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My Portfolio

Melanie Sander
Although these pictures
may not be the most
professional in the
conventional sense, they
are what pops up on google
when you enter my name.

They show me in my Melanie Sander

natural element. Teaching
and engaging children.
My Experience that brought
me to Teachers College
Various management/training Owner/Chief Scientist
positions of Blue Beaker Club
What have I learned in
Teachers College that will
make me an excellent
classroom teacher?
Example of a lesson plan
Grade 6 Science Understanding
Structures & Mechanisms Flight Air &
Grade 6 Literacy Standard Standard
Strand: Oral Communication
Grade 6 Math Standards Number Sense
& Numeration Proportional Relationships
Current Trends in Education

My Mission:
To inspire & empower learning for

How will I do that?:

Hands on = Minds on
Why Me?
I know and understand STEM so well, Ive
taught seminars on it.

I am a fastidious planner who believes that

the most fun comes when you are prepared
for it.

I am physically fit and pass on the love of

movement to students.

I am dedicated to teaching children, and

committed to the success of each student
in my classroom.

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