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Cells Eukaryotes
From the Greek eu, 'true', and
karyon, 'nut' or 'nucleus' 1 - to those
with a cytoplasm, compartmentalized
by membranes, highlighting the
existence of a differentiated cell
nucleus, limited by a nuclear
envelope, in Which is contained
hereditary material, which includes
DNA and is the basis of inheritance.
Animal eukaryotic cell
Vegetable eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell
Animal cell:
Plant cell: -No cell wall
-Cell wall -It looks like
-It has chloroplasts.
chloroplasts -Some are mobile
containing -They have the ability
chlorophyll. to ingest food
-is immobile
particles, which are
then expressed in the
photosynthesis to inside
produce your own - cellular division
food occurs by constraint
-cellular division of the cell to produce
occurs when a 2 daughter cells.
EUKARYOTIC CELL -They are eubacteria and
-They are fungi, arqueobacteria.
animals, plants and -It has a unicellular
practitioners organization.
-They have -Its size ranges from 0.5
multicellular or to 10 microns.
unicellular -present cell wall.
organization Its size -has organelles and
ranges from 10 to 150 cytoskeleton.
microns -Has a circular
-presents organelles chromosome, dispersed
and cytoskeleton in the cytoplasm.
-He has more than one

RIBOSOMES: They are organelles that we locate free in
the cytoplasm, or anchored in the rough endoplasmic
reticulum system. They are the organelles in charge of
the synthesis of proteins.
ENDOPLASM RETICLE SYSTEM: It is a set of cisterns
or tubules located in the cytoplasm, it has as a function:
it contributes to the mechanical support, facilitates the
cellular exchange of materials with the cytoplasm,
provides a surface for the chemical reactions. It provides
a route for transporting chemicals, serves as a storage
area, together with the Golgi apparatus synthesizes and
packages molecules for export.
Mitochondria: Known as the cell's engines.
Mitochondria absorb sugar and create ATP, the
type of energy that cells need to function. Inside
they contain crests, in it produces the cellular
respiration, necessary for cellular functioning.
Vacuola: Vacuoles secrete waste products from
plant cells and remove salts and other solutes.
Are basically in vegetables and have large size, in
animals are less frequent and have smaller size.
Nucleus: It is the largest component of the
interior of the cell, and its functions are: store,
transcribe and transmit information stored in
DNA. The nucleolus, which are inside the nucleus
is formed by RNA and proteins. Nucleolus proteins
also act to create new ribosomes.
Cell membrane: delimits the cytoplasmic content
of protection and allows the passage of many
substances and prevents the others as it is
selectively permeable.
Cytoskeleton: is a set of filaments of the
cytoplasm that supports the organelles, giving
shape and responsibility for the movement, since
they form the structure of cilia and flagella.
Golgi apparatus: is an organelle present in all
eukaryotic cells. It belongs to the endomembrane
system. It functions as a packing plant, modifying
vesicles of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Within the functions that the Golgi apparatus
possesses are glycosylation of proteins,
glycosylation of lipids, etc.
Exclusive organelles of
plant cells
Cellular wall: You are a protective
cover that surrounds the plasma
membrane and gives shape to the
cell. Its cellular component is
. Chloroplasts: In them
photosynthesis is carried out, a
process in which the energy of light
is used, for the manufacture of
synthesis of sugars
Organelles exclusive to animal
Lysosome: They are spherical sacs
containing digestive enzymes, and
digest organic matter. When the cell
dies, these sacs rupture and the released
enzymes digest the cellular components.
Centrioles: they are a pair of small
cylinders that intervene in the
separation of chromosomes during the
cellular reproduction.
Prokaryotic Cell

A prokaryote is a single-celled
organism that lacks a membrane-
bound nucleus (karyon). The word
prokaryote comes from the Greek
(pro) "before" and
(karyon) "nut or kernel".
Prokaryotes can be divided into two
domains, Archaea and Bacteria. In
contrast, species with nuclei and
organelles are placed in the domain
Cell structures responsible for
protein production.

A gel-like substance composed
mainly of water that also contains
enzymes, salts, cell components,
and various organic molecules
Flagellum (only in some types of
Long, whip-like protrusion that aids
cellular locomotion.

A pilus (Latin for 'hair'; plural : pili) is

a hair like appendage found on the
surface of many bacteria.The terms
pilus and fimbria (Latin for 'fringe';
plural: fimbriae) can be used
interchangeably, although some
Nucleoid researchers reserve the term pilus for
Area of the cytoplasm that containsthe appendage required for bacterial
the single bacterial DNA molecule conjugation. All pili in the latter sense
are primarily composed of pilin
Prokaryotic cells have various shapes; the
four basic shapes of bacteria are

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