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True colors

Discover your personality

By Dominik Knueppel

My true color

My color is orange which means I dont like rules I'm creative

and also competitive, the reason why I'm orange is because
those descriptions match me perfectly

Likes the rules a lot. The opposite of orange. Very organized

always prepared. Goal oriented. Likes respect. My mom is
gold because she likes rules, she's very prepared.

Gold description.

Blue description

Very caring, emotional. Gets super happy for others, cares for
everyone. My friend Broder is blue because he fits that


A green loves research, is a bookworm. Works best

independently. They are innovative and logical, and want to

understand the world. My brother Patrick is a blue and he also
does this.

Hate rules, dont get along with golds. Very very very
creative, a bit wild.
Very competitive works better with other oranges

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