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The Chronicles of Mad Men

Chapter 1: Foundations of an Empire

Robert Wereshire's yacht was destroyed in an explosion in order to fake his death.
He then retreated to World's Edge, a backwater island which he has grand plans for...
On the other side of the planet from World's Edge island, a fearful slowly knocks on his boss' door, “Sir, it's
Blue, I have some bad news...” A deep, masculine voice yelled inside the office, “Come in, come in, there's just enough
time to talk before my phone call to the Wereshire clients.”
Blue hesitated for a moment before entering his boss' office and declaring, “Sir, Wereshire got away...” Blue
paused, waiting for an angry reprimand from his boss, but received only silence. He suddenly wasn't sure which was
worse, yelling or silence, as he continued, “Wereshire's yacht exploded and killed White and Black. The search teams
found no other bodies.”
Blue's boss sighed and decided to stand instead of sit, “I figured he'd get away.” Blue was shocked by his
boss' indifference to Wereshire's escape, “But we sent in two of our best, knowing he'd get away? White and Black,
killed for nothing?”
The Boss approached the office's window and looked out at the skyscraper across the street, “No, you idiot.
Black and White were necessary sacrifices. We're playing a very dangerous game of chess against Wereshire, and
occasionally pieces must be lost to win the game. Wereshire thinks he's safe on his little island...”
Blue was suddenly a little suspicious his boss knew more than he was telling, “His little island, Sir?” His
boss nodded, “A little backwater island called World's Edge. Wereshire thinks it to be a bastion of safety. Now, get out
of my office and send spies, not assassins, to World's Edge. We want to keep an eye on him for now. If you'll excuse
me, I have a call to make to the Wereshire clients.”

Blue bowed and left quickly, more curious than ever about his new boss, The guy appears, replaces Michael,
and suddenly knows so much about Wereshire? Something is up... Maybe Wereshire has infiltrated us...
Back on World's Edge, Robert Wereshire was digging frantically, “Where is it? Where the hell is it? I knew I
buried that treasure somewhere around here all those years ago for just such a situation as this...”
An island paperboy walked by, “Do you need some assistance, sir? You look like you're not used to hard
work...” Wereshire growled at the boy, “Scram kid, I don't need help. It's my treasure you greedy, snot-nosed brat!
Mine!” The paperboy was annoyed by Wereshire's hostility as he said as he walked away, “I was just offering to help,
you crazy bastard. Searching for buried treasure, how stupid.”
A Gardening Club member hovered over Wereshire for a few minutes, silent. Robert endured her presence
while he dug, but eventually he could no longer ignore the freakish stalker, “What the hell do you want, old hag? Can't
you see I'm digging here?” The lady was unmoved by Wereshire's insult, “I see you've got an orchard tree over there.
Would you be interested in joining the Garden Club?” Wereshire growled a little before saying, “No. I am not joining
your ridiculous Garden Club. What is that supposed to be? The Association of Wannabe Farmers?”
The old woman simply walked away, still unmoved by Wereshire's constant insults, causing Wereshire to
think, Wow, this island is full of freaks isn't it? No one ignores me except here...
A few minutes later, the old woman returned to Wereshire's side as he bent down to inspect the ground for
signs of his treasure, “Your orange tree needs to be sprayed with pesticides, there are bugs all over it.” It took all of
Robert's discipline to contain his anger, “I realize that. You know, the buzzing totally wasn't an obvious give away that
my tree has an infestation of bugs. Now get off my property already.”
The Garden Club representative left a few minutes later, leaving Wereshire to take care of his orange tree, “It
would suck to have to deal with freaks like that, 24/7, wouldn't it, tree? Having them touch all over you and spray you
with unknown chemicals, and then steal your babies. Oh well, at least she's gone.”
Hours passed and Wereshire still had yet to find his treasure as a welcoming committee arrived to greet the
rare new resident, Great, more uncivilized freaks. Wait... There's a hot one with them. Time to turn the Wereshire charm
The horrifically ugly redheaded man first tried to greet Wereshire, “Hello mister, and welcome to World's
Edge. You're the first new resident in years!” But Wereshire wasn't listening. Instead, he was looking over the man's
shoulder, “Yeah, yeah. New resident and all that stuff. Reddy, get off my property. Your friend can stay though...”
Wereshire quickly made his approach, “Hello, hello, what's your name, baby?” The woman replied, “La
Shawn Cameron, yours?” Robert moved closer, “Robert Wereshire, but everyone calls me Wereshire. You, however,
can call me Mister Wereshire.” La Shawn raised an eyebrow, “Uh... Okay... Oh, wait, you're the one everyone has been
bad mouthing. The 'Crazy bastard digging for non-existent treasure,' right?”

For a moment, Wereshire's face showed anger, “It's real, damn it! I buried it myself! Oh, um, eh-hem... It's
quite real baby, as real as some of my other packages. Would you like to see my other packages? We'll just relax on
the bed an- damn forgot I don't have a bed yet. Well I'll find that treasure and buy us a bed, you'll just have to wait a
little while...” La Shawn smiled a bit at Wereshire's dumb attempt to hit on her, but said, “Sure. I haven't been
propositioned in ages... I swear the people on this island have zero libido.”
Wereshire grinned, “Hey, maybe you islanders aren't as crazy as I thought. Definitely not you, babe, you're
too hot to be insane.” Wereshire tried to ignore his previous batshit insane conquests, the ones that ended up stalking
him that he had shipped to other continents. La Shawn swooned a little bit, possibly from island heat, “Hmm, I heard
you're rich. So rich and sexy, I like that.” Robert made an 'umm' sound and then said, “Yes I'm incredibly rich. I just dig
for treasure for fun. Totally.”
Cameron settled down for a moment, “Wait so you're not rich?” Robert shrugged, “In a way, yes. I just don't
have a lot of cash on hand right now, thus the lack of any house. I'll be filthy rich soon though, and ruler of this island.
How'd you like to be my Queen?” Cameron smiled at this, “That'd be freakin' great. I'd love bossing these fools
The two shook hands as Robert said, “Well then, I suppose it's a date. I'll call you sometime, babe, but I
really have to get back to digging for my treasure.” Cameron smiled mischievously, “Maybe you'd like to dig around in
me for treasure sometime?” Wereshire paused for a moment before saying, “Uh, yeah, sure, whatever you want to call
it, babe. Bye now.”
Wereshire chose a new spot and started digging, unfortunately well aware of the strange man watching him.
The unusual fellow thought to himself, Mmm. Look at those muscles. I'd like a piece of that... Robert did his best to
ignore the gawker, but eventually he just yelled, “Get off my property, damn it, don't you islanders understand what No
Trespassing means?!” The man left, but not before stealing a few more looks at Robert.
La Shawn Cameron walked by to catch a glimpse of Wereshire who had finally found his treasure and bought
some actual furniture, “Why hasn't he called me yet? He has a bed now... Doesn't he want to make use of it? Well, I'll
just call him when I get home, no worries...”
Once the Sun had set, Cameron called as Wereshire slept, “Hello? Who is this? ... Oh, hey, baby, you
understand I said I'd call you, not you call me, right? … Oh, um, you saw the bed? … We'll go out sometime, sure...
Okay bye.” Wereshire quickly hung up and made a mental note to avoid this new stalker at all costs.
With the sale of Wereshire's treasure, Robert finally had the money to buy a small lot and open a business,
“Yes, tell everyone Wereshire's Retail is opening! The first real business this island has probably ever had...”
The first thing Robert received was the ever-annoying Customers Who Complain And Buy Nothing, “I'm
sorry mam but you won't buy anything and you complain when I try to show you stuff, so why are you even here?” Ms.
Complain replied, “I'm here to whine and loiter, of course! Taking up space is what I do.”
Despite the annoying customers, Wereshire always knew business provided two things: tons of money, and
the opportunity to meet dozens of attractive young women, “Bow chicka bow wow, blondie, why don't you stay after
the business closes and we can try out my newest bed? It's quite comfortable.” The blond woman groaned but smiled
as she said, “Oh but I have an appointment elsewhere, sorry Mr. Wereshire, maybe another time?” Wereshire
shrugged, “Any time is good, baby, just drop by.”
And then there were the occasional reporters, which always brought in extra customers, “Hello, hello,
welcome to Wereshire's Retail, where we pamper all our attractive guests despite the lack of walls or roofing!”
Wereshire quickly homed in on the reporter, “So, baby, tell me, since I totally don't know you're a reporter,
would you like to come towards the back of the store with me? I bet your job is stressful, maybe you'd like a massage
or maybe something more intimate? I can provide many services, free of charge for you, sexy.”
A customer suddenly caught Wereshire's attention, just before the reporter announced, “Okay I'm giving you
the Best of the Best Award, just please stop hitting on me... Are you even listening to me?” But Wereshire was in a
different world, “Yes sir, why this TV is great! It's below average price! Sure, you might not have electricity on this
island yet, but I'll take care of that too! You'll just have to pay me for the TV, for Cable, for electricity...”
Soon, Wereshire's Retail was flooded with customers, “Oh wow. Maybe it's time to expand, they're buying
everything before I can replace it...”
Wereshire being the supposed cavanova of the island, Sandy Bruty couldn't resist moving in, “So, if I buy a
TV and a Stereo, will you provide me with the special services you offer?” Robert paused for a moment, and tried to
think of a way to shake fishlips off, “Oh, uh, you have to buy twenty TV's and Stereos for those special services.” Bruty
got out her money, and counted it, “Okay here's enough...” Wereshire panicked for a moment but then had a bright
idea, “Oh I'm sorry, we only offer those services during a specific time of day which happens to not be right now!”

Bruty raised an eyebrow, “Well, can you tell me what time of day do you offer your services?” Wereshire
suddenly looked around at the mountains behind Bruty, “Uh, no. It's a secret. And you can't just hang around all day
and wait for the right time. Sorry. But you can buy more stuff at any time!”
It wasn't long before Wereshire had managed to work his natural 'charm' into his ability to sell assorted
random items, “You need this TV, my good man! Why, it's so stylish, just like your uh... nose... and eyes... and freakish
hair. This TV wants you to buy it, you two are so alike!”
The man raised his arms into the sky, “Yes, yes, yes! I knew I had a friend somewhere! Come on TV, let's go
watch static together and I'll push popcorn on your screen!” Wereshire tried to ignore the unusual level of crazy that
seemed to radiate off the island as he rung up the man with eyebrows a different color than his hair.
Wereshire's Retail was doing so well that Robert had to often close the business just to restock, “Man, I
really could use some help running the store... but I don't want to pay anyone... Wait, I've got it! Husbands don't pay
their wives, I'll just get one of those. Piece of cake...”
In the meantime, Wereshire relied upon Energizers to keep him able to Dazzle the customers towards the
prized Rank 10 all businesses seek to reach
Bruty wouldn't give up and kept returning, “Oh, Mister Wereshire, won't you service me this night?”
Wereshire quickly pointed to the sky, “When the galaxy aligns with our star, baby, then maybe it'll happen. Until then,
you'll just have to buy more stuff! I swear, if you just keep buying and buying, Sandy, then I'll service you!” Sandy
cheered inwardly, completely oblivious to Robert's lie, “Yeah! I'll buy this TV then!”
Wereshire smiled for a moment and then caught a glimpse of Sandy's fish lips, and choked for a moment
before saying with a forced grin, “Of course, this TV, and the five before it, are great for you! Their uh... wide screens
match your uh... wide mouth! Perfect, see!? Just please buy the TV and leave, okay?”
Once Sandy Bruty had left and Robert had closed the business to restock once more, he noticed Ivy Copur
loitering even though the shop had been closed, and moved in quickly, “Hello, Miss Copur, interesting that you're on
my lot after hours... Are you looking for anything specific I might be able to help you with? Maybe something not
electronic, but biological?” Shy Ivy just giggled a little, “Um... perhaps. I've uh... seen you around a little bit. Did you
notice me, Mister Wereshire?”
Wereshire quickly took Ivy's hand and kissed it before saying, “Please, Ivy, call me Robert. Everyone close
to me does...” Ivy giggled again and smiled, “Sandy said you were such a gentleman, she's totally right...” Robert
shivered a little at the mention of Sandy Bruty, “Oh, did she now? Well I'm much more of a gentleman when it comes to
such an attractive lady as yourself...”
Suddenly, Robert had pulled Ivy and they'd begun to dance slowly in the rain as Wereshire said, “Isn't this
romantic? It's almost like that movie... well, you probably haven't seen it, you live out here on this island without
contact to the outer world. Anyway, the rain is definitely making you look much more attractive... Maybe you want to
get a bit closer, baby?” Ivy narrowed her eyes and smiled mischievously, “Mmm, you bet.”
A few short hours later, Ivy found herself exploring the dark depths beneath the covers with Robert.
After the deed had been done, repeatedly done, Ivy looked at Robert with a pained expression on her face,
“Robert... I have a question for you...” Robert blinked, “Sure, babe, anything.” Ivy slowly looked up at Robert, unsure
how he'd react, “Am I just another notch on your belt of lovers?”
Robert leaned in quickly and put his arm around Ivy, “Of course not, babe. I've only known you for a few
hours, but it feels like such a long time...” Ivy wasn't entirely convinced yet, “Really? You really mean it, Robert?”
Robert smiled widely as he held Ivy's hand, “Ivy, I really love you, and I don't say that kind of thing lightly.
Sure, I might have a few other distractions here and there, that's just sort of me, but you're different, honest.” Ivy
smiled but still wasn't entirely sure Robert just wasn't working his romantic charm on her, “Prove it babe. Propose to
me, here, and now, as that Good Witch has cleared the skies of rain clouds and brought the Sun's light down upon us.”
Robert quickly fell to his knee and reached into his non-existent pocket, “Ivy Copur, I've known you for less
than a day, yet I feel closer to you than I've ever been to any other woman.” Ivy patiently waited, savoring the moment
and smiling more than she'd ever smiled before, “Oh, Robert, I can't believe it's true...”
An instant later, Robert produced the box and revealed their engagement ring, “Marry me, Ivy Copur, and
become Ivy Copur Wereshire. Bear my children, stand by me in luxury, and become Ivy Copur Wereshire!” Ivy felt like
fainting for a moment before taking the ring, “Hell freakin' yes I'll marry you!”
Ivy leaped onto Robert and they embraced, Robert completely without fear of engagement or marriage oddly
enough, “We'll get married when I get home, baby.” Ivy held onto Robert, fearful he might suddenly ask for his ring
back, knowing what kind of Sim he was, “Great, Robert.”
And for a moment, Robert panicked and thought of doing just that, but he relented and said with a smile, “I'll
see you soon, Mrs. Wereshire.” Ivy sighed at the departure and left the lot, leaving Wereshire to his own thoughts, Holy
crap. Did I just get out-manipulated?! Whatever, I am starting to age... suppose it's time to have a family...
Wereshire minded the store for a little while longer, but it didn't take until the products were once more
bought before Robert could restock them, “Man, this is getting a little annoying. I really need some help now...”
In a moment of weakness, after closing the store, Wereshire called to find out what kind of talent the island
had to offer, even if he wasn't going to actually hire anyone. He shortly discovered there was jack squat in terms of
badge skills in the local unemployed population.
Robert was thoroughly annoyed, “Maybe I should've checked that was a single person on this island with at
least a silver badge in something. Ugh. I guess these islanders really are completely uncivilized and unskilled.”
Robert returned home quickly and found Ivy had been waiting for him. They quickly started the small, private
ceremony, unusual for someone as outgoing as Robert, “Ivy Copur, if you'll have me and be Ivy Wereshire, I'll be the
happiest man in the world...”
Ivy slipped her ring onto Robert's finger as well, “Of course, Robert. I'm no longer Ivy Copur, but Ivy
Wereshire. Now let's kiss and get cracking on that family!”
And so they kissed, sealing their union, Robert and Ivy Wereshire, both hoping that neither would do
something stupid to muck up the marriage. Robert, however, was surprised at how well he was taking the situation,
and not fearing his relationship to Ivy.
Not too later, a little one was on the way after they'd consummated their marriage, a fact Ivy felt in her heart,
but was unsure of whether or not to tell Robert, What if he doesn't take it well... leaves me with the child? That would
be horrible... I have to wait, just a little while.
Robert informed Ivy of the family's principle of never holding a boring, regular job, and instead always being
their own bosses. It was something Ivy liked, the ability to stay home and learn and read like crazy without worrying
about work. Plus, she knew she'd be able to care for their child, “Yeah, sorry guys, I have to quit. See, my husband
doesn't approve of 'Commoner's Work' as he calls it. See you later sometime, maybe.”
Robert was delighted to discover Ivy had a gold badge in cashiering, and quickly brought her to the store to
help run it. With her help, they were able to operate longer, but she did manage to start a fire while cooking them lunch,
“Honey, we're trying to run a business here. Not commit arson. I'd love if you could, you know, refrain from burning the
place down.”
It wasn't too long before that man of men and horrible clothing appeared, Goopy Gilscarbo, “Hello Goopy,
hello! Are you here to buy an item?” Goopy looked around the store, “Uh... Not particularly... It's a bit drafty out here,
isn't it? My legs are a little cold.” Wereshire muttered something along the lines of, “Then don't wear such stupid
Robert quickly worked his charm, “Bullhocky, I won't let you leave without one of my fabulous TVs! They're
just as fabulous as your clothing, Goopster! You simply must have one, don't you think? The color of the wood
matches your mismatched clothing!” Goopy gasped, “Really?! No one has ever told me anything matches me!”
Robert pulled back suddenly but kept a smile on his face, “Oh, is that so? Maybe they're right... I mean
they're completely wrong! This TV is the only TV that matches you! You'd be nuts to not buy it! Those shorts combined
with that shirt... well, that doesn't quite equal anything, but man oh man is this TV great! It totally completes your
Goopy shook Wereshire's hand strongly, “Mister Wereshire, you've got yourself one sold TV!” Robert smiled
and said, “Thank you, thank you, now please release your sweaty hand from mine. I have to go wash my hands now
and attend to other customers.”
The blond man looked over slightly, “Uh, sir, why are you looking at me?” Wereshire coughed and looked
around, “It's just uh... your face. It's so... odd. And ugly. Hard to look away. Like looking at something really horrible
and thinking 'Wow that's really gross' and yet you can't look away.” The blond man growled, “Ass hole,” yet still
bought a TV.
Robert eventually hired someone just short of enough badge points to become a manager, and trained her
on the cash register until she was ready, “Hey, Chalmers, I think you've got what it takes to be the manager of
Wereshire's Retail. Besides the fact that I'm banging you, of course.” Chalmers gasped, “Really Mister Wereshire?! I
don't have to keep doing you-know-what to keep my job?!”
Robert snorted, “Hah, I'm still going to be screwing you, of course. We're just not going to be mixing
business and pleasure so much now. I'll just drop by occasionally for a little pick-me-up if you know what I mean.”
Katy thought for a while, “Sure, Mister Wereshire, anything. This is great, I won't let you down!” Robert smiled and
said, “I know you won't, it's a Rank 10 business, so you better not,” before he strolled off the lot and went back home.
A day later, after Chalmers had started sending in the money, Wereshire realized that the business wasn't
making as much money as expected. Suddenly, Ivy pulled him to the table, saying something about how she had an
important announcement, “Don't worry honey, I know the business isn't making as much money as it should, but I've
still got two more ideas!”
Ivy looked at the wall over Robert's shoulder, “That's not exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, honey.
It's more important than money...”
Robert blinked and turned his head slightly, “More important than money? Like what?” Ivy made a few hand
gestures before she finally said, “Robert, I'm pregnant. I think our baby is more important than money, honey.”
Robert locked up for a moment, causing Ivy to say, “Speak to me baby, say something... Anything...” After a
few more seconds, Robert finally found his voice, “O-O-Okay... g-great. That's wonderful. I'm going to be a father...”
Ivy looked closely at Robert, “You're completely okay with this, babe?” Wereshire quickly threw on a smile,
“It's great, Ivy. We've got a child or maybe two on the way, and I'll finally have an heir to the family fortune. You know,
just in case I perish suddenly for unknown reasons. We'll raise him or her or them as well as we can.” Ivy smiled and
began to speak, but Robert suddenly said, “Now, about my ideas...”
Ivy stayed quiet for a moment, figuring it was best to just let Robert talk, “Okay so, see, it might involve just
a little bit of forced labor and farming... Are you okay with that, Ivy?” Ivy thought about it for a moment before deciding,
“Uh, is that necessary, Robert? Slavery? Really?” Robert nodded furiously, “It's not slavery if you take good care of
your servants! They won't need to eat or anything. They'll just tend the farm 24/7. Trust me on this, babe, it'll work out.”
Ivy took what was apparently her chance to talk to say, “Now that I've heard your idea, lets talk about the fact
that I'm pregnant, Robert. You know, with a child growing inside me. Instead of talking about your ideas, you know?”
Robert paused for a moment before eventually saying, “Of course babe, we'll talk about our baby...”
Ivy was unsettled by Robert's attitude about the subject, “Are you sure you're okay with us starting a family
like we said we would?” Robert opened and closed his mouth a few times before declaring, “Yes. Yes I am. Of course I
am, Ivy. Why wouldn't I be?”
Ivy put on a fake smile but her eyebrows continued to show her concern, “Because... Because I know what
you're like, Robert. You think I don't realize you sleep around on me? This island is small. Word travels fast of the great
Casanova Robert Wereshire.” Robert swallowed and looked at the table, feeling as if Ivy had placed a giant weight on
his chest, “I uh... you... you're not leaving me then? Because I woohoo with other women?” Ivy shook her head, “Babe,
it was hard for me at first, but I understand how you are. It's just part of your personality. The concept of monogamy
just doesn't work for you, and I figured it wouldn't when I married you. Just, please, don't screw anyone when I'm home
or the children are home. I don't want them or myself to walk in on anything...”

Robert looked at the tile wall, “I'm sorry babe... I'll still love our child, honest... I'll do my best to make the
best life possible for it.” Ivy smiled, “I know you will, Robert, you're a softy beneath that jack ass exterior.” Robert
chuckled a bit, “I don't know about that, other people wouldn't agree.”
It wasn't long before Ivy began to show, though the suddenness of the her waist exploding was a bit
shocking. Robert continued to take it well, but he spent most of his time outside, gardening, and pursuing his latest
get-rich-quick scheme.
It wasn't long until Robert felt as if he could hear the plants talking to him, and talk back to them. It was at
that moment that he realized the freakish Garden Club lady might not have been as insane as Robert thought she was.
A few days later, Ivy yelled as loud as she could, “Robert Wereshire, you get your overly zealous gardening
ass inside, NOW! If you don't witness this birth I swear I will tear your cheating body limb from limb!”
Robert was there in a heart beat, “Okay, okay, honey. You don't have to put it so meanly.” Ivy growled at him
as Robert watched, anticipating the coming of his heir.
A few minutes later, a boy was born. Ivy hoisted him into the air as she said, “Robert, isn't he beautiful?
What should we name him?” Robert shrugged, “Yeah I guess if you want to call a boy beautiful. Handsome would be
befitting but anyway... what about Benjamin?” Ivy smiled at the name, “I like it. Oozes talent and intelligence for some
reason. Then you're Benjamin Wereshire, my little sunshine.” Robert tried not to say anything, but couldn't help it,
“Your little sunshine? Maybe a more manly nickname...” Ivy simply glared daggers at Robert and the man quickly
quieted down.
Robert clapped his hands together, “Benjamin Wereshire is great. The heir to our fortune, well, soon-to-be
fortune. I just would prefer not to change any diapers... if that's okay...” Ivy glared at Robert for a few moments before
sighing, “Yeah sure. You've got businesses to run anyway, honey. But I'm not your trophy wife.” Robert quickly
agreed, “Of course babe, you're no trophy wife. I didn't marry you to be one.”
Later, as Robert and Ivy ate dinner, Ivy said, “So, Robert, how is progress on your idea? I don't particularly
understand why we're still living in the equivalent of a trailer despite having a good amount of funds.”
Robert paused as he ate and quickly looked up, “Well, it's going well, I think. I should be close to
transforming already. A few more sprays, that kind of thing... Trust me babe, it'll work out, I promise. Though, I'm
beginning to wonder whether or not it's completely profitable.”
Ivy was slightly concerned that even Robert wasn't entirely sure about this idea, “Is it really necessary to
force people to work without pay?” Robert shrugged, “Babe, once I start on an idea, I have to see it through to the end.
Whether that results in a lot of angry people or what, it really doesn't matter. That's just me, honestly...”
Robert then changed his tone to one of happiness as he smiled instead of frowned, “Don't worry, babe,
everything will work out in the end! Trust me!” Ivy narrowed her eyes for a moment before sighing, “Every time you tell
me to trust you, I feel like you're up to something.”
A few days later, Robert was working in the garden spraying plants when he suddenly smelled a peculiar
smell, “Well that's unusual... I don't remember that smell when I usually spray the plants... It must mean...”
Suddenly, Robert was enveloped in a cloud of pesticides, and began to hack and cough forcefully, “H-here...
it-it comes... I k-knew it...”
Moments later, Robert's hair was replaced with leaves, and his skin had turned green, “Well... this is...
expected, I suppose. It's odd being able to truly hear the plants now. Now, I could really use of a drink... of water I
guess, instead of alcohol.”
When Robert entered his house, he found Ivy at the computer, “Hello, honey. Idea is going smoothly.” Ivy
smiled and laughed a little, “This is your idea? To become a plantsim? What will you do? Enslave your plants?” Robert
kept walking towards the sink, “Not exactly.”
Robert got his drink and returned to the outside, where he thought, Okay, so lets see if I can figure this out.
Think of children, pollen, that kind of thing, and shake the head and...
A few moments later, Robert bent down to hug his female plant baby, “You'll be Fireflower, my little future
slave.” The plant baby only giggled, without any comprehension of what Robert said.
Robert paused for a moment and then began to spawn another plant baby as he said, “Well, if you have one,
you might as well give it a companion, I suppose...”
And so, Snowflower was born as well, another female plantsim. They were shortly placed on a patch of
flowers to provide water, outside to provide sunlight, and with each other to provide love. Robert then built a fence
around them and left them to grow into adults in a few days.
Robert cheerily picked mouthwatering oranges from the family tree, “So, how have things been for you,
Tree?” The tree grumbled, “Robert Wereshire, you should know that you will ultimately pay the price if you enslave
your own children no less. You are upsetting the balance of power on this island. You reap what you sow, Wereshire. ”
Robert finished picking the fruit from the tree, “Oh is that so? That's a bunch of crap. I'll deal with whatever happens,
when it happens.” The tree was slightly agitating by Robert's indifference as it said, “You will create yet more enemies
for yourself, Wereshire!” Robert rolled his eyes and went to tend the other plants.
Robert later invited the freakish Garden Club representative over, “So, I heard you hand out Wishing Wells if
I get a perfect score, yes?” The old woman nodded, “Have you decided to stop insulting me?” Robert snorted, “Don't
ask questions, just inspect the plants.”
A short time later, the Garden Club had delivered a Wishing Well to the Wereshires, a minor gift but still a
versatile one in Robert's mind. Every bit of assistance helped, in his mind.
Robert immediately tried it out, wishing for money and tossing a coin into the well. He received his wish, but
groaned when he discovered the money bag had only 1000 simoleans in it, “Oh well, every bit counts I suppose.”
It wasn't long before it was time for little Benjamin to grow into a toddler, in yet another small ceremony
without a party, “Okay Benny, I'll help you blow out the candles and then you can start learning to talk and walk and be
potty trained and so on...”
Robert chosen an odd place to cheer from, practically hidden by the fridge, as Ivy said, “Hello, Benjamin.
Can you say mommy?” Benjamin shook his head, “Da!” Nevertheless, Ivy smiled, “He said Dad, Robert. Isn't that
great?” From his hidden position, Robert replied, “Yes, wonderful, but he really should learn to say Ma or something.”
Not too long after Benjamin grew up, Fireflower and Snowflower grew up into adults inside their pen. But
they did not simply grow up...
They grew up quite badly, with horrible aspirations. The Gypsy shook her head, “Horrible treatment. Simply
horrible. I cannot believe Mr. Wereshire stands for this.”
The Gypsy had been there to deliver some Plantophic-C, Robert saying, “Thanks, Gypsy, I was growing tired
of this form.” The Gypsy snorted, “You don't understand what you're doing, do you?” Robert rolled his eyes, “Go away
already, I've got the potion.” The Gypsy left as ordered, leaving Robert to take his potion.
Robert quickly took the potion while his other children were still enduring aspiration failures, glad to be rid
of his plant form. The other plantsims were shortly moved to a massive greenhouse where they were put to work
farming the first harvest of eggplants.
Robert shortly pursued his next idea, opening up Wereshire's Casino, where customers payed 999
simoleans per hour to enjoy all the gambling fun they could handle, for as long as they could handle it. “So, boys, are
you all addicted to gambling yet or what,” said Robert. Komei looked at the cards on the poker table, “Possibly,
Wereshire. So, tell me, is Mr. Big Shot Wereshire here to take over the island as everyone says?” Robert shrugged and
smiled, “Sure, and I'll throw anyone of you who disagrees into my jail, once it's built.” The others weren't sure whether
to laugh or stay quiet, so they all nervously chuckled.
As the Casino mostly ran itself, Robert took to other pursuits in his free time, mostly learning to arrange
flowers. While Komei was quoted as saying flowering arranging was a pansy's job, Robert knew the secret truth about
the ultimate flower; the Snapdragon. “Pansy Flower Arrangers” everywhere had practically set up illicit Snapdragon
rings across the planet, surpassing even the Bubble Blower rings. And World's Edge had yet to be introduced to the
ensnaring smell of the Snapdragon, thus Robert knew that he who controlled the Snapdragon supply on World's Edge
would hold a massive amount of power, and Robert was determined to be that man.
Robert also used the excessive free time the Casino afforded him to woo woman after woman...
...after woman...
...after woman.
After a few days of rigorous practice, Robert finally created the first World's Edge Snapdragon, “Hello, my
beauty. Your intoxicating aroma will ensnare hundreds to my Will. Mwhahaahha!! Oh, eh, hem. Right, villainous laugh
not exactly good.”
Robert also discovered that the huge amount of funds the Casino was drawing in let him hire a number of
employees who worked Flower Arranging and Robot Crafting Benches, skilling to reach Gold in their respective
assigned badges. He also discovered the employees didn't mind being told what to wear, as he grabbed a particularly
attractive employee's rear end, he said, “Damn I love being the boss!” The woman simply giggled and said, “Hehe...
Well, Mister Wereshire, you pay me ridiculous amounts of money, you might as well make use of me, if you catch my
The Casino became quite the hotspot of the town, and a nefarious one at that. Wereshire was practically
single-handedly creating a seedy islander underbelly, raking in enormous profits that the islanders could've never
imagined, while also building up a great number of Snapdragons. A few people began to realize Wereshire really
intended to rule the island, through force if need be.
While Benjamin's father spent a good amount of time away from home building the foundations of an empire,
an empire Benjamin would inherit, Robert did manage to spent some time at home, talking to Benjamin. Despite his
romantic inclinations, he did feel love for his child, even if he didn't feel love for his other children.
Benjamin was becoming quite the musical virtuoso, spending much of his free time(which he had a lot of
due to the Snapdragons Robert brought home) playing with his xylophone. Both Ivy and Robert encouraged
Benjamin's musical talents as well.
After having created the Snapdragons, Robert set about working towards a mechanical replica of himself, so
that he might guide his family for all eternity, but not at the cost of being able to exist in the sunlight, “Well on my way
towards creating a Servo... Shouldn't be long now, my little CleanBot.”
Time passed, and Benjamin's next birthday came quickly. Ivy looked over at Robert, “Time sure does seem
to fly, Robert. You've really fixed up the house babe. I guess those ideas came through?” Robert nodded, “Yes...”
However, his mind brought him back to the enslaved plantsims, who had yet to bring in the first harvest. Whether or
not the harvest turned out profitable determined whether or not their freedom would be given to them.
Robert and Ivy cheered Benjamin onward, who'd long since learned all his skills and was platinum. He
suddenly lunged into the air in a shower of light...
And came out a child, “Wonderful, now I can truly augment my musical talents. Specifically with the violin, if
you will, Mother and Father?” Ivy and Robert were already a step ahead, and showed him to his room, where a violin
was already waiting.
Benjamin took to it immediately, hurrying to master it as soon as possible and show the world, and his
father, what he could do.
It was Benjamin's first day of school, and he greeted his father as he left, “Hello Father, what is it you're
working on?” Robert looked over at Benjamin for a moment and went back to his work, “I'm working towards creating
an AI, Ben. And you're really wearing that to school?” Benjamin stopped and shrugged, “It's public school, Father.
They don't really care what you wear.” Robert snorted and hit something really hard with a wrench, “Uh huh. We're
getting you into private school immediately. Now then, go enjoy your one day at public school, Benjamin.” Benjamin
said a quick “Yes, Father” before leaving the room to board the bus.
Later that day, the Headmaster arrived and Robert greeted him, then gave him a tour of the house. Once the
tour was over, he said, “So, Headmaster, must I list down everyone you know and have them killed, or is my little
Benjamin going to be accepted to your Private School?” The Headmaster swallowed hard and found sweat rolling
down his neck, “Oh, um, Mister Wereshire... well...”
The Headmaster quickly shook Robert's hand, “Yes, yes of course he's accepted. Just, please, don't hurt
anyone I know. I'll even leave without eating dinner with you.” Robert smiled coolly, “Good choice, good man, good
school. Now get out of my house.” The Headmaster left almost immediately, waiting until he was out the front door to
break out into a sprint to get away.
Benjamin soon found that he had mastered creativity and the violin, “Father must truly appreciate me now, if
I can play the violin as well as the best...!”
The next day, as Benjamin walked from his room to the bus, he declared, “I've master the violin, Father!”
Robert smiled and continued working, “That's wonderful, Benny, have fun at school. I think I'm close to a breakthrough
on the Servo...” Benjamin grumbled as he walked down the stairs, He didn't even look at me.
Benjamin returned home with an A+ report card, “Yes! I have to be noticed now!” He rushed off to tell
Robert, but was shrugged off once more, who was far more concerned with that which would preserve Robert's
personality for the rest of his lineage.
Despite being shrugged off consistently, Benjamin continued to try to show off to his father, even painting a
portrait of him. Robert said that he liked the portrait particularly well as it caught his ingenuity, put it in their bedroom,
and returned to his work. It frustrated Benjamin, but part of him understood Robert's reasons.
And Robert had reasons indeed. The Servo was complete, and needed only be activated by Robert, “Hmm,
let's see. Where's the on switch on this thing...” Robert found it, and the Servo began to activate...
The Servo stood in front of Robert, “Request gender, name, and personality.” Robert pointed to himself,
“You will have my personality!” The Servo scanned Robert, “Done. Gender?” Robert rolled his eyes, “Male, of course.
What else would you be?” The Servo nodded suddenly, “Agreed, male is the best choice. What shall my name be?” At
this, Robert paused, until he declared, “You shall be known as Daniel Wereshire.” Daniel nodded, “That is acceptable.
Shall we play a competitive game of poker?” At this, Robert smiled, “You really are like me!”
Daniel dealed the first round, as Robert said, “So, Daniel, I believe we have business to talk about...”
Daniel finished dealing and said, “Business? Of what sort?” Robert looked at his cards and then brought his
hand to his chin, “You know they say two heads are better than one. With you here, it's as if there are two of me.
Therefore, we are in a better position to do many things. However, I have one particular thing in mind...” Daniel nodded
and looked at his cards, “Ruling the island. Right. So are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
Robert thought for a moment, “Political control? Kingship? Nation-building?” Daniel nodded after a few
moments, “Dead on, my good friend. We're going to build this island into a powerhouse, ruled by you. I, of course, will
be your right-hand man.” Robert chuckled to himself, “We're going to take this island by storm, you and I. Now, back to
our lovely game of poker which you apparently whipping me in, you robotic bastard. Are you cheating somehow?”
Daniel looked at his chips and made a sound of laughter, “I'm a machine, I can predict probabilities better.” Robert
growled to himself, “Remind me to never bet against you...”
Now, for other information... Benjamin's current stats;
Aquarius – 2/1/7/8/10

Curiously, Benjamin fits the plot perfectly. He even got the random event from Private School about winning
a violin contest or some such thing, but he was already maxed Creativity so the extra Creavitiy point didn't matter.
Ivy Copur Wereshire's stats;
Knowledge - Max 7 Skills
Sagittarius - 2/3/9/7/4
Glasses/Hats – Fitness

I've always been fond of Ivy. Robert and Ivy's relationship was total coincidence, the Good Witch casting her
spell to remove the rain and bring out the Sun gave me indications that this was the right Sim. Besides, Robert likes
her too. And she's doesn't actually know Robert sleeps around on her, of course.
Yes, the Headmaster didn't even eat dinner before accepting Benjamin. Robert's business perks of
networking saw to that, with huge Smooze bonuses. The Power Network action pushed the Headmaster over the edge
after a tour of the house, Lobster Thermidor sitting uneaten in the kitchen.

Yes, the plantsims are literally penned inside a greenhouse and farming a harvest of eggplants, out in the
back of the Legacy Lot.

In other news, I've discovered creating stories like this, despite the additional creative freedom, is quite a bit
more taxing. I've spent a solid day or so working on this story, so I hope you like it! Updates will, of course, not be as
fast as with the Lightsmiths. However, look forward to new updates eventually, even if it does take me a week or two to
get one up.

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