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Hoisting System -

Block & Tackle

Adi Putra Pradana, S.T., M.Sc.
Teknik Pemboran 1 UIR
Maret 2017

MSc in Oil and

Gas Engineering
SMA Negeri 5 MLWD Field Engineer (with Distinction)
Pekanbaru (2011-2013) (2015-2016)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Drilling Site Manager

Drilling WO/WS Supervisor
Teknik Industri
Drilling Rig Equipments
Hoisting System
Hoisting System (Block & Tackle)
Hoisting System (Block & Tackle)
Crown Block & Travelling Block
Crown Block & Travelling Block

Contoh Soal
Drilling Line
Drilling Line (Wire rope lay)
Drilling Line (Critical wear points)
Drilling Line
Drilling Line
1. Apabila beban yg diangkat oleh draw work 150.000 lbs
dengan kecepatan 90 ft/menit, effisiensi block
assembly 85% dan effisiensi mekanik draw work
85%,maka berapa input HP draw work yg diperlukan?

2. Diketahui ton mile round trip dari kedalaman A adalah

40 ton mile dan ton mile round trip dari kedalaman B
52 ton mile. Apabila melakukan pemboran dari
kedalaman A sampai B memerlukan waktu 20 jam.
Berapa ton mile yg dialami drilling line untuk member
dari kedalaman A sampai B dengan reaming 1 kali?
Round Trip Ton-Miles Calculation
The formula for round trip ton-miles is listed below;

RTTM = (Wp x D x (Lp + D) + (2 x D) x (2 x Wb + Wc))

x 2000)
RTTM = Round Trip Ton-Miles
Wp = buoyed weight of drill pipe, in lb/ft
D = hole measured depth, in ft
Lp = Average length per stand of drill pipe, in ft
Wb = weight of travelling block, in lb
Wc = buoyed weight of BHA (drill collar + heavy weight drill pipe + BHA) in mud
minus the buoyed weight of the same length of drill pipe, in lb

** If you have BHA (mud motor, MWD, etc) and HWDP, you must add those weight into
calculation as well not just only drill collar weight. **

2000 = number of pounds in one ton

5280 = number of feet in one mile
Round Trip Ton-Miles Calculation
Drilling Line
Drilling Line
1. Sebuah menara dipergunakan untuk mengangkat beban. Apabila 5 buah
roda traveling block di liliti drilling line, sedang berat rangkaian termasuk
berat block assembly adalah 120.000 lbs. Berapa beban yg diderita oleh
masing-masing line pada saat rangkaian pipa diam?

2. Apabila sebuah menara dengan 4 buah roda traveling block di liliti drilling
line sedang menarik beban sebesar berat block 12.000 lbs dan berat drill stem
108.000 lbs, maka berapa tegangan pada fast line saat sedang mencabut pipa
apabila :
- Dinamic factor untuk 4 line = 0,2710
- Dinamic factor untuk 6 line = 0,1882.
- Dinamic factor untuk 8 line = 0,1469

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