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North Delhi Pvt. Ltd.

Current Status
DVB taken over by NDPL July 1, 2002

Existing Issues: Employees welfare fund
Release of payment of 410,000 from employee welfare
fund or employee fund.
It was paid from company fund and issue settled.
Existing Issues: Uniform
Maintaining Uniform for lower staff and staff unto junior
engineer level was a big challenge
Instead a uniform allowance was settled for.
After negoatiation it was fixed at Rs. 2700 for next thre
e years.
Existing Issues: Promotion
DVB had totally overlooked promotion aspects
Cases of no promotion for past 20 years were revealin
Sardana took the cause personally and got governmen
t support and cleared all 350 cases of time bound pro
motions for DVB scheme employees.
Existing Issues: Employee Discipline
Total 80 cases
Critical 17 and petty cases 67.
Petty cases were disposed off on priority.
The 17 critical cases were taken on case to case basis
Existing Issues: Union issues
DSEWU served just two demand notices
Tow major demands had to be addressed on priority.
Regularisation of work charge staff
Payment of terminal benefits to VRS employees
Work Charge staff given special skill upgradation traini
ng at company cost and inducted on selection basis
VRS employees case lead to agitation by the employe
es against government
Existing Issues: Union issues
An interesting trend set by Management, they joined th
e employees in agitation against employees
Management did not celebrate the raising day, Durga
Puja and Deepawali.
Constant management support and employee agitatio
ns resulted in finally getting the VRS matter settled.
Existing Issues: Success Mantra
NDPL got union cooperation in:
Redeploying Manpower
Building work culture
Cooperation amongst employees
Setting up a Joint Interaction Forum

Interesting the May Day (a general black flag day) was

celebrated as Industry Harmony Day
Joint Interaction Forum
JIF became a critical initiative for smooth functioning at
district and circle levels
Regular JIF meetings were held.
JIFs discussed on enhancing consumer services and a
lso workplace safety, quality and productivity issues.
JIFs were cordial and dignified meetings.
Union leaders were sent to Tata steel plant at Jamshed
pur for understanding union-management cooperation.
The rising
Alternate leader Kuldip Sharma took centre stage
Created disruptions in the smooth management of ND
PL affairs.
Indiscipline and insubordination was on the rise.
To tackle this Abhay Saini was replaced with new HR h
ead with IR background.
An incident were Sardana supported Kuldip to buy pea
ce at the cost of sacking of a probationer lead to further
discipline issues.
Performance Achievements
AT&C losses reduced from 53 to 33.16 percent within 38
percent of takeover.
This translated to revenue gains of Rs. 22 crore.
Sardana passed the benefits to consumers by not implem
enting planned tariff increase
Company secured ISO 9001P2000 certification.
Company got better media response
27th place amongst great places to work in India.
Praise from CM
Challenges Ahead
Countering the Kuldip Dynamics
Getting 100% employee loyalty to NDPL work ethos.
Contractor manpower training

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