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What is your true color?

My true color is orange. And that means that I and anybody
who is orange is
-Risk taker
-Loves to have fun
-Likes competitions
-Learns by doing and experiencing
Most kids are orange however, not many adults are. I think that I
am an orange because I like adventures and competition.
Oranges dont usually get along very well with golds. Also I think
that my sister is an orange because she is very daring.


If you are a gold than you

-Like Traditions
-Loves order and orderly routines
-Hard worker
-Likes team works and efforts
Gold is another color that you can get. And some people
that I know that are gold are, my friend Sydney is a gold I
can tell by her personality and she took this test and go

If you are green than
-You are work better independently
-A questioner
-Needs a challenge
-Wants to make a difference
-Experiences deep feelings
Green is another color that you can get on your color test.
Some of my classmates are green. And I think that green can
get along with blues.


If you are a blue than you

-Amazingly Imaginative
-Able to see the good in people
-Everything you do is harmonized
-To them honesty is the best policy
-Appreciates open communications
Blue is the last color that you can get on your color test.
Blues are often very nice and kind to others. I think that
my grandmother is a blue because she is a very caring.

Try it for yourself

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