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Wealth -


45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men

45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Aranarindhu Mooththa Arivutaiyaar Kenmai

Thiranarindhu Therndhu Kolal
Meaning After examining the tenets of
dharma, a person should ,
Seek the friendship of elders in
knowlwdge ,And behave with them
in a manner suitable to them.
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Utranoi Neekki Uraaamai Murkaakkum

Petriyaarp Penik Kolal
Meaning You should seek the friendship of
those elders,Who can protect you
and who can avoid further sorrows
to you.
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Ariyavatru Lellaam Aridhe Periyaaraip

Penith Thamaraak Kolal
Meaning It would be best among all the rare
things that we can posses, If we
make elders friendship by proper
service to them
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Thammir Periyaar Thamaraa Ozhukudhal

Vanmaiyu Lellaan Thalai
Meaning To consider those who are elder to
you in learning as our relations,
And follow them in their path , is
the greatest among all strengths.
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Soozhvaarkan Naaka Ozhukalaan Mannavan

Trans- Soozhvaarai Soozhndhu Kolal
Meaning As a king must use his ministers as
eyes (in managing his kingdom), let
him well examine their character
and qualifications before he engages
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Thakkaa Rinaththanaaith Thaanozhuka Vallaanaich

Trans- Chetraar Seyakkitandha Thil
Meaning To the one who is surrounded by
learned people and who Acts
according to their advice, no enemy
can do any harm.
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Itikkun Thunaiyaarai Yaalvarai Yaare

Ketukkun Thakaimai Yavar
Meaning How can there be enemies who can
trouble that ruler, Who rules with
the help of learned people, who
order them compulsorily
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Itippaarai Illaadha Emaraa Mannan

literation Ketuppaa Rilaanung Ketum

Meaning The king, who is without the guard

of men who can rebuke him, will
perish, even though there be no one
to destroy him
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Mudhalilaarkku Oodhiya Millai Madhalaiyaanjj

Trans- chaarpilaark Killai Nilai
Meaning Those who do not have capital will
not get any income, And like that
those who do not have learned
people as help, The state of peace is
not there.
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men


Trans- Pallaar Pakai Kolalir Paththatuththa Theemaiththe

Nallaar Thotarkai Vital
Meaning Losing the friendship of one
learned-elder does ten times Causes
more harm than than getting
enmity of innumerable people.
Thanthai Periyar
Erode Venkata Ramasamy (17th Sep1879 24th Dec1973)

Indian National Congress in 1919 - resigned in 1925 (Brahminism)

Vaikkam Veerar Kerala (Non Violent agitation).

1904-kasi 1924-vaikom International Travel (1929 32 )

1939 Justice party 1944- Dravidar Kalagam

C. N. Annadurai formed the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (1949)

principles of rationalism, self-respect, womens rights & eradication of caste.

UNESCO described E.V. Ramasamy as "the prophet of the new age, the Socrates
of South East Asia, father of social reform movement.

Age 73 married her assistant

Dravidian country (TN, Andra, Karnataka, Kerala)

Women Empowernment
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