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6 E Bthrm Intrr Design

T Fr Yur Home

Easy Nirman
The bathroom n f the mt neglected rm n th house whn
t m to looking its bt, nd t a l whr undubtdl, a
hmwnr nd thr gut wll spend a considerable amount tm.

It is mrtnt t lw maintain th lnln f a bathroom

bu f th nhrnt hlth rk tht m wth having drt
rtrm. However, there r some ntrr dgn t fr th
bathroom tht n mk vn a rtrm a rm t b proud f.

Th room ftn thught f needing t b rtl, rthr than

pretty. Frtuntl, bthrm interior dgn n b ml and l
mrvd un wthut rfng utlt.

Attractive utm trg n help t reduce clutter in ur

bthrm, keeping ur important tltr nd cleaning ul
ntl out of ght.
Easy Nirman
1. Identify and u n space:

Th frt t in rtng a good bthrm t dntf nd use

th open space wisely.

In of powder rm with only a sink nd tlt in thm,

there may not b an lt f space t utlz. D not vr clutter
n of these rm.

Make u of the t drt following a theme r lr.

Mgzn racks, toilet r rll ltn, nd a candle r air
fresheners r l grt ddtn.

Easy Nirman
2. Bthrm Lighting:
There r a wide vrt of light
fxtur vlbl fr the bthrm
nd you can h n for ur
bthrm dndng on th xtng
lght and ventilation.

Consider the z f ur bathroom

bfr u h lght fxtur t.
Smaller bthrm n l r
u wth the u f lght.

Consult n ntrr decorator to

determine the rght lght for ur
Easy Nirman
3. Strg Space n Bthrm:

It g wthut ng that u need

storage n ur bthrm t.

There are a numbr f things mt

l store n their bathrooms
nludng tltr, twl, medicines,
mgzn nd th laundry bkt

If th theme of your bthrm is

mnmlt, a white cupboard wll suit
the vrll look. Hwvr, n
cupboards will lk great in a rustic
tl bathroom. Easy Nirman
4. Glass Shower Enlur:
Thrw ut th brng and blnd bathroom hwr
curtains nd install a new glass hwr nlur. B
rtng a see-through hwr design, you can
accent fxtur nd tl that nrmll would b
hddn b walls r urtn.

And dont wrr about gl shower enclosures

being t see thrugh; m-trnlunt gl dr
rt th ultmt n gl bthrm designs.

It not ll about the nlur; its but whats n

t. Vbrnt tl and flh fixtures rt a look and
fl tht transcends n lr gl nlur. U
tk nd nt lights t nhn th gl hwr
nlur perfectly. Easy Nirman
5. Tl:
Th tl is n just about every bthrm hwr or
tub enclosure. Ud t k water nd mtur
frm entering through the walls, the tl mr
thn just a practical bthrm mtrl.

Th have n aesthetic feature tht mk thm

attractive and drbl in ll r f th
bathroom. From flr t wll to bklh t
vanities, tl can b ud n ll aspects f bthr
m dgn. Bt f ll, tl come n a hug vrt
of lr and styles allowing u t ft any tl
dgn nt ur bthrm dgn d.

The tile doesnt have t be t in the typical

ur on the ur dgn pattern. Brick,
hrrngbn and vrtl dgn methods can
make the n tl dgn nt n artistic
masterpiece. Thrw n unlimited lr fr grut
and youve gt a tl design thats un u Easy Nirman
ur bthrm design.
6. Sft in Dgn:
It mrtnt t ndr ll t of ft, ll n th
bathroom where water and ltrt can m into ntt
wth h other.

Enur tht th ltrl utlt r safe nd nt tnd

close t sources of water. Look out fr ld, damaged outlets,
whh m ld to unfrn dnt t.

Easy Nirman
Thank You

Easy Nirman

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