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The Fall of Blackberry

Presented by:
Aisyah Pia
Technology Blackberry did not provide enough high quality application at launch
to excite customers.

Society The consumers care about apps like what Google and Apple provide.
Market BBM users switched to Whatsapp
Did not expand their market to other targeted customers
Organization Blackberry did not think to partner in a strong way with carriers
which result to weak marketing.
Q10 showed a lack of progress in terms of technology (physical
Z10 showed a lack of innovative features (focusing only on the touch
screen to catch up the competitors Iphone.
Group Internal conflict made it difficult to get definitive decision or establish
clear accountability (slow to market and delay in launching) due to its
miscalculations in speed at which the customer market changed.
Individual Lack of creativity by individual
R&D missed to create user friendly blackberry store

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