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Shark Finning is a huge Problem

What is

Finning is
the process
of cutting
the fins off
the sharks.

The process of shark finning starts like this:

1. The fishermen starts fishing

for sharks
2. After one is fished, the
fishermen tie it up
3. They start to cut off their
4. After the fins are cut off, the
fishermen throw the shark
back into the sea
5. The shark then dies in the

An estimated 100 million

sharks are killed every
year around the world for
their fins only.

populations have
also decreased
by 60%...

to 90%! In
just the last
15 years
because of
shark fin

These are a few

pictures of
fishermen removing
the fins off of the

So how to stop
Shark Finning?
Well there are some ways

Most importantly, dont eat

shark fin soup!
Talk to your friends about
shark fin soup tell them to not
eat it.
Dont patronize restaurants
that serve the dish.

If you live near a restaurant that
serves shark fin soup.. to the owner
about the effects and
unpleasant things of
shark finning and
politely ask them to
consider removing
shark fin soup from the

Another way by
stopping Shark
Finning is
Banning. Its a
simple strategy!

Shark Finning
can easily be
stopped by

Some countries
all around the
world, have
banned shark
finning like:

South Africa
and many more.

Some other countries like the

United Kingdom have only
banned the removal of shark
fins, not sharks itself.

In conclusion, try and put an end
on shark finning with anything
you think that is best!

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