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Postindustrial society
Produces knowledge particularly technological knowledge
that can be leased, sold, or used to produced goods, services,
or still more knowledge. Agriculture and manufacturing do not
disappear in a postindustrial society: they are simply made
more efficient through automation and other technological
innovations that allow fewer workers to produce an ever
greater surplus. However, certain industries that still rely
heavily on manual labor, like clothes making or shipbuilding, go
into decline: they can operate more cheaply in less
technologically advanced societies wages are far lower.
Problem of emerging
postindustrial societies
1.Inhabitants of postindustrial societies face problems of
legacy from Industrialism.
2.The search for self_fulfillment in a mass society.
3.Economic Imbalance cause of rapid change.
4.Unprecedented shortages of water, energy, land and
living space.
5.Dilemmas of global interdefendence in an overpopulated
world where despite the affluence of a handful of
technology advanced societies, billions of people are
desperately poor.
Social interaction
Social interaction is the staff of social behavior.Cannot
survive without it.that is why we are always engaged
social interaction whenever or wherever we meet
someone. We talk, smile, laugh, frown, scowl, scream,
or do some other thing to communicate with others,
who in turn , respond in some way. Of course, we do
not say and do the same thing with all kinds of people
or in all sorts of situations. When a young man is with
his parents, he will not till a dirty joke that he might
use to crack up his buddies. We obviously behave
differently with different people or under different
circumstances. They have also discover certain patterns
of behavior in virtually all kinds or social interaction.
Forms of interaction
Exchange, cooperation, competition,
and conflict can be found in all kinds of
social structures families, corporations,
even nations. Exchange and cooperation
usually stabilize the social stractures.
Competations and comflict are more likely
to unsettle it and may lead to social

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