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by Sam Naso
As time goes on, vegetarianism is growing in
social normality.
Stereotypes of the common
Vegetarians can often be described as skinny, health conscious hippies.
Theyre known as yoga enthusiasts, animal lovers, and PETA obsessed.
Although these characteristics are not considered negative, they are
definitely over used and limiting to potential vegetarians. Stereotypes
associated with wealth, hobbies and personalities of non meat eaters are
blown out of proportion by those who differ. Anyone can be a vegetarian,
whether it be a millionaire CEO female or a lower class bus driving male. No
matter their favorite pastime, their childhood or their current occupation,
their choices in diet does not affect their life unless they choose to let it.
Although many assume they can recognize a vegetarian based on looks or
personality, the reality is a vegetarian is simply one who does not consume
meat. Whether it be for health, religious, or moral decisions, it is impossible to
decipher a vegetarian from a meat eater simply based off surface level
Disproving the myths
Vegetarianism has become more popular as time
goes on. I believe this is due to the technological age we
live in. As vegetarianism continues to be portrayed in the
media, more are influenced to consider switching to this
Based on twitter polls, many view vegetarians as
wealthier than other due to the fact that they have more
opportunities to choose a more expensive option.
(@samanthanachos. Do you think vegetarians have
higher incomes than non-vegetarians? Twitter, 1 April
2017, 3:06 a.m.)
This theory was disproven by Hal Herzogs graph.
Within this graph, Hal records the percentage of
vegetarians based on income. It is noticed that the
majority of vegetarians come from the lowest of income
Anti-Vegetarian Advertisements

Arbys Vegetarian Veggie Tray Taco

menu Bell Commercial
Meatless in the Media
Influence of
Educational Films in
View Discretion Advised
Growing in Popularity
16 million people in this country do not consume animal
products. 42% of those who do not eat animal products
say were influenced by the media to end their
consummation of meat. This percentage proves just how
influential the media is on society.
Works Cited
Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive at Sanderson Farms Hatchery [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Everything Is Illuminated [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Greenblatt, L. (February 19, 2016). The Vegetarian. Entertainment Weekly, 2016-2.

Herzog, H. (2015, August 24). [Graph]. Retrieved from

HIMYM - Vegan [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Legally Blonde - Elle Woods introduces herself [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Lisa The Vegetarian [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Shark Tale Anchor Scene [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Taco Bell Veggie Tray Pulled Ad [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

That's So Raven S02E02 Don't Have A Cow [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Vegetarian Stereotypes. (2010, May 14). Retrieved from

16 Million People in the US are Now Vegan or Vegetarian! The Raw Food World News. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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