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At the end of this session students will be able
1.Define the meaning of staff development.
2. Explain the importance of staff development.
3.List and Explain the steps of staff development.
4.Discuss JCAHO standards for orientation, training, and
education of staff.
5.Describe different methods used in staff development.
6.Discuss successful coaching techniques.

Every individual is unique and, therefore, will vary in education,
skills, and ability. Skillful nurse managers recognize the importance
of directing their energies toward enhancing the performance of all
employees. Each employee situation is different. The individual
situation, as well as organizational goals and objectives, determines
the type of intervention strategy the manager can use to assist in
employee development.

1. staff development.:

Is the process of enhancing staff

performance with specific learning

2. the importance of staff development:


3. steps of staff development:

Staff development steps:




3.List and Explain the steps of staff

a. Needs assessment:
The first step in staff development is a needs assessment for an
educational program. Needs assessment an evaluation of learning
needs in a select population.
Health care organizations must justify how an educational activity
can achieve an organizational goal, such as better patient care,
reduced operating costs, or more efficient or satisfied personnel. Staff
development specialists and managers can identify learning needs
through a variety of strategies: checklist, advisory groups, quality
improvement data, professional standards, and group brainstorming.

Some educational programs are dictated by federal, state, or local

regulation. Among these mandatory classes are the following:

Infection control
Employee fire and patient safety
Quality assurance/quality improvement
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
handling of hazardous materials

b. Planning
After needs have been determined, the next step to plan staff
development programs. Planning is identifying learner objectives and
matching them with educational methods. Learner objectives, like
client outcomes, should be specific, measurable statements about
desired behaviors skill, or knowledge to be acquired within a specific
time frame. The strategy used to affect the desired outcomes should be
based on leaning needs, the employee, and available resources.
Nurse mangers have a variety of resources at their disposal. The staff
development or education department may use a variety of media such
as closed-circuit television, online computer instruction, satellite
programs, competency-based programs, self study, and traditional
didactic programs. Other alternatives are using experienced staff
members as teachers preceptors, or monitors; unit based educators; or
off-site continuing education programs.

c. Implementation:
Is the gathering together of educators, learners, and the materials and
methods needed. Although most staff development is carried out by the
staff development or education department, staff development is also a
unit responsibility.
Orientation: is a process by which staff development personnel and
managers ease a new employee into the organization by providing
relevant information. Orientation is a joint responsibility of both of
the organizations staff development personnel and the nursing
getting an employee started in the right way is very important. Among
other things, a well-planned orientation reduces the anxiety that new
employees feel when beginning the job.

The development staff should provide information involving matters

that are organization-wide in nature and relevant to all new employee
such as :
1. Benefits
2. Mission
3. Governance
4. General policies and procedures
5. Safety
6. Quality improvement
7. Infection control
8. Common equipment

Preceptor: an experienced individual who assists new employees in

acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to function effectively in
a new environment.
New nurses may need to use their preceptors as counselors as they
make their transition to the unit. The preceptor also serves as a staff
nurse role model demonstrating work-related tasks, how to set
priorities, solve problems and make decisions, manage time, delegate
tasks, and interact with others.

d. Evaluation
Is an investigating process to determine whether the education was
cost-effective, the objective was achieved, and learning was applied to
the job. The purpose of evolution is to determine whether the
educational program has a positive effect on day-to-day operating
program and to identify elements of the program that need
Four evaluation criteria should be used :
1. Learner reaction.
2. Learning
3. Behavior change
4. Organizational impact

4.JCAHO standards for orientation, training,

and education of staff.

Organization-wide orientation to include:

Mission, governance, policies and procedures .Infection control plan
and individuals role. Available employee health services. Safety
management program and individual role.

5.Describe different methods used in

staff development.

6.Discuss successful coaching techniques.

clinical evaluation is important to both patients safety and
students skill and confidence. Good practice includes
multidimensional evaluation with diverse evaluation methods
completed over time, seeking student growth.


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