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Lily Searle
Our movie represents age through the use of stereotypes and mis en
scene. For instance, the characters in the film are supposed to be around
the age of thirty, around that age it is not unusual for people to have
respectable dinner parties; in this way we are conforming to the
stereotype of what people in their mid-thirties do. Their age is also shown
in the way they act and present themselves. We break the stereotype by
making them become more un-civilised as the movie goes on as they
panic and stress over the murder; this is similar to how the children act
progressively throughout the novel that is lord of the flies. It should be
interesting for the audience to watch their decline.
Gender is inferred by the use of costume, the girls nearly all wear dresses
which illustrates what society sees as a conventional woman. However,
the colour and style of the dresses dont necessarily follow that, for
instance one of the characters wears a leather jacket which makes her
diverse. The boys wear suit like clothing which makes them follow the
trait of a conventional business men. The gender stereotype that depicts
women as less than men by featuring them as only love interests is not
seen in our movie, it follows the Bechdel Test. Both genders have an
equal screen time and are represented as equal. Our movie un-
conventionally shows the women to be a lot smarter than the men. This is
shown by the fact that you see a woman smiling at the end, this makes it
seem as if she is the killer, and as the killer you have to outsmart people
to not get caught, this makes her cunning.
Class is illustrated in our opening scene as it show the middle/ upper
class and how they behave. It follows the stereotype that the upper class
cant handle themselves under pressure that affects them. Our movie, as
it progresses, shows the upper class as self-centred, this is represented
through the murder and by what is implied by the fortune cards, revenge.
Through the use of bright lighting we make the upper class look vain as
you can clearly see them and this makes it seem as if they are confident
in themselves and have nothing to hide. The lighting will start to get
darker as time goes on to make it seem as if they are counselling
something and as the movie gets darker the lighting will to, this will build

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