculous medicine, i also believe in
them and at the end like quaks they took my money
and never come back.

cock and bull

Ilse: Oh my god! That was a so unpleasant
story cock and bull


Ernesto: Yes I know

Ilse: I cant believeits
we the
had inofsimilar
our situations.

Ernesto: Yes we had,
its the story of our lives.
Ilse: Yes well I have to go. See you later, take care.
Ernesto: Yeah Ilse, You too! Bye
Ilse: Bye

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